Originally developed for internal Cisco engineering use, pyATS is at the core of Cisco's Test Automation Solution.
pyATS can do a lot of things, the aim of this repo is to show how to use pyATS to perform stateful network validation.
In this example, we will show how we can use pyATS on a Nexus switch to detect a VNI going down.
There is an existing docker container which contains everything you need to run pyATS.
As pyATS has been developed by Cisco, it can easily by used on Cisco OS (IOSXE, NXOS, IOSXR, SDWAN...), it already contains a lot of parser and
models. All we have to do is to ask pyATS to "learn" the state of a device at one moment, then we ask pyATS to do the same at a different time.
For example this can be done before and after a maintenance operation. After that, all we have to do is to make a diff.
A file written in yaml (testbed.yaml) indicated to which devices it has to interact.
The below command can be broken down in two parts:
docker run -it -v /opt/scripts/pyats/:/automation ciscotestautomation/pyats:latest pyats learn vxlan interface platform --testbed-file /automation/testbed.yaml --output /automation/learnt
[Entrypoint] Starting pyATS Docker Image ...
[Entrypoint] Workspace Directory: /pyats
[Entrypoint] Activating workspace
Enter default password for device LST-DC2C-001
Learning '['vxlan', 'interface', 'platform']' on devices '['LST-DC2C-001']'
33%|â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â– 67%|â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–100%|â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–100%|â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–| 3/3 [01:25<00:00, 28.48s/it]
| Genie Learn Summary for device LST-DC2C-001 |
| Connected to LST-DC2C-001 |
| - Log: /automation/learnt/connection_LST-DC2C-001.txt |
| Learnt feature 'vxlan' |
| - Ops structure: /automation/learnt/vxlan_nxos_LST-DC2C-001_ops.txt |
| - Device Console: /automation/learnt/vxlan_nxos_LST-DC2C-001_console.txt |
| Learnt feature 'interface' |
| - Ops structure: /automation/learnt/interface_nxos_LST-DC2C-001_ops.txt |
| - Device Console: /automation/learnt/interface_nxos_LST- |
| DC2C-001_console.txt |
| Learnt feature 'platform' |
| - Ops structure: /automation/learnt/platform_nxos_LST-DC2C-001_ops.txt |
| - Device Console: /automation/learnt/platform_nxos_LST-DC2C-001_console.txt |
In the pyATS command, we are asking to learn the vxlan and interfaces states on the device referenced in testbed.yaml and to store it under
the learnt directory.
Then, to trigger a change we will shutdown a VLAN interface (ip forward), which will bring down the VNI:
LST-DC2C-001(config)# int vlan 3967
LST-DC2C-001(config-if)# shutdown
And then we perform the same command to learn the state after the change, but we store it in a different directory:
[root@pla-jmich-p01 pyats]# docker run -it -v /opt/scripts/pyats/:/automation ciscotestautomation/pyats:latest pyats learn vxlan interface --testbed-file /automation/testbed.yaml --output /automation/after
[Entrypoint] Starting pyATS Docker Image ...
