This repository will give detailed instructions on how to deploy Cisco Security solutions in a cloud native environment.
The instructions will walk through deploying infrastructure and applications in AWS using Terraform and Ansible while
securing them using Cisco Secure Firewall, Secure Cloud Analytics, Secure Workload, and Secure CN.
In part 1 of this 2 part series we will develop our Infrastructure as Code (IoC) using a local development environment.
We will build out and deploy the Terraform and Ansible code to instantiate an AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC),
Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster, and a Cisco Secure Firewall instance. We will then deploy Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics,
Secure Workload, and Secure CN to provide security monitoring, policy, and controls to the cloud native environment.
In part 2 of series, we will take what we learned in part 1 and integrate the code into a continuous delivery pipeline
using Jenkins and Github.
We are in process of building a DevNet Sandbox for this environment, but for now you will need to have the following
prerequisites installed.
The following software is mandatory to run this code successfully. Cisco Secure Firewall will be deployed using an eval
license on AWS.
All other solutions, such as Cisco Secure Cloud Analytic, Secure Workload, and Secure CN are Optional.
First thing to do is to set up a project on your local environment. From your IDE or the CLI create a project
directory to work in.
You can name the directory whatever you would like. Clone
This Repository
to your project directory and move into the /Cisco_Cloud_Native_Security_Workshop directory. Take a look inside the
[devbox] $ git clone
Cloning into 'Cisco_Cloud_Native_Security_Workshop'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 373, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (373/373), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (264/264), done.
remote: Total 373 (delta 191), reused 288 (delta 106), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (373/373), 26.65 MiB | 18.84 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (191/191), done.
[devbox Cisco_Cloud_Native_Security_Workshop]$ ls
DEV images Jenkinsfile Lab_Build LICENSE PROD
We will be building out this environment locally using the Lab_Build
directory. If you take a look into the
directory we will have all the terraform, and ansible files need to deploy our infrastructure.
Open the
file first. We need to create a few global variables in our project. Terraform uses a variable definitions file to
set these global variables. The file must be named terraform.tfvars
or any name ending in .auto.tfvars
In this case we created a file called terraform.tfvars
. Let's take a look at the file:
// Global Variables
// AWS Environment
aws_access_key = ""
aws_secret_key = ""
lab_id = "" // Lab ID (can be anything, but needs to be unique
remote_hosts = ["", ""] //Remote hosts that will have access to environment
region = ""
aws_az1 = ""
aws_az2 = ""
// FTD Variables
FTD_version = "ftdv-6.7.0" //Allowed Values = ftdv-6.7.0, ftdv-6.6.0,
ftd_user = "admin"
ftd_pass = ""
key_name = "" //SSH key created in AWS Region
These variables are defined globally, so they will be passed to any variables declared in any other terraform files
in this project.
These variables must be assigned!
Here we configure the:
and aws_secret_key
to authenticate to the AWS APIregion
and availability zone (aws_az1
and aws_az2
which is appended to the end of all the resources that will be createdremote_hosts
which is used to permit access inbound to the FTD mgmt interface and EKS API (Add you public IP address here)FTD_version
is the version of FTDv we use from the AWS Marketplaceftd_user
and ftd_pass
is the username and password we configure on the FTD instancekey_name
is the ssh key created on AWS to access EC2 instances. This must be created previous to running terraformNext we create a variables file to use in our terraform module. If you are asking "didn't we just create a variables
file", we did but at a global level. Now we need to configure the variables at the module level. A module is a
container for multiple resources that are used together. Modules can be used to create lightweight abstractions,
so that you can describe your infrastructure in terms of its architecture, rather than directly in terms of physical
objects. The .tf
files in your working directory when you run terraform plan or terraform apply together form the
root module. That module may call other modules and connect them together by passing output values from one to input
values of another.
The top directory, in this case Lab_Build
is assigned to the Root module. We can create multiple directories
under the root module that would be defined as Nested Modules. In part 1 we will only be using the Root
module to develop our IaC, but in part 2 we will use Nested Modules to partition our code.
Open the
file will define all the variables used in the
Root module. Like I said above, the terraform.tfvars
file sets global variables for all modules, but this
file sets variables just for the root module. The cool thing about the variables set in this file is
that we can now set defaults. What this allows us to do is only set variables in the terraform.tfvars
files that
we need to change for our environment and leave all the other variables in the
file as default.
// Variables //
variable "aws_access_key" {
description = "AWS Access Key"
variable "aws_secret_key" {
description = "AWS Secret Key"
variable "region" {
description = "AWS Region ex: us-east-1"
variable "FTD_version" {
description = "Secure Firewall Version"
default = "ftdv-6.7.0"
variable "ftd_user" {
description = "Secure Firewall Username"
default = "admin"
variable "ftd_pass" {
description = "Secure Firewall Password"
variable "lab_id" {
description = "ID associated with this lab instance"
} omitted
In the
file we have a bunch of additional variables that are defined for the VPC such as subnets,
network addresses, eks cluster info, and a lot more. If you noticed, some variables have defaults assigned, and some
don't. We can assign any of these variables in the terraform.tfvars
and it will take precedence over the defaults.
The variables that Do Not have defaults need to be assigned in terraform.tfvars
. For example, lets say we wanted
to use a different IP address for variable "ftd_outside_ip"
. All we need to do is assign that variable in the
as such:
ftd_outside_ip =
This will declare the ftd_outside_ip
instead of the default
when we apply our terraform
files. Now that we have all the variables defined lets start building some Infrastructure as Code.
In the following steps we configure code to deploy a VPC, EKS Cluster, and FTDv instance.
When using Terraform to deploy IaC the first thing we need are providers. A Terraform Provider represents an
integration that is responsible for understanding API interactions with the underlying infrastructure, such as a
public cloud service (AWS, GCP, Azure), a PaaS service (Heroku), a SaaS service (DNSimple, CloudFlare), or on-prem
resources (vSphere). The Provider then exposes these as resources that Terraform users can interface with, from
within Terraform a configuration.
We can add these providers to any of our terraform files, but in our case we added them to the
file. Open the file and
take a look.
// Providers //
terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = "~> 3.0"
kubernetes = {
source = "hashicorp/kubernetes"
version = "2.4.1"
kubectl = {
source = "gavinbunney/kubectl"
version = "1.11.3"
provider "aws" {
access_key = var.aws_access_key
secret_key = var.aws_secret_key
region = var.region
// Kubernetes Configuration
data "aws_eks_cluster" "eks_cluster" {
depends_on = [aws_eks_cluster.eks_cluster]
name = "CNS_Lab_${var.lab_id}"
} omitted
We will discuss the additional providers later in this document, but for now let's go over the AWS provider. This
provider will download all the resources we need to configure zones, CIDRs, subnets, addresses, VPCs, Internet
Gateways, EKS Clusters, EC2 instance, etc.... All we need to provide is the access_key
, secret_key
Each AWS region has its own provider.
Now that we have the AWS provider we can configure AWS resources. We created a file named
just for the VPC
configuration. We could stick all of our resources in one file, such as
, but this becomes hard to manage
once our configuration grows to thousands of lines. So we segment our code into smaller manageable files. The
has a lot of configuration, such as:
All these resources deploy the AWS network infrastructure. Open file file and
take a look.
Now that there is a network, next we created a file for the Cisco Secure Firewall (FTDv) instance called
The FTDv will attach to all the network interfaces and subnets assigned in the
file. Let's take a look at
the file.
First we pull the AWS AMI data source
(what's a data source?)
from the AWS Marketplace:
data "aws_ami" "ftdv" {
#most_recent = true // you can enable this if you want to deploy more
owners = ["aws-marketplace"]
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["${var.FTD_version}*"]
filter {
name = "product-code"
values = ["a8sxy6easi2zumgtyr564z6y7"]
filter {
name = "virtualization-type"
values = ["hvm"]
Then we create our instance using the AMI data we collected and assign network interfaces to it using the interface
IDs we created in the VPC.
