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CISCO DNA Center automation POV

Using DNAC APIs we can automate business workflows and start building/integrating business applications into the network. this is an example using the template editor in DNAC we are able to automate the assignment of vlan throughout the network based on a business logic, in this example we organize couple of network ports into logical rooms regardless of the switch, and then we use the API to assign vlans to the rooms, the app would go and update the vlans on the respective ports using DNAC APIs.
The prototype is built using a python Flask server and CISCO UI toolkit and cisco NeXt UI toolkit, the GUI allows the user to group ports into rooms and then assign vlans to rooms


Clone the repo :

$ git clone

Install dependencies :

$ pip install flask
$ pip install WTForms


DANC details :

You can deploy this prototype with one of our CISCO DevNet DNAC lab sandboxes available here.
Fill in the details of your DNAC server in the file

dnac_host = 'you ip address or host'
dnac_user = 'your user '
dnac_pass = 'your passowrd '

Run script

Run this file the first time before runing the server, this will create the template in DNAC and genrate the template id and device Ids

$ python3
  • take note of the template id
  • take note of the devices id

After execution

$ python3
##### Success! Template id : 90a5164d-8011-4d2f-a205-b6d2219d7cb6
##### Devices list :
Hostname                      ##Ip Address          ##Id                                                                    
3504_WLC                      ##         ##50c96308-84b5-43dc-ad68-cda146d80290

Update files for your environment:

Update the template id in the file

template_v_id = 'your template id goes here'

Update the device ids in the rooms.js file :

  "ports": [
      "switch_id": "6a49c827-9b28-490b-8df0-8b6c3b582d8a",
      "id": "0",
      "name": "0/0/12"

Note: you can add ports from different switches based on your demo, make sure to update with the ports/updated accordingly

port = SelectField('Port', choices=[('',''),('0', 'Port 0/0/12'),('1', 'Port 0/0/13'),('2', 'Port 0/0/14'),('3', 'Port 0/0/15'),('4', 'Port 0/0/16'),('5', 'Port 0/0/17	')], validators=[validators.required()])


Launch the server by issuing

$ python

In a web browser open :

Use the GUI to assign ports into different rooms, and then assign vlan to room, then you can login to the switches to check if the vlan modification went through

alt text

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    +1Github contributor
  • Categories

  • Products

    Cisco Catalyst Center
  • Programming Languages

  • License

    BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

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