Displays count of an event type from Meraki Dashboard on a defined time frame
Clone the repo
$ git clone
Set up a Python venv
Python3 needs to be installed on the machine.
Creating a virtual environment is recommended.
Install virtualenv via pip
Create a new virtual environment
Change to your project folder
$ cd getMerakiEventCount
Create virtual environment
$ virtualenv venv
Activate virtual environment
$ source venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
How to Use
- -k / --key : provide API key - optional (or set in environment variable as meraki_apikey)
- -o / --org : set an organization ID - optional
- -n / --net : set a network ID - optional
- -s / --span : set the time span (in days) - optional
- -t / --type : set event type - mandatory (syslog notation)
- -p / --product : set product type - mandatory
Default time span : 1 day
If no Org ID is provided, the scripts displays the organizations available
python -p wireless
Using default timespan : 1 day
Please set Org ID in parameters - available organizations :
Organization : 549236, Name : DevNet Sandbox
Organization : 463308, Name : DevNet San Jose
Available product types :
wireless, appliance, switch, systemsManager, camera, cellularGateway, environmental
Examples :
Getting DFS Events count for all networks in Org ID 549236
python -p wireless -t dfs_event -o 549236
Using default timespan : 1 day
Timespan : between 2020-11-14 16:37:07.722869 and 2020-11-15 16:37:07.722869
Network : DevNet Sandbox ALWAYS ON , Number of dfs_event : 17
Network : DNSMB3 , Number of dfs_event : 0
Network : DNSMB2 , Number of dfs_event : 1