// Cisco NGFW Instances //
data "template_file" "startup_file" {
template = file("${path.root}/startup_file.json")
vars = {
ftd_pass = var.ftd_pass
lab_id = var.lab_id
resource "aws_instance" "ftdv" {
ami =
instance_type = var.ftd_size
key_name = var.key_name
availability_zone = var.aws_az1
network_interface {
network_interface_id =
device_index = 0
network_interface {
network_interface_id =
device_index = 1
network_interface {
network_interface_id =
device_index = 2
network_interface {
network_interface_id =
device_index = 3
user_data = data.template_file.startup_file.rendered
tags = {
Name = "${local.vpc_name} FTDv"
Also notice the "template_file" "startup_file"
data source. This refers to a startup_file.json
we want to bootstrap the AWS instance. In this case the
contains the FTDv admin password, hostname, and management type:
"AdminPassword": "${ftd_pass}",
"Hostname": "FTD-${lab_id}",
"ManageLocally": "Yes"
Now we add AWS EKS to deploy are application on. In this use case we are only using 1 worker node with no load
balancing instance (just to save some money). We created the
file which deploys our EKS cluster and worker nodes.
In addition to the snippet below there are other resources created such as AWS IAM Roles, Policies, and
Security Groups.
Check out the
file. omitted
// Kubernetes Master Cluster //
resource "aws_eks_cluster" "eks_cluster" {
name = local.eks_cluster_name
role_arn = aws_iam_role.eks-cluster-role.arn
vpc_config {
security_group_ids = []
subnet_ids = [,]
depends_on = [
} omitted
resource "aws_launch_configuration" "eks-node-launch-config" {
associate_public_ip_address = false
iam_instance_profile =
image_id =
instance_type = "m4.large"
name_prefix = local.eks_cluster_name
security_groups = []
user_data_base64 = base64encode(local.eks-node-userdata)
lifecycle {
create_before_destroy = true
// Create an AutoScaling Group that actually launches EC2 instances based on the AutoScaling Launch Configuration
resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "eks-node-autoscaling-group" {
desired_capacity = 1
launch_configuration =
max_size = 2
min_size = 1
name = local.eks_cluster_name
vpc_zone_identifier = []
tag {
key = "Name"
value = "${local.eks_cluster_name}_node"
propagate_at_launch = true
tag {
key = "${local.eks_cluster_name}"
value = "owned"
propagate_at_launch = true
} omitted
We configured all our variables, VPC, Cisco Secure Firewall (FTDv), and
an EKS cluster for AWS. Now it is time to start working with Ansible to configure the FTDv Policy.
We will use Ansible to configure the Cisco Secure Firewall (FTDv) policy. We will initialize and provision the FTDv by
accepting the EULA, configuring the Interfaces, Security zones, NAT, Access Control Policy, Routes, and Network/Service
After the infrastructure gets built, and we need to start putting some policy in place. To do this we need some information
from Terraform such as the FTDv management, EKS internal, and EKS external IP addresses. To get this info we created a
terraform file named
. This file will pull this information from Terraform and create an Ansible
hosts (inventory) file. Let's take a look at the
// Create inventory file with AWS IP address variables //
data "aws_instance" "eks_node_instance" {
depends_on = [aws_autoscaling_group.eks-node-autoscaling-group]
filter {
name = "tag:Name"
values = ["${local.eks_cluster_name}_node"]
resource "local_file" "host_file" {
depends_on = [aws_autoscaling_group.eks-node-autoscaling-group, aws_instance.ftdv]
content = <<-EOT
ansible_host: ${aws_eip.ftd_mgmt_EIP.public_ip}
ansible_network_os: ftd
ansible_user: ${var.ftd_user}
ansible_password: ${var.ftd_pass}
ansible_httpapi_port: 443
ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: True
ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: False
eks_inside_ip: ${data.aws_instance.eks_node_instance.private_ip}
eks_outside_ip: ${aws_eip_association.eks_outside_ip_association.private_ip_address}
filename = "${path.module}/Ansible/hosts.yaml"
Once again we use another data source to get the IP address of the EKS worker node. Then we grabbed the IP address
of the FTDv management interface, added the FTD username and password from our variables, and the EKS outside IP
address. We create this file in the /Ansible
directory, so it can be used with the Ansible playbooks we will discuss
Now let's take a look into the /Ansible
directory to review the playbooks we will run on our FTDv instance. There
are 3 files located in this directory,
, ftd_initial_provisioning.yaml
There is a 4th file that will be generated by
, which will be hosts.yaml
(this won't be visible
until after the terraform apply).
First let's open the
. This playbook just polls the FTD Management interface until it gets a response code of 200. This way the other
playbooks won't run until the API is available.
- hosts: ftd
connection: local
- name: Pause play until the FTD mgmt interface is reachable from this host
url: "https://{{ ansible_host }}"
follow_redirects: none
method: GET
validate_certs: false
register: _result
until: _result.status == 200
retries: 120 # 120 * 10 seconds = 20 minutes
delay: 10 # Every 5 seconds
- debug:
var: _result
The next file,
is used for to take care of the initial provisioning of the FTD.
When an FTDv gets spun up there is an End User License Agreement (EULA) that needs to be accepted, and an evaluation
license (90 days) for all its features needs to be enabled. The ftd_initial_provisioning.yaml
takes care of this
for us.
#NGFW Initial Configuration File
- hosts: ftd
connection: httpapi
# The following tasks check the current state of device provisioning, displays the EULA text,
# and asks the user to accept it:
- name: Get provisioning info
operation: getInitialProvision
objId: default
register_as: provisionInfo
- name: Show EULA text
msg: 'EULA details: {{ provisionInfo.eulaText }}'
- name: Confirm EULA acceptance
prompt: Please confirm you want to accept EULA. Press Return to continue. To abort,
press Ctrl+C and then "A"
# This task sends a request to the device to unlock it.
- name: Complete initial provisioning
operation: addInitialProvision
acceptEULA: true
eulaText: '{{ provisionInfo.eulaText }}'
type: initialprovision
ansible_command_timeout: 30
After the initial provisioning of the FTDv is completed we will run the ftd_configuration.yaml
to configure the FTDv
policies. This playbook will configure interfaces, network objects, service objects, NAT, security zones, access
control policies, and deploy the configuration to the FTDv instance. This configuration is too large to take a
snippet on this doc, but you can take a look at it at
As you can see this ansible playbook creates access rules, NATs, network and service objects for two applications,
YELB and NGINX. We will dive a little deeper into them applications later in this doc, but these are the 2 apps that
we will be securing!!!
In the real world when we are deploying our IaC we use a CI/CD tool to do so, such as Jenkins, GitHub Actions, or
AWS CodePipeline, but since we are just developing our code in this Part 1 doc, we are going to "stitch" a few stages
together to make sure our code works before integrating into a pipeline tool in Part 2. We created an
file that will run our Ansible playbooks as a terraform resource after our infrastructure has been brought up.
Let's take a look at the
// Check Status of FTD Management - Make sure it is responding //
resource "null_resource" "ftd_status" {
depends_on = [local_file.host_file]
provisioner "local-exec" {
working_dir = "${path.module}/Ansible"
command = "docker run -v $(pwd):/ftd-ansible/playbooks -v $(pwd)/hosts.yaml:/etc/ansible/hosts ciscodevnet/ftd-ansible playbooks/ftd_status.yaml"
// Initial FTP provisioning //
resource "null_resource" "ftd_init_prov" {
depends_on = [null_resource.ftd_status]
provisioner "local-exec" {
working_dir = "${path.module}/Ansible"
command = "docker run -v $(pwd):/ftd-ansible/playbooks -v $(pwd)/hosts.yaml:/etc/ansible/hosts ciscodevnet/ftd-ansible playbooks/ftd_initial_provisioning.yaml"
// FTD Configuration //
resource "null_resource" "ftd_conf" {
depends_on = [null_resource.ftd_init_prov]
provisioner "local-exec" {
working_dir = "${path.module}/Ansible"
command = "docker run -v $(pwd):/ftd-ansible/playbooks -v $(pwd)/hosts.yaml:/etc/ansible/hosts ciscodevnet/ftd-ansible playbooks/ftd_configuration.yaml"
Here we are just running these playbooks from a terraform provisioner. As you can see we are running these commands
from Docker. "Why Docker?" you may ask. Well the kind fellas in the Cisco Secure Firewall Product Engineering
department were awesome enough to create a FTD Ansible Docker Image,
where all we have to do is pass our host and playbooks files to it, and KABOOM!! everything is configured.
