
This is the readme markdown file for my first GitHub project. Thanks so much for the enablement of Cisco HK team on DevNET solution enablment throughout Year 2020.


In typical network infrastructure design, network devices configuration /setting including routers, switches, firewall wireless controllers are maintained individually. There is no centralized location to store, backup, consolidate the setting, status, snapshot of these networking devices.

This makes network administrators or vendors whom provide maintenance support difficult to understand the latest setting or status of the network devices in case of a device failure.

Cisco IOS Embedded Event Manager (EEM)

Starting from Cisco IOS version 12.3(4)T, 12.0(26)S in long time ago, Cisco introduced a feature called Embedded Event Manager (EEM). The first version was EEM 1.0 version. EEM is a powerful and flexible subsystem that provides real-time network event detection and onboard automation. It gives you the ability to adapt the behavior of your network devices to align with your business needs.

What Cisco-EEM-Auto-Export does?

This script is sets of CLI command to be input to Cisco IOS or IOS-XE routers or switches. This script will run regularly as service. EEM engine will trigger this script to run automatically according to the configured interval in this EEM script.

Once this script run, it will collect corresponding CLI command automatically and store the output to a local file and then store the file to a FTP server folder automatically.

What IOS version and Devices can support this EEM script?

This script mainly utilizes "regexp" command in EEM command reference. According to Cisco command reference Cