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Converts a json file to csv and excel format. It recursively explores the json file and flattens its data to output so it can be viewed as excel/csv.

Takes a json file as input and converts it to csv and xlsx files. It recursively explores the json file's data (nodes).
It creates labels which correspond to the keys of the items parsed.
It concatenates the full path tree json of each object to the label's name structure and flattens the output in 2 dimensions so that the data can be converted to csv / xlsx format.
You can use the -v flag for verbose output.



  • Python 3
  • the xlsxwriter Python library

You can install the library using pip:

  • pip install XlsxWriter


Script call definition:

python <Path to json> <Path and output files names(optional)>

The first argument you specify will be the input json file. The second is the base name used for the creation of the excel and csv file. If the second argument is not specified, the json file's name will be used.

This will output two files named: myfile.csv myfile.xlsx

  • python myfile.json

Whereas this will output two files named: output.csv output.xlsx

  • python myfile.json output

You can place the -v argument anywhere. e.g.:

  • python myfile.json -v output
  • python -v myfile.json output
  • python myfile.json -v

Known Issues

There are no issues so far. Please communicate with me if you run into any, so that I can improve the script.

Getting Help

If you face any issues, please create an issue in the GitHub built-in issue tracker.


Please contact me if you want to contribute to this project and I will give you further instructions.

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  • Owner

  • Contributors

    +2Github contributors
  • Categories

  • Programming Languages

  • License

    MIT License

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