In this section we configure Kubernetes resources using Terraform.
First lets take a look at the Kubernetes providers we will initialize. At the beginning of the code we tell terraform
what version of the provider is required. This is very important because some features we use in our IaC may be
version specific. Next we add a couple data sources which we will fetch the EKS cluster CA Cert and Token. We use
the data sources to configure authentication for the Kubernetes and kubectl providers. Why are there two providers
for K8s? The first, provider "kubernetes"
is the official Kubernetes provider and has resources and data sources
built for almost anything you want to create via the K8s API. The second, provider "kubectl"
allows us to apply
native YAML files like we would if we were using the kubectl CLI. So for example, if we had a yaml file and we just
wanted to apply it as one resource instead of a bunch of resources, we can use the
Kubectl Provider.
If we can build the resource out, we can use the
Kubernetes Provider.
You will see this in the next few steps where we use the kubectl provider to apply a config map, but use the
kubernetes provider to apply manifest.
terraform {
required_providers {
kubernetes = {
source = "hashicorp/kubernetes"
version = "2.4.1"
kubectl = {
source = "gavinbunney/kubectl"
version = "1.11.3"
// Kubernetes Configuration
data "aws_eks_cluster" "eks_cluster" {
name = "CNS_Lab_${var.lab_id}"
data "aws_eks_cluster_auth" "eks_cluster_auth" {
name = "CNS_Lab_${var.lab_id}"
provider "kubernetes" {
host = data.aws_eks_cluster.eks_cluster.endpoint
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(data.aws_eks_cluster.eks_cluster.certificate_authority[0].data)
token = data.aws_eks_cluster_auth.eks_cluster_auth.token
//load_config_file = false
provider "kubectl" {
host = data.aws_eks_cluster.eks_cluster.endpoint
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(data.aws_eks_cluster.eks_cluster.certificate_authority[0].data)
token = data.aws_eks_cluster_auth.eks_cluster_auth.token
load_config_file = false
For our EKS cluster to work correctly we need to allow the EKS worker node to communicate with the Cluster API. To
do this we need to apply a Config Map in
kubernetes. It is initially created to allow your nodes to join your cluster, but you also use this ConfigMap to add
RBAC access to IAM users and roles. Here we created a file called
. Lets talk a look at
// Apply Config Map AWS Auth //
resource "kubectl_manifest" "config_map_aws_auth" {
depends_on = []
yaml_body = <<YAML
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: aws-auth
namespace: kube-system
mapRoles: |
- rolearn: ${aws_iam_role.eks_node_role.arn}
username: system:node:{{EC2PrivateDNSName}}
- system:bootstrappers
- system:nodes
We use the kubectl_manifest
resource here to apply the config map using YAML. Notice the rolearn
has a value
of the role we created in our
file. This will allow our worker node to talk to the Cluster API.
At this point you are ready to provision all the code in the /Lab_Build
directory. The code at this point will
provision a VPC, FTDv Instance, EKS Cluster and EKS Node (the provisioning of Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics,
Secure Workload, and Secure Cloud Native are adding in later steps that are optional but recommended).
This means running the terraform init, plan, and apply commands in the directory we are working in. The terraform plan
command creates an execution plan by reading the current state of any already-existing remote objects to make sure
that the Terraform state is up-to-date, comparing the current configuration to the prior state and noting any
differences, and proposing a set of change actions that should, if applied, make the remote objects match the
configuration. The terraform apply
command executes the actions proposed in a Terraform plan.
For more information about terraform provisioning, see
Provisioning Infrastructure with Terraform.
Make sure you are in the /Lab_Build
directory. Run the terraform init
command. The
terraform init command is used
to initialize a working directory containing Terraform configuration files. This is the first command that should be
run after writing a new Terraform configuration or cloning an existing one from version control. It is safe to run
this command multiple times. This will initialize all the providers and version that we declared in
Terraform % terraform init
Initializing the backend...
Initializing provider plugins...
- Finding hashicorp/aws versions matching "~> 3.0"...
- Finding hashicorp/kubernetes versions matching "2.4.1"...
- Finding latest version of hashicorp/null...
- Finding latest version of hashicorp/local...
- Finding latest version of hashicorp/template...
- Finding gavinbunney/kubectl versions matching "1.11.3"...
- Installing gavinbunney/kubectl v1.11.3...
- Installed gavinbunney/kubectl v1.11.3 (self-signed, key ID AD64217B5ADD572F)
- Installing hashicorp/aws v3.57.0...
- Installed hashicorp/aws v3.57.0 (signed by HashiCorp)
- Installing hashicorp/kubernetes v2.4.1...
- Installed hashicorp/kubernetes v2.4.1 (signed by HashiCorp)
- Installing hashicorp/null v3.1.0...
- Installed hashicorp/null v3.1.0 (signed by HashiCorp)
- Installing hashicorp/local v2.1.0...
- Installed hashicorp/local v2.1.0 (signed by HashiCorp)
- Installing hashicorp/template v2.2.0...
- Installed hashicorp/template v2.2.0 (signed by HashiCorp)
Run the terraform plan
using an output file, terraform plan -out tfplan
. This writes the generated plan to the given filename in an opaque file format that you can later pass to
terraform apply to execute the planned changes. Here we see that we are planning to deploy 48 new resources. We
omitted the data in the snippet below because it was too much, but you should always double check the full plan before
you apply it.
Terraform % terraform plan -out tfplan
Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
+ create
<= read (data resources)
Terraform will perform the following actions:
... data omitted
Plan: 48 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
Changes to Outputs:
+ eks_cluster_name = "CNS_Lab_Test"
+ eks_public_ip = (known after apply)
+ ftd_mgmt_ip = (known after apply)
Saved the plan to: tfplan
To perform exactly these actions, run the following command to apply:
terraform apply "tfplan"
Apply the plan using the terraform apply "tfplan"
The terraform apply command executes the actions proposed
in a Terraform plan. Once again below we omitted a lot of the output data, but you can see we start building the
infrastructure. At the end you should see 48 resources added, and some Outputs: we can use to access the
resources. Save these outputs as we will need them in the next step.
Terraform % terraform apply "tfplan"
aws_vpc.cns_lab_vpc: Creating...
aws_iam_role.eks_node_role: Creating...
aws_iam_role.eks-cluster-role: Creating...
aws_iam_role.eks-cluster-role: Creation complete after 1s [id=CNS_Lab_99_cluster]
aws_iam_role.eks_node_role: Creation complete after 1s [id=CNS_Lab_99_eks_node_role]
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.eks-cluster-AmazonEKSClusterPolicy: Creating...
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.eks-cluster-AmazonEKSServicePolicy: Creating...
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.eks-node-AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy: Creating...
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.eks-node-AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly: Creating...
... data omitted
Apply complete! Resources: 48 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
eks_public_ip = ""
ftd_mgmt_ip = ""
eks_cluster_name = CNS_Lab_55
Use the outputs generated from the
file to access the environment. The IP addresses and ports above may
be different, so make sure to use the outputs from your terraform apply
Access the Secure Firewall (FTDv) management interface by going to https://<ftd_mgmt_ip>
where <ftd_mgmt_ip> is
the IP from the ftd_mgmt_ip
output. This will bring you to a logon page. Enter the username and password you defined
in the terraform.tfvars
Once logged in poke around and make sure everything was configured correctly from the ansible playbooks.
Check the Policies, where you can see the Access Control and NAT rules.
Check out the Objects and Interfaces.
Access your AWS account portal and select Services > Compute > EC2. There will be two instances running
named CNS_Lab_<lab_id>_FTDv
and CNS_Lab_<lab_id>_node
. The CNS_Lab_<lab_id>_FTDv
is obviously the
firewall and the CNS_Lab_<lab_id>_node
is the EKS worker node where we will deploy our applications.
Next lets go to Services > Containers > Elastic Kubernetes Service. Under Amazon EKS select
Clusters. There will be EKS cluster named CNS_Lab_<lab_id>
Select the cluster, and you will see the EC2 instance assigned as a worker node for the cluster.
