WebNetworkDump --- Allready depricated
This should help networkengineers for giving an overview of new networks. It will ask for IP-Network to do a tcp portscan. It will try to login via SSH and find the devicetype.
Then it will login and execute a buntch of "show-commands" depending on devicetype. The ouput will be parsed and some Excelfiles will be generated. Commands which will be executed can be modified in "get_dumps.py" file.
This dump files and parsed files can be downloaded and used for deeper analysis.
I tested with Cisco IOS, IOS-XE, NX-OS and Paloalto Firewalls.
Easystart with DockerContainer on local maschine!
Just add devicecredentials to SSH into device and discovery-network.
Follow the links, Discovery, Dump, then download the result as zip-file or build the Graph based on CDP-Data.
These screenshots are done in our lab with Cisco IOS and IOS-XE Devices.
About page

Start screen

Discoyery screen

Discovery gone, start parsing

Parsing done

Sample graph showing CDP-Neighbors.
You can move the location of the devices so that's make sense for you.

Thanks to Cisco CodeExchange.