
duo_api_perl - Demonstration client to call Duo API methods
with Perl.
Tested Against Perl Versions:
TLS 1.2 and 1.3 Support
Duo_api_perl uses the Perl SSL modules and OpenSSL for TLS operations. TLS support will depend on the versions of multiple modules, but all recent versions have TLS 1.2 and 1.3 support.
Duo Auth API
The Duo Auth API provides a low-level API for adding strong two-factor
authentication to applications that cannot directly display rich web
For more information see the Duo Auth API guide:
Duo Admin API
The Duo Admin API provides programmatic access to the administrative
functionality of Duo Security's two-factor authentication platform.
This feature is not available with all Duo accounts.
For more information see the Duo Admin API guide:
Duo Accounts API
The Duo Accounts API allows a parent account to create, manage, and
delete other Duo customer accounts. This feature is not available with
all Duo accounts.
For more information see the Duo Accounts API guide:
$ cpanm --verbose --installdeps --notest .
$ perl Makefile.PM
$ make test