Finally, select to Services > Networking & Content Delivery > VPC. Select Your VPC. On the left
hand menu bar click through VPCs, Subnets, Route Tables, Internet Gateways, and Elatic IPs. You will see resources
with the CNS_Lab_<lab_id>
appended to the name of the resources.
To access the EKS environment locally using the kubectl client, we need to
Update Kube Config.
Make sure your AWS CLI Configuration is updated and run the following command where <aws-region>
is the region
the EKS cluster is deployed and where <cluster-name>
in the EKS cluster name.
aws eks --region <aws-region> update-kubeconfig --name <cluster-name>
For example aws eks --region us-east-2 update-kubeconfig --name CNS_LAB_Test
The infrastructure is now deployed and being secured by Cisco Secure Firewall. This provides us protections for inbound
and outbound traffic (North/South), which is great, but how do we protect laterally between workloads and applications
behind the Firewall.
That is what we are going to dive into in the next few sections, but first we need some cloud native applications to
There are a couple ways we can deploy the applications that will reside in the kubernetes cluster. We can use the
Kubernetes Provider to deploy resources such as namaspaces, services, and deployments. We can use the Kubectl
Provider to deploy a YAML manifest file, or we can use the Local Provisioner to run the kubectl create commands.
Each option has their pluses and minuses. For example, if we deploy resources using the Kubernetes Provider, than
everything about that deployment needs to be managed by Terraform. The good thing is we can easily deploy any
kubernetes resource using Terraform, but any changes outside the terraform file will be removed. If we use the Kubectl
Provider, it will deploy a resource using native YAML file, which makes it easier to use community writen manifests,
but now this resource is tracked as a full manifest, and not each service like the Kubernetes Provider. Using the
Local Provisioner should always be a last resort, but it is a quick and easy way to get up and going if you are a kubectl
cli user. There is no state in Terraform when using the Local Provisioner, so Terraform will not track and changes.
In Part 1 we will deploy our applications using the Kubernetes Provider. In the Lab_Build
directory there are two
files named yelb_app
. Change the names to use the .tf
Yelb is a cool 3 tier demo app that allows users to vote on a set of alternatives
(restaurants) and dynamically updates pie charts based on number of votes received. If you want some more details
about this app check out the Yelb GitHub. For this app we built a terraform file
. In this file we create kubernetes resources such as kubernetes_namespace
, and kubernetes_deployment
. Below is an example for just the Yelb web server resources.
Take a look at the full manifest at
yelb_app for
all the services and pods that are created for the Yelb application.
resource "kubernetes_namespace" "yelb_ns" {
depends_on = [kubectl_manifest.config_map_aws_auth]
metadata {
name = "yelb"
resource "kubernetes_service" "yelb_ui" {
depends_on = [kubernetes_namespace.yelb_ns]
metadata {
name = "yelb-ui"
namespace = "yelb"
labels = {
app = "yelb-ui"
tier = "frontend"
environment = "cns_lab"
spec {
type = "NodePort"
port {
port = "80"
protocol = "TCP"
target_port = "80"
node_port = "30001"
selector = {
app = "yelb-ui"
tier = "frontend"
resource "kubernetes_deployment" "yelb_ui" {
metadata {
name = "yelb-ui"
namespace = "yelb"
spec {
replicas = 1
selector {
match_labels = {
app = "yelb-ui"
tier = "frontend"
template {
metadata {
labels = {
app = "yelb-ui"
tier = "frontend"
environment = "cns_lab"
spec {
container {
name = "yelb-ui"
image = "mreferre/yelb-ui:0.7"
port {
container_port = 80
We also configure a second app using the
file. This app is just a NGINX test page that we can play
with when testing out security controls. Check out the configuration of that app at
Run the terraform plan -out tfplan
and terraform apply "tfplan"
again to deploy these applications.
Plan: 9 to add, 0 to change, 1 to destroy.
Saved the plan to: tfplan
To perform exactly these actions, run the following command to apply:
terraform apply "tfplan"
[devbox Lab_Build]$ terraform apply "tfplan"
null_resource.deploy_yelb_app: Destroying... [id=5942784377980066240]
null_resource.deploy_yelb_app: Destruction complete after 0s
kubernetes_namespace.yelb_ns: Creation complete after 0s [id=yelb]
kubernetes_service.yelb_ui: Creation complete after 0s [id=yelb/yelb-ui]
kubernetes_service.yelb_appserver: Creation complete after 0s [id=yelb/yelb-appserver]
kubernetes_service.yelb_redis_service: Creation complete after 0s [id=yelb/redis-server]
kubernetes_service.yelb_db_service: Creation complete after 0s [id=yelb/yelb-db]
kubernetes_deployment.redis_server: Creation complete after 46s [id=yelb/redis-server]
kubernetes_deployment.yelb_ui: Creation complete after 46s [id=yelb/yelb-ui]
kubernetes_deployment.yelb_db: Creation complete after 46s [id=yelb/yelb-db]
kubernetes_deployment.yelb_appserver: Creation complete after 46s [id=yelb/yelb-appserver]
Apply complete! Resources: 9 added, 0 changed, 1 destroyed.
eks_cluster_name = "CNS_Lab_Test"
eks_public_ip = ""
ftd_mgmt_ip = ""
Access the Yelb app by going to http://<eks_public_ip>:30001
where <eks_public_ip> is the IP address of
the terraform output eks_public_ip
, for example in this case ` Do you know where
that service port came from? Take a look at the Yelb UI Service.
Access the NGINX app by going to http://<eks_public_ip>:30201
where <eks_public_ip> is the IP address of
the eks_public_ip
Verify the kubernetes environment using the kubectl client.
If you didn't already, update the kube config file by running
aws eks --region <aws-region> update-kubeconfig --name <eks-cluster-name>
where is the name of the eks_cluster_name
output and the is the region you are
deploying to.
For example:
Terraform % aws eks --region us-east-2 update-kubeconfig --name CNS_Lab_Test
Added new context arn:aws:eks:us-east-2:208176673708:cluster/CNS_Lab_Test to /Users/edmcnich/.kube/config
Run some commands to verify the resources were implemented. Run kubectl get nodes
which will show what EKS
worker nodes are available to the cluster. In this lab it is just one node. Run kubectl get ns
to see the
Yelb and NGINX namespaces we created. Run kubectl get pods -n yeb
to see all th pods we created in the Yelb
namespace. Run kubectl get service -n yelb
to view all the services we created for the Yelb namespace.
Terraform % kubectl get nodes
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION Ready <none> 10m v1.21.2-eks-55daa9d
Terraform % kubectl get ns
default Active 21m
kube-node-lease Active 21m
kube-public Active 21m
kube-system Active 21m
nginx Active 10m
yelb Active 10m
Terraform % kubectl get pods -n yelb
redis-server-65977ffd-t24dj 1/1 Running 0 10m
yelb-appserver-594494c5fd-htllt 1/1 Running 0 10m
yelb-db-79687c7fbc-xpbll 1/1 Running 0 10m
yelb-ui-5f446b88f9-lghq5 1/1 Running 2 10m
Terraform % kubectl get service -n yelb
redis-server ClusterIP <none> 6379/TCP 11m
yelb-appserver ClusterIP <none> 4567/TCP 11m
yelb-db ClusterIP <none> 5432/TCP 11m
yelb-ui NodePort <none> 80:30001/TCP 11m
Awesome, now we have cloud native apps to play with. Let's see how we can secure them!!!
⚠️ You will need a Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics account to complete this section. If you don't have an account
you can sign up for a free trial
This section will show how to deploy Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics to this Cloud Native environment.
Secure Cloud Analytics
provides the visibility and threat detection capabilities you need to keep your workloads highly
secure in all major cloud environments like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform, and
guess what, it supports integration directly with the kubernetes cluster.
Log in to your Secure Cloud Analytics portal and go to Setting
> Integrations
On the Setting menu bar select Integrations
> Kubernetes
This brings you to the Kubernetes Integration page. This page gives you step-by-step instructions
on how to deploy Secure Cloud Analytics to your kubernetes cluster using the kubectl
Luckily we have created a terraform file that will deploy all necessary resources, but first we need
to get the secret key
from the integration page. On the integration page the first step is to
create a secret key file. We don't need to run this step, we just need copy and save the key itself. Where it says
echo -n "<secret_key>" > obsrvbl-service-key.txt
, copy and save this key.
