I wanted to create a script to find the port where we get the last Spanningtree-Topology-Change.
I decided to run this in a shell and use Python.
Installation and Usage
For connecting to the networkdevices 3rd-party library "Netmiko" is used.
Best practice is to install it in a virtual environment.
git clone
- create and activate virtual environment
python -m venv venv
venv/scrips/activate.bat (windows)
source /venv/bin/
- Install required 3rd-party library
pip install netmiko, colorama
How it workes:
It asks for the IP-Address of a seeddevice and the login credentials.
Then it logs in and run the command "show spanning-tree detail | include last|from"
So it get all the STP-Changes, here I can iterate and find the shortes time ago.
At the moment it only works when the change was in the last 24 houres. [Room for improvement.]
When it gets the port it tries to get the CDP-Neighbor of that interface.
Here it takes care for portchannels und stackingport.
When the STP-Change is on a portchannel it uses the last member from the output of "show interface port-channel NUMBER"
If the STP-Change is on stacking-port, it gets the stackmembers and iterates over it until it gets a Port which isn't the stackport.
After getting CDP-Neighbor it connects to the IP-Adress of the CDP-Neighbor, and starts the whole process, like on the seeddevice.
When no CDP-Neighbor is found it prints the configuration of this interface
It stops when it sees the STP-Topology change from a CDP-Neighbor which was already visited.
- Lates Improvement: Add support for 25, 40 and 100G Ports
- ToDo: Work when STP-Topology change is longer than 24 houres.
Thanks for beeing published on Cisco Code Exchange: