
This application helps to quickly download the Application Policies into JSON file from a Tetration Cluster and convert it into Cisco ASA config.

Table of contents


From sources

Download the sources from Github, extract and execute the following commands

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Run screenshot


How to use this application:
To access to the cluster you need to get the API Credentials with the following permissions

  • sensor_management - option: SW sensor management: API to configure and monitor status of SW sensors
  • hw_sensor_management - option: HW sensor management: API to configure and monitor status of HW sensors
  • flow_inventory_query - option: Flow and inventory search: API to query flows and inventory items in Tetration cluster
  • user_role_scope_management - option: Users, roles and scope management: API for root scope owners to read/add/modify/remove users, roles and scopes
  • app_policy_management - option:
    Applications and policy management: API to manage applications and enforce policies

Download the api_credentials.json locally and have it ready to get the information required for the setup.

A quick look for the help will list the current available options.

  • To start the script, just use: python3 --url https://Cluster-IP --credential api_credentials.json


The ASA config file will be generated as ACL_config.txt


Step 1: Issue $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt to install all required packages.

Step 2: To run the apps: python3 --url https://Cluster-IP --credential api_credentials.json

Step 3: Choose the Application you want to download and convert from the list.


Any feedback can send to me: Le Anh Duc ( or
Code is modified from Mr. Chris McHenry:

View code on GitHub
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    +1Github contributor
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    Secure Workload
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  • License

    BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

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