In the /Lab_Build
directory, go to the terraform.tfvars
file and add this key to the Secure Cloud
Analytics sca_service_key
variable. Make sure to uncomment (//
) the variable.
sca_service_key = "<secret_key>"
Go to the
file and uncomment the variable there as well
variable "sca_service_key" {}
Find the file named secure_cloud_analytics
and change it to
so terraform can
read it. Click
to view the file.
Run terraform plan -out tfplan
and review the resource that will be created. Run terraform apply "tfplan"
to create the resources. 4 kubernetes resources will be created, secret, service account, cluster role binding, and a
kubernetes_secret.obsrvbl: Creating...
kubernetes_secret.obsrvbl: Creation complete after 1s [id=default/obsrvbl]
kubernetes_service_account.obsrvbl: Creating...
kubernetes_service_account.obsrvbl: Creation complete after 0s [id=default/obsrvbl]
kubernetes_cluster_role_binding.obsrvbl: Creating...
kubernetes_cluster_role_binding.obsrvbl: Creation complete after 0s [id=obsrvbl]
kubernetes_daemonset.obsrvbl-ona: Creating...
kubernetes_daemonset.obsrvbl-ona: Creation complete after 0s [id=default/obsrvbl-ona]
Apply complete! Resources: 4 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
Run some more kubectl commands to verify the infrastructure:
kubectl get pods
Terraform % kubectl get pods
obsrvbl-ona-z4lkj 1/1 Running 0 74m
kubectl get daemonset
Terraform % kubectl get ds
obsrvbl-ona 1 1 1 1 1 <none> 76m
Now check the Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics Portal. In the upper right corner select the Sensors
This will take you to the Sensors screen. There will be a sensor named after the EC2 instance,
for example
. It may take a few minutes for the sensor to start
receiving data, and the icon to turn green.
Once the sensor starts collecting data you can select Investigate
> Device
This will bring you to the Endpoints screen where you should see containers from our test apps
start showing up.
Click on one of the devices to start drilling down into Alerts, Observations, and Session traffic.
Well that was super easy. Now we have full visibility into our kubernetes environment. All the flows going in and out of
the cluster, and between the applications and pods will be inspected using behavioral modeling, including malware
and insider threats, continuously monitoring and improving response times with automatic, high-fidelity alerts that make
your security team more efficient.
⚠️ You will need a Cisco Secure Workload account and a Linux host to complete this section.
This section will show how to deploy Cisco Secure Workload to this Cloud Native environment.
Cisco Secure Workload
platform is designed to address this challenge in a comprehensive and
scalable way. Secure Workload enables holistic workload protection for multicloud data centers by using:
Micro-segmentation, allowing operators to control network communication within the data center, enabling a zero-trust
Behavior baselining, analysis, and identification of deviations for processes running on servers
Detection of common vulnerabilities and exposures associated with the software packages installed on servers
The ability to act proactively, such as quarantining server(s) when vulnerabilities are detected and blocking
communication when policy violations are detected
By using this multidimensional workload-protection approach, Cisco Secure Workload significantly reduces the attack
surface, minimizes lateral movement in case of security incidents, and more quickly identifies Indicators Of Compromise.
To get Secure Workload working in our cloud native environment we need to do three things. First we need an API key
and secret. Log into the Secure Workload dashboard and in the upper right hand corner click on the Profile icon
then API Keys.
Select Create API Key. Give the API key a description and check all the options below. Click Create.
This will show you the API Key and Secret Key. You can download it to a safe place or copy the keys directly from the
We also need the Secure Workload hostname and Root Scope ID. Go to Organize
> Scopes and Inventory
The Root Scope is the top scope in the scope tree, for example in this case the root scope is edmcnich
Select the root scope and up in the URL field of the broswer you can see the hostname and Scope ID as highlighted
below. The Scope ID can be found in between id=
and the &chips
in the URL field.
Save the Secure Workload API Key, Secret, Hostname, and Root Scope ID as we will need it in a few steps.
The second thing we need is an agent. Secure Workload has always supported a wide variety of operating systems to
deploy sofware agents to, but Kubernetes is a little different. We could manually deploy an agent to every worker
node in our cluster, but that isn't very agile and doesn't give us the ability to create segmentation policy at the
container/pod layer. To do this we need to deploy a
DaemonSet, just like we did for Secure
Cloud Analytics. A Daemonset will deploy a Secure Workload agent to every kubernetes worker node scheduled in the
cluster. This means that if a new node is added to the cluster, it will come with the agent installed automatically.
To install the Daemonset we need to download and run the install script.
⚠️ The Cisco Secure Workload Kubernetes Installer is only supported to be run on a Linux Operating system.
This will not work correctly on Windows or Mac operating systems. The Linux machine will also need AWS CLI and the
Kubernetes agent installed!
From the Secure Workload dashboard go to Manage
> Agents
on the left menu bar.
Select Installer
to go through the Software Agent Installer workflow. Click Next
Select Kubernetes
as the platform to be installed on and YES/NO
if your Kubernetes environment is going
through a proxy (add proxy info if it does). Click Download Installer
to download the install script. Save the
install script to a directory on your Linux machine.
Make sure that AWS CLI and Kubectl are installed on your Linux host. Also make sure your kube config file is updated
to use the right context (aws eks --region <aws-region> update-kubeconfig --name <cluster-name>
[devbox Lab_Build]$ aws eks --region us-east-2 update-kubeconfig --name CNS_Lab_Test
Added new context arn:aws:eks:us-east-2:208176673708:cluster/CNS_Lab_Test to /home/centos/.kube/config
Run the install script with --pre-check flag first.
bash --pre-check
If all the requirements are fulfilled run the installer.
[devbox Lab_Build]$ bash ~/Downloads/
Starting Tetration Analytics Installer for Kubernetes install
Location of Kubernetes credentials file is /home/centos/.kube/config
The following Helm Chart will be installed
apiVersion: v2
appVersion: 3.6.0-17-enforcer
description: Tetration Enforcer Agent
name: tetration-agent
type: application
version: 3.6.0-17-enforcer
Release "tetration-agent" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: tetration-agent
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Sep 27 14:10:24 2021
NAMESPACE: tetration
STATUS: deployed
The Tetration Enforcement Agent has been deployed to your Kubernetes cluster.
1. You can view your Helm Chart details again using
helm get all -n tetration tetration-agent
2. You can view the Daemonset created using
kubectl get ds -n tetration
3. You can view the Daemonset pods created for Tetration Agents using
kubectl get pod -n tetration
You can also check on the Tetration Agent UI page for these agents.
Deployment of daemonset complete
Check to make sure the daemonset has been deployed.
[devbox Lab_Build]$ kubectl get ns tetration
tetration Active 5m25s
[devbox Lab_Build]$ kubectl get ds -n tetration
tetration-agent 1 1 1 1 1 <none> 5m41s
[devbox Lab_Build]$ kubectl get pods -n tetration
tetration-agent-4kbrd 1/1 Running 0 5m56s
Check the Secure Workload dashboard. Go to Manage
> Agents
and Select Agent List
. The agent should
be there with the hostname of your EKS worker node.
Finally, now that we have the agent installed and the daemonset running, we need to get Kubernetes Labels uploaded
into the Secure Workload instance. This will allow us to create inventory filters, scopes, application workplaces
and policies for our cloud native apps Yelb and NGINX.
First thing we need to do is allow the Secure Workload instance read only access to ingest the labels from the
kubernetes cluster. We created a terraform file to do this for us named secure_workload_clusterrolebinding
. To
deploy these resources rename the file using the .tf
Go to the terraform.tfvars
file and add the Secure Workload Key, Secret and URL to the variables. Make
sure to uncomment (//
) the variables
secure_workload_api_key = ""
secure_workload_api_sec = ""
secure_workload_api_url = "https://<secure_workload_host>"
Go to the
file and uncomment the variable there as well.
variable "secure_workload_api_key" {}
variable "secure_workload_api_sec" {}
variable "secure_workload_api_url" {
default = "https://<secure_workload_host>"
Run terraform plan -out tfplan
and terraform apply "tfplan"
[devbox Lab_Build]$ terraform apply "tfplan"
kubernetes_cluster_role_binding.tetration-read-only: Creating...
kubernetes_cluster_role.tetration-read-only: Creating...
kubernetes_service_account.tetration-read-only: Creating...
kubernetes_cluster_role_binding.tetration-read-only: Creation complete after 0s []
kubernetes_cluster_role.tetration-read-only: Creation complete after 0s []
kubernetes_service_account.tetration-read-only: Creation complete after 0s [id=default/]
Apply complete! Resources: 3 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
We need to get the token for the
service account. To do this we need to get the service
account secrets name
and base64 decode the output of the token.
