

A script that connects to network devices and checks for the presence of commands (globally/per interface) defined in a basline file







git clone
cd config-checker

Create virtual enviroment (optional)

python3 -m venv config-checker
source config-checker/bin/activate

install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt 

Online mode

connect to device defined in connection.yaml file via ssh and collect "show run" and additional show command output and check against config in baseline.yaml

python -b [baseline.yaml] -c [connection.yaml]

Image of online mode

Offline mode

check config files in directory (one per device) against baseline.yaml file. Please notice that only "show run" output can be checked in offline mode

python -b [baseline.yaml] -d [config directory]

Image of of offline

Optional parameters


display/log only failed check/ suppress passed checks
Image of of failed mode

-r [report.json]

log also to json file additional to console output. The report file contains also the raw data that was checked

Image of report mode
Image of report mode

-l [logfile.txt]

log console output also to logfile (so you are able to see the complete output later on)

Samples for baseline.yaml and connection.yaml in examples directory

Convert to windows exe

To convert the python file use python package auto-py-to-exe.exe
pip install auto-py-to-exe

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