

This script is using Cobra SDK to configure various Networking components of a tenant(Tenant tab) that may be required during build phase of Cisco ACI deployment.
Data is collected from CSV file with following headers:
Tenant Segment Subnet l3out1_peer_ip l3out1_a_ip l3out1_b_ip l3out1_vlan l3out1_net l3out2_a_ip l3out2_b_ip l3out2_peer_a_ip l3out2_peer_b_ip l3out2_vlan l3out2_net router_id_leaf1 router_id_leaf2 l3out2_remote_sub

Entities that are getting created:

  • Tenant
  • VRF
  • BD
  • Subnet
  • L3Out1 - the one that ACI will use as a default GW. ExtEPG = BGP on (with MD5)
  • L3Out2 - another L3Out used for comms with remote DC. ExtEPG = specific subnet(l3out2_remote_sub). BGP on (with MD5)

Expects existing contracts for Any to L3Out1(tnVzBrCPName="Any-to-GW") and Any to L3Out2(tnVzBrCPName="Any-to-DCI")

Tested on ACI fabric running version 3.2

You can get Cobra SDK here:!cobra-sdk-downloads/aci-cobra-sdk-files
Then just follow Install guide maintained by Cisco:

This script is intended as a bit more elaborate (or just different) example, however it can be used as is:
Copy files from this GitHub repo.
Edit values in lines 8, 9 and 10 to specify admin credentials and IP of APIC controller.
Run in Python interpreter.

View code on GitHub

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