Introduction to gNMI
Enabling the API
Use Cases and examples
gNOI is the gRPC Network Operations Interface. It has been enabled on IOS XE 17.3 with support for the "certificate protocol buffer", or cert.proto for short. The gNOI cert.proto is the certificate management API - it enables programmatic operations for working with TLS/SSL/crypto CLI and certificiates. Essentially it enables network operators to more effeciently load crypto into the network device via an API.
gNOI is part of the gNMI API interface. The gNMI Model Driven Programmatic Interface is part of the Device Configuration and Device Monitoring ecosystem within Cisco IOS XE, shown below:
A review of the IOS XE Programmability and Telemetry interfaces of gNMI, NETCONF, RESTCONF, and gRPC is below, specifically the YANG data models:
The Google Remote Procedure Call (g) Network Management Interface (NMI), or gNMI for short, is a specification of RPC's and behaviours for managing the state on network devices. It is built on the open source gRPC framework and uses the Protobuf IDL (protocol buffers interactive data language).
Details of Protocol Buffers is available at from Google Developers at while the specification for gNMI itself is available on Github/Openconfig at and the actual gnmi.proto file is defined at - These resources can be referred if needed however for the purpose of this lab is not necessary to have a deeper understanding of these concepts.
Similar to the NETCONF and RESTCONF programmatic interfaces, gNMI can be used for a variety of operations including retrieving operational and runtime details using the GET operations, as well as making configuration changes using the SET operation. The SUBSCRIBE operation supports Model Driven Telemetry, or streaming telemetry, to be enabled from this interface as well.
All of the programmatic interfaces (NETCONF, RESTCONF, gNMI, and gRPC) share the same set of YANG data models. An example is to review the interface configurations including interface descriptions which can be completed by using any of the programmatic interfaces using the same YANG data model: Cisco-IOS-XE-interface-oper.YANG.
The gNMI interface has already been enabled as part of the ZTP / day 0 process. The following CLI's are used to enable gNMI in secure mode with a self-signed certificate:
gnxi secure-init
gnxi secure-server
gnxi secure-port 9339
Using the script from the Cisco Innovation Edge github at we can easily generate certificates. This script follows the steps that are outlined in the above IOS XE 16.12 Programmability Configuration Guide link.
To generate the certificates lets follow these steps:
cd ; cd gnmi_ssl
bash c9300 Cisco12345
The command above will generate the required certificates for loading into IOS XE for use with the secure gNMI API.
The gnoi_cert tooling is available from and has already been installed. If needing to reinstall or install this in your own lab, the commands to install the gnoi_cert tooling would be similar to the following:
go get
go install
Loading the certificates can be done using the gnoi_cert tooling as shown below.
The name of the crypto trustpoint is specified in the "cert-id" field which is set to gnxi-cert
Copy the command to provision the certificates:
cd ~/gnmi_ssl/certs/ ; /home/auto/gnoi_cert -target_addr c9300:9339 -op provision -target_name c9300 -alsologtostderr -organization "jcohoe org" -ip_address -time_out=10s -min_key_size=2048 -cert_id gnxi-cert -state BC -country CA -ca ./rootCA.pem -key ./rootCA.key
You will see a log message like "Install Successfull"
If the gRPC-TLS module was previously completed then this step can be skipped - the certificate was already loaded as part of the previous module. Contiune on to validation as this was not covered in the gRPC-TLS section.
Review details of the trustpoint using the show crypto pki trustpoints CLI's
show crypto pki trustpoints | i Trustpoint
show crypto pki trustpoints
gnoi_cert was used to install the 'gnxi-cert' for use with the gNMI API interface. Check the status of the gNMI with the following CLI:
show gnxi state detail
The ouptut should look similar. Note the Secure trustpoint is listed as gnxi-cert and that GNMI is in State: Provisioned
This concludes the gNOI cert.proto section as the certifcate has been installed into the device's truststore and is available for use with gNMI.
YouTube Demo Video @
In this module the gNMI YANG Model Driven Programmatic interface (API) has been configured and enabled in both secure and non-secure modes. The YANGSuite and gNMI_cli tools have been used to interact with the gNMI API interface using the GUI and CLI based tooling to perform basic GET operations.
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