Run the command
kubectl get serviceaccount -o yaml
Get the name of the secret, for example in this case
Run the command
kubectl get secret <your secret name> --template "{{ .data.token }}" | base64 -d
This will output the secret token.
[devbox Lab_Build]$ kubectl get serviceaccount -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
automountServiceAccountToken: true
kind: ServiceAccount
creationTimestamp: "2021-09-27T19:04:23Z"
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "596080"
uid: 36003a9b-9a1b-471a-bd90-cfc8087b307a
- name:
[devbox Lab_Build]$ kubectl get secret --template "{{ .data.token }}" | base64 -d omitted
Copy and save the token output. Go back to the Secure Workload dashboard. Select Manage
and External Orchestrators
. Select Create New Configuration
On the Create External Orchestrator Configuration
page select Kubernetes
as the Type and Name it the same
as your EKS Cluster name, for example CNS_Lab_Test
Scroll down to Auth Token
and paste the base64 decoded token in this field.
Select Hosts List
and add the hostname of the EKS Cluster API Endpoint. You can get the hostname from the
Terraform Output. You can always get the Terraform Output by doing a terraform show
eks_cluster_api_endpoint = ""
eks_cluster_name = "CNS_Lab_Test"
eks_public_ip = ""
ftd_mgmt_ip = ""
Copy the API server endpoint into the Hosts List of the External Orchestrator Configuration page. Make sure to
delete https://
from the hostname field. Add 443
as the port number.
Click Create
and the portal should successfully connect to the cluster.
Go back to Manage
> Agents
in the menu bar to the left. Select Agent List
click on the EKS Worker hosts. Under the Labels
section there are now labels assigned
to this host. The initial label we are interested in is ✻ orchestrator_system/cluster_name
which defines labels from our EKS cluster, for example in this case CNS_Lab_Test
Click through all the labels to get a sense of all the labels that are generated automatically
by the Kubernetes External Orchestrator integration. We will use these labels to create more
defined Scopes for the cluster and apps.
Next go to Organize
> Scopes and Inventory
. Make sure to select your Root
scope, for example in this case it is edmcnich
. Here you will see services, pods, and
workloads associated with the External Orchestrator.
Select the Pods
tab and click on the Pod Name starting with yelb-db
. Here you
see that the pods have labels too.
Select the Services
tab and drill into any of the yelb
services. We are going to
create Scopes, Inventory Filters, Workspaces (Applications), and Policies using these labels.
Here are some labels to take note of as we will be using them in our Secure Workload Terraform
With the Secure Workload Daemonset deployed and External Orchestrator integrated we can now use Terraform to declare
policy as code. We first need to add the
Secure Workload Terraform Provider to the
file. Uncomment the following Secure Workload provider configuration.
terraform {
required_providers {
tetration = {
source = "CiscoDevNet/tetration"
version = "0.1.0"
provider "tetration" {
api_key = var.secure_workload_api_key
api_secret = var.secure_workload_api_sec
api_url = var.secure_workload_api_url
disable_tls_verification = false
Go to the terraform.tfvars
file and add the Secure Workload Key, Secret, URL and Root Scope ID to the variables.
Make sure to uncomment if commented out (//
secure_workload_api_key = ""
secure_workload_api_sec = ""
secure_workload_api_url = "https://<secure_workload_host>"
secure_workload_root_scope = ""
Go to the
file and uncomment the variable there as well.
variable "secure_workload_api_key" {}
variable "secure_workload_api_sec" {}
variable "secure_workload_api_url" {}
variable "secure_workload_root_scope" {}
Run terraform init
to initialize the provider.
[devbox Lab_Build]$ terraform init
Initializing the backend...
Initializing provider plugins...
- Finding ciscodevnet/tetration versions matching "0.1.0"...
- Installing ciscodevnet/tetration v0.1.0...
- Installed ciscodevnet/tetration v0.1.0 (self-signed, key ID E10BA876A27B7DB3)
Now that the provider is initialized, let's build out the Secure Workload policy using Terraform resources. In the
directory there is a file named
Open the file and take a look at the code.
At the top we define our Scopes. We create a cluster scope using a query filter using the kubernetes label
that is equal to the EKS Cluster name. What this will do is create a
scope for all inventory associated with the cluster name, for example CNS_Lab_Test.
// Cluster Scope
resource "tetration_scope" "scope" {
short_name = local.eks_cluster_name
short_query_type = "eq"
short_query_field = "user_orchestrator_system/cluster_name"
short_query_value = local.eks_cluster_name
parent_app_scope_id = var.secure_workload_root_scope
Then we create a nested scope for the Yelb application which is with is using label
which is equal to the Yelb Namespace. So all inventory with namespace named yelb will be added to this scope.
// Yelb App Scope
resource "tetration_scope" "yelb_app_scope" {
short_name = "Yelb"
short_query_type = "eq"
short_query_field = "user_orchestrator_system/namespace"
short_query_value = "yelb"
parent_app_scope_id =
After the scopes we create inventory filters for the pods and services running in the cluster. Below is just a
snippet of the Yelb DB service and pod filters. As you can see they are using the labels
and user_orchestrator_system/pod_name
// Yelb App Filters
resource "tetration_filter" "yelb-db-srv" {
name = "${local.eks_cluster_name} Yelb DB Service"
query = <<EOF
"type": "eq",
"field": "user_orchestrator_system/service_name",
"value": "yelb-db"
app_scope_id =
primary = true
public = false
resource "tetration_filter" "yelb-db-pod" {
name = "${local.eks_cluster_name} Yelb DB Pod"
query = <<EOF
"type": "contains",
"field": "user_orchestrator_system/pod_name",
"value": "yelb-db"
app_scope_id =
primary = true
public = false
} omitted
Finally, we create the Yelb application and policies, which we assign to the Yelb Scope. Here is snippet of the
application, and the first policy rule.
resource "tetration_application" "yelb_app" {
app_scope_id =
name = "Yelb"
description = "3-Tier App"
alternate_query_mode = true
strict_validation = true
primary = false
absolute_policy {
consumer_filter_id =
provider_filter_id =
action = "ALLOW"
layer_4_network_policy {
port_range = [80, 80]
protocol = 6
} omitted
Change the name of file secure_workload
and run terraform plan -out tfplan
and terraform apply "tfplan"
to deploy the resources.
Verify the resources by going back into the Secure Workload dashboard. From the menu go to Organize
Scopes and Inventory
. You will now see 2 nested scopes under the root scope, for example in this case the
cluster scope is named CNS_Lab_Test
and the app scope is named Yelb
. Under the Yelb
scope you will
see all the inventory filters. If you click on each inventory filter it will show what resources (pods or services)
are assigned.
Next, from the menu bar go to Defend
> Segmentation
. You will see a new workspace called Yelb
. Notice
that this workspace is assigned to the nested CNS_Lab_Test:Yelb
scopes. Click on the Yelb workspace.
Select Policies
and Absolute policies
and this will show all the policies that were deployed using the
Terraform resources.
Cisco Secure Workload provides a distributed firewall in the Cloud Native environment using a daemonset which
securely segments applications while microservices are being spun up. Since the application is being defined using
kubernetes services and deployments, using Terraform as the IaC tool here allows us to define the policy along with the
application and its infrastructure.
In this section we will use Jenkins as our CI/CD tool to integrate our Infrastructure using Pipeline as Code.
Pipeline as Code describes a set of features that allow Jenkins
users to define pipelined job processes with code,
stored and versioned in a source repository. These features allow Jenkins to discover, manage, and run jobs for multiple
source repositories and branches - eliminating the need for manual job creation and management.
To use Pipeline as Code, projects must contain a file named Jenkinsfile in the repository root, which contains a
"Pipeline script." Here is a look at our
We will go through each stage of this Jenkinsfile in detail later in this section, but first lets get started setting
up the Jenkins. This section assumes you already have Jenkins up and running in your environment. If you don't have
a Jenkins instance, you can go to Installing Jenkins for a bunch of
install options. For this lab we used the Docker install as we
felt it was the easiest way to get up and running. You can run this on Docker Desktop
or any other version of Docker.
First let's fork the
Cisco Cloud Native Security Workshop Github
repository. Go to the repo and click Fork
. This will allow you to fork the repo to your Github account. For
more info on how to fork a repo go to Fork a Repo
on Github docs.
Go to the Jenkins home page and select New Item
Enter the name of the pipeline job and select Pipeline
Select Configuration
. This will bring you to the configuration page. Give the project a description.
Scroll down to Pipeline, under the Definition dropdown select Pipeline script from SCM
. Under SCM
select Git
. Under Repository URL add Your Forked Repo URL. Under Credentials add your Github
credentials. If you don't know how to add your creds to Jenkins go to
Using Credentials on the Using Jenkins documentation.
Scroll down to Branches to build and under Branch Specifier change */master
to */main
. Under
Script Path add Jenkinsfile
. Select Apply and Save.
Next we need to setup all the credentials in Jenkins so we can pass them to the Jenkinsfile securely using
environment variables. Remember in Part 1 of this lab we used the terraform.tfvars
file to pass these credentials
to our Terraform modules. Well that works in development when we are testing and building our Terraform code, but
that won't work when we are using CI/CD to continously deploy and update our infrastructure. First thing to note is
we don't want to save our credentials to a file in SCM. Second, we don't want our variables to be static. For
example, we may want to change regions or availability zones depending on where we want to deploy.
From the Jenkins Daskboard go to Manage Jenkins then Manage Credentials.
Add the following credentials as Secret Text (refer to
Using Credentials on how to create Secret Text credentials):
Go back to Manage Jenkins
and select Manage Plugins
Here we are going to add plugins for Terraform
and Docker
. In the search bar search for Terraform. You
will see a plugin named Terraform Plugin
. Select the install checkbox and click Install without restart
Do the same for Docker
. In the search bar search for Docker. You
will see a plugin named Docker Pipeline
. Select the install checkbox and click Install without restart
Go back to Manage Jenkins
and select Global Tool Configuration
. Scroll down to Docker
. Select
Add Docker
. Give it name and select Install automatically
. Under Download from
Docker version latest
Scroll down to Terraform
. Select
Add Terraform
. Give it name and select Install automatically
. Under Install from
select the version of Terraform and system type it will be running on. For example, here Terraform will be running
on a linux amd64 host.
Click Apply
and Save
Now that the pipeline, credentials and plugins are configured in Jenkins, let's run through the
Jenkinsfile and pick
it apart. The first part of the Jenkinsfile
is to declare the Jenkinsfile as a pipeline
and the default
agent we will be using. The agent directive, which is required, instructs Jenkins to allocate an executor and
workspace for the Pipeline. Without an agent directive, not only is the Declarative Pipeline not valid, it would not
be capable of doing any work! By default the agent directive ensures that the source repository is checked out and
made available for steps in the subsequent stages. In this case we are using agent any
, which will use any agent
available. Because we are using the Jenkins on Docker deployment, the agent used will actually be a docker container.
Next we set the environment
variables. This is where we set all the variables needed for our deployment. We will
pass these variables to our stages in the following steps. Notice the credentials()
variables. This is where we
reference the secure variables we created in the Jenkins Credentials manager in the previous step. Also note that we
have some variables defined for Prod
and Dev
. I'm pretty sure you can guess what they will be used for.
There are some additional variables needed for our pipeline to work correctly.
Add the hostname of your Secure Workload instanceSW_ROOT_SCOPE
Add the Secure Workload Root Scope IDOnce variables are added make sure to do a git commit
and git push
to update your forked repo.
environment {
DEV_LAB_ID = 'Dev'
PROD_LAB_ID = 'Prod'
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = credentials('aws-access-key')
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = credentials('aws-secret-key')
DEV_AWS_REGION = 'us-east-2'
PROD_AWS_REGION = 'us-east-1'
DEV_AWS_AZ1 = 'us-east-2a'
DEV_AWS_AZ2 = 'us-east-2b'
PROD_AWS_AZ1 = 'us-east-1a'
PROD_AWS_AZ2 = 'us-east-1b'
GITHUB_TOKEN = credentials('github_token')
FTD_PASSWORD = credentials('ftd-password')
SCA_SERVICE_KEY = credentials('sca-service-key')
SW_API_KEY = credentials('sw-api-key')
SW_API_SEC = credentials('sw-api-sec')
SW_URL = 'https://<hostname>'
SW_ROOT_SCOPE = '<root scope id>'
tools {
terraform 'Terraform 1.0.3'
dockerTool 'Docker'
environment variable.stages{
stage('SCM Checkout'){
git branch: 'main', url: 'https://$<YOUR_GITHUB>/<YOUR_REPO>.git'
directory. This means this stage is its own terraform root module. stage('Build DEV Infrastructure'){
sh 'terraform get -update'
sh 'terraform init'
sh 'terraform apply -auto-approve \
-var="aws_access_key=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" \
-var="aws_secret_key=$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" \
-var="lab_id=$DEV_LAB_ID" \
-var="region=$DEV_AWS_REGION" \
-var="aws_az1=$DEV_AWS_AZ1" \
-var="aws_az2=$DEV_AWS_AZ2" \
-var="ftd_pass=$FTD_PASSWORD" \
//sh 'docker run -v $(pwd)/Ansible:/ftd-ansible/playbooks -v $(pwd)/Ansible/hosts.yaml:/etc/ansible/hosts ciscodevnet/ftd-ansible playbooks/ftd_configuration.yaml'
If you take a look in the
directory you will only see
files. Where is all the other code?
Well let's take a look at the
file. Because we will be using the same infrastructure code in the Dev and Prod environments, we have built a
module. Think of a module like a function, which is repeatable code we can use over and over again. If we need to
make changes to the module, changes would be applied to both the Dev and Prod environments, which is what we want.
Add your remote hosts that you want to allow access to the FTD Management interface and AWS EKS API to the
variable here.
module "Infrastructure" {
source = ""
aws_access_key = var.aws_access_key
aws_secret_key = var.aws_secret_key
region = var.region
ftd_user = var.ftd_user
ftd_pass = var.ftd_pass
lab_id = var.lab_id
aws_az1 = var.aws_az1
aws_az2 = var.aws_az2
key_name = var.key_name
remote_hosts = [""] //ex:["", ""]
As you can see from source = ""
we are sourcing
the module code from GitHub. You can access this repo at
Cisco Cloud Native Security Infrastructure.
In this repo you will see most of the files and code we built in Part 1.
stage('Build DEV Cisco Secure Cloud Native Security'){
sh 'terraform get -update'
sh 'terraform init'
sh 'terraform apply -auto-approve \
-var="aws_access_key=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" \
-var="aws_secret_key=$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" \
-var="lab_id=$DEV_LAB_ID" \
-var="region=$DEV_AWS_REGION" \
-var="aws_az1=$DEV_AWS_AZ1" \
-var="aws_az2=$DEV_AWS_AZ2" \
-var="sca_service_key=$SCA_SERVICE_KEY" \
-var="secure_workload_api_key=$SW_API_KEY" \
-var="secure_workload_api_sec=$SW_API_SEC" \
-var="secure_workload_api_url=$SW_URL" \
If you take a look at the
file we use a module for the applications as well.
module "Applications" {
source = ""
aws_access_key = var.aws_access_key
aws_secret_key = var.aws_secret_key
region = var.region
lab_id = var.lab_id
aws_az1 = var.aws_az1
aws_az2 = var.aws_az2
sca_service_key = var.sca_service_key
secure_workload_api_key = var.secure_workload_api_key
secure_workload_api_sec = var.secure_workload_api_sec
secure_workload_api_url = var.secure_workload_api_url
secure_workload_root_scope = var.secure_workload_root_scope
This module is available at
Cisco Cloud Native Security Applications.
stage('Test DEV Application'){
httpRequest consoleLogResponseBody: true, ignoreSslErrors: true, responseHandle: 'NONE', url: 'http://$DEV_EKS_HOST:30001', validResponseCodes: '200', wrapAsMultipart: false
and PROD/Applications
directories. stage('Deploy PROD Infrastructure'){
sh 'terraform init'
sh 'terraform apply -auto-approve \
-var="aws_access_key=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" \
-var="aws_secret_key=$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" \
-var="lab_id=$PROD_LAB_ID" \
-var="region=$PROD_AWS_REGION" \
-var="aws_az1=$PROD_AWS_AZ1" \
-var="aws_az2=$PROD_AWS_AZ2" \
-var="ftd_pass=$FTD_PASSWORD" -var="key_name=ftd_key"'
//sh 'docker run -v $(pwd)/Ansible:/ftd-ansible/playbooks -v $(pwd)/Ansible/hosts.yaml:/etc/ansible/hosts ciscodevnet/ftd-ansible playbooks/ftd_configuration.yaml'
// Comment out if you are NOT deploying Secure Cloud Analytics or Secure Workload
stage('Deploy PROD Cisco Secure Cloud Native Security'){
sh 'terraform init'
sh 'terraform apply -auto-approve \
-var="aws_access_key=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" \
-var="aws_secret_key=$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" \
-var="lab_id=$PROD_LAB_ID" \
-var="region=$PROD_AWS_REGION" \
-var="aws_az1=$PROD_AWS_AZ1" \
-var="aws_az2=$PROD_AWS_AZ2" \
-var="sca_service_key=$SCA_SERVICE_KEY" \
-var="secure_workload_api_key=$SW_API_KEY" \
-var="secure_workload_api_sec=$SW_API_SEC" \
-var="secure_workload_api_url=$SW_URL" \
stage('Test PROD Application'){
httpRequest consoleLogResponseBody: true, ignoreSslErrors: true, responseHandle: 'NONE', url: 'http://$PROD_EKS_HOST:30001', validResponseCodes: '200', wrapAsMultipart: false
// Pipeline
agent any
// Environment Variables
environment {
DEV_LAB_ID = 'Dev'
PROD_LAB_ID = 'Prod'
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = credentials('aws-access-key')
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = credentials('aws-secret-key')
DEV_AWS_REGION = 'us-east-2'
PROD_AWS_REGION = 'us-east-1'
DEV_AWS_AZ1 = 'us-east-2a'
DEV_AWS_AZ2 = 'us-east-2b'
PROD_AWS_AZ1 = 'us-east-1a'
PROD_AWS_AZ2 = 'us-east-1b'
GITHUB_TOKEN = credentials('github_token')
MY_REPO = 'emcnicholas/Cisco_Cloud_Native_Security_Workshop.git' //ex:'
FTD_PASSWORD = credentials('ftd-password')
SCA_SERVICE_KEY = credentials('sca-service-key')
SW_API_KEY = credentials('sw-api-key')
SW_API_SEC = credentials('sw-api-sec')
SW_URL = ''
SW_ROOT_SCOPE = '605bacee755f027875a0eef3'
PROD_EKS_HOST = '<prod eks host ip>'
REMOTE_HOSTS = '["","",""]' //ex: ["", ""]
// Jenkins Plugins and Tools
tools {
terraform 'Terraform 1.0.3'
dockerTool 'Docker'
// Pipeline Stages
// Checkout Code from Github Repo
stage('SCM Checkout'){
git branch: 'main', url: 'https://$'
// Dev Environment Infrastructure Deployment - AWS VPC, EKS, FTDv
stage('Build DEV Infrastructure'){
sh 'terraform get -update'
sh 'terraform init'
sh 'terraform apply -auto-approve \
-var="aws_access_key=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" \
-var="aws_secret_key=$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" \
-var="lab_id=$DEV_LAB_ID" \
-var="region=$DEV_AWS_REGION" \
-var="aws_az1=$DEV_AWS_AZ1" \
-var="aws_az2=$DEV_AWS_AZ2" \
-var="ftd_pass=$FTD_PASSWORD" \
//sh 'docker run -v $(pwd)/Ansible:/ftd-ansible/playbooks -v $(pwd)/Ansible/hosts.yaml:/etc/ansible/hosts ciscodevnet/ftd-ansible playbooks/ftd_configuration.yaml'
// Dev Environment Applications Deployment - Yelb, NGINX, Secure Cloud Analytics and Secure Workload
// Uncomment to run this stage
stage('Build DEV Cisco Secure Cloud Native Security'){
sh 'terraform get -update'
sh 'terraform init'
sh 'terraform apply -auto-approve \
-var="aws_access_key=$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" \
-var="aws_secret_key=$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" \
-var="lab_id=$DEV_LAB_ID" \
-var="region=$DEV_AWS_REGION" \
-var="aws_az1=$DEV_AWS_AZ1" \
-var="aws_az2=$DEV_AWS_AZ2" \
-var="sca_service_key=$SCA_SERVICE_KEY" \
-var="secure_workload_api_key=$SW_API_KEY" \
-var="secure_workload_api_sec=$SW_API_SEC" \
-var="secure_workload_api_url=$SW_URL" \
Go to the Jenkins Dashboard and select your Pipeline job. Then select Build Now

The run will start and should look like the screenshot below. You can see the stages we configured in our Jenkinsfile
and if the
stages passed for failed. If any of the stages fail, please make sure all the variables are defined correctly and
your forked Github repo has been updated.
The first run will take about 20 minutes because the EKS Cluster and FTDv takes time to provision.
On the menu bar select Open Blue Ocean
Blue Ocean gives us a much better interface for reviewing the output of the runs. Select the latest run to get
At the top you will see the build status. You can click on any stage to get details. Click on
Build DEV Infrastructure
stage and there will be a list of all steps in the stage.
Click through the steps to see the output for each step. Take a look at the last step terraform apply
get more details on the build.
Scroll all the way down to the bottom, and you will see that 48 resources have been added, and we have some
output variables.
Copy and save the output variables as we will need them. Open another browser tab to access the Secure Firewall
management interface. Go to https://<dev_ftd_mgmt_ip and verify the firewall is up and running, and the policies
are configured.
Open your AWS Dashboard and go to Elastic Kubernetes Service. Click on Amazon EKS Clusters and
verify the Cluster name, for example CNS_Lab_Dev, is up and running.
Go to your Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics portal and go to the Sensors screen
and verify that the daemonset has been deployed and that events are being consumed.
Go to your Cisco Secure Workload portal and verify scopes and policies have been built.
Using the Terraform outputs from Jenkins Build DEV Infrastructure
stage, copy the dev_eks_public_ip
and go
back to the Jenkinsfile
. Add the IP address to the Test DEV Application
(this step is manual today, but we are building automation to take care of this).
stage('Test DEV Application'){
httpRequest consoleLogResponseBody: true, ignoreSslErrors: true, responseHandle: 'NONE', url: 'http://<dev_eks_public_ip>:30001', validResponseCodes: '200', wrapAsMultipart: false
Go down to the Test DEV Application
, Deploy PROD Infrastructure
, and
Deploy PROD Cisco Secure Cloud Native Security
and uncomment these stages. Do a git commit
git push
to update your forked repository.
Go back into your Jenkins Dashboard, select your Pipeline job and click Build Now. You will see the additional
stages added for Prod.
Now go to the Blue Ocean and review the build.
In the Blue Ocean interface, select the Deploy PROD Infrastructure
stage. Extend the terraform apply
step. Scroll down to the bottom and copy the terraform outputs. Copy the prod_eks_public_ip
variable IP
address. Go back into the Jenkinsfile
and go down to the Test PROD Application
stage. Uncomment the
stage and add the prod_eks_public_ip
IP address.
stage('Test PROD Application'){
httpRequest consoleLogResponseBody: true, ignoreSslErrors: true, responseHandle: 'NONE', url: 'http://<prod_eks_public_ip>:30001', validResponseCodes: '200', wrapAsMultipart: false
Go back to the Jenkins Dashboard, select your pipeline job and run it.
Go into Blue Ocean and explore the full pipeline run.
Secure WorkloadProgramming Languages
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