[Entrypoint] Workspace Directory: /pyats
[Entrypoint] Activating workspace
Enter default password for device LST-DC2C-001
Learning '['vxlan', 'interface']' on devices '['LST-DC2C-001']'
50%|â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â– 100%|â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–100%|â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–| 2/2 [01:20<00:00, 40.21s/it]
| Genie Learn Summary for device LST-DC2C-001 |
| Connected to LST-DC2C-001 |
| - Log: /automation/after/connection_LST-DC2C-001.txt |
| Learnt feature 'vxlan' |
| - Ops structure: /automation/after/vxlan_nxos_LST-DC2C-001_ops.txt |
| - Device Console: /automation/after/vxlan_nxos_LST-DC2C-001_console.txt |
| Learnt feature 'interface' |
| - Ops structure: /automation/after/interface_nxos_LST-DC2C-001_ops.txt |
| - Device Console: /automation/after/interface_nxos_LST-DC2C-001_console.txt |
All we have to do is to check the diff between the two states:
[root@pla-jmich-p01 pyats]# docker run -it -v /opt/scripts/pyats/:/automation ciscotestautomation/pyats:latest pyats diff /automation/learnt /automation/after --output /automation/ [Entrypoint] Starting pyATS Docker Image ... [Entrypoint] Workspace Directory: /pyats [Entrypoint] Activating workspace 1it [00:00, 10.35it/s] +==============================================================================+ | Genie Diff Summary between directories /automation/learnt/ and | | /automation/after/ | +==============================================================================+ | File: vxlan_nxos_LST-DC2C-001_ops.txt | | - Diff can be found at /automation/diff_vxlan_nxos_LST-DC2C-001_ops.txt | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | File: interface_nxos_LST-DC2C-001_ops.txt | | - Diff can be found at /automation/diff_interface_nxos_LST-DC2C-001_ops.txt | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
pyATS found differences, let's have a look:
[root@pla-jmich-p01 pyats]# cat diff/diff_vxlan_nxos_LST-DC2C-001_ops.txt
--- /automation/learnt/vxlan_nxos_LST-DC2C-001_ops.txt
+++ /automation/after/vxlan_nxos_LST-DC2C-001_ops.txt
- 3967:
- topo_name:
- Vxlan-400379:
- emulated_ip:
- emulated_ro_ip:
- encap_type: 1
- flags: L3cp
- if_hdl: 1224736769
- iod: 0
- prev_flags: -
- rcvd_flag: 0
- rmac: b4de.31f2.bd27
- sub_flags: --
- topo_name: Vxlan-400379
- topo_type: vni
- tx_id: 26
- vmac: b4de.31f2.bd27
- vni: 400379
- vrf_id: 5
- vtep_ip:
+ vni_state: down
- vni_state: up
+ cp_vni_down: 1
- cp_vni_down: 0
+ cp_vni_up: 17
- cp_vni_up: 18
[root@pla-jmich-p01 pyats]# cat diff/diff_interface_nxos_LST-DC2C-001_ops.txt
--- /automation/learnt/interface_nxos_LST-DC2C-001_ops.txt
+++ /automation/after/interface_nxos_LST-DC2C-001_ops.txt
+ enabled: False
- enabled: True
+ oper_status: down
Pretty cool, pyATS found the VNI and the interfaces went down!
Ok, you might think it is difficult to use cause of docker. So I developped two python scripts to make things easier.
You need to have docker installed for this, with of course the pyATS image installed.
This script will take a snapshot of a device state. All you have to do is:
./getState.py username deviceHostname directory models
[root@pla-jmich-p01 pyats]# ./getState.py t.pessione LST-DC2C-001 post interface
[Entrypoint] Starting pyATS Docker Image ...
[Entrypoint] Workspace Directory: /pyats
[Entrypoint] Activating workspace
Enter default password for device LST-DC2C-001
Learning '['interface']' on devices '['LST-DC2C-001']'
100%|â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–100%|â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–â–| 1/1 [00:05<00:00, 5.52s/it]
| Genie Learn Summary for device LST-DC2C-001 |
| Connected to LST-DC2C-001 |
| - Log: /automation/res/post/connection_LST-DC2C-001.txt |
| Learnt feature 'interface' |
| - Ops structure: /automation/res/post/interface_nxos_LST-DC2C-001_ops.txt |
| - Device Console: /automation/res/post/interface_nxos_LST- |
| DC2C-001_console.txt |
This script will compare the states between two reps:
./diffState.py directory1 directory2 directoryToStoreResult
[root@pla-jmich-p01 pyats]# ./diffState.py pre post test
[Entrypoint] Starting pyATS Docker Image ...
[Entrypoint] Workspace Directory: /pyats
[Entrypoint] Activating workspace
1it [00:00, 36.32it/s]
| Genie Diff Summary between directories /automation/res/pre/ and |
| /automation/res/post/ |
| File: interface_nxos_LST-DC2C-001_ops.txt |
| - Diff can be found at /automation/diff/test/diff_interface_nxos_LST- |
| DC2C-001_ops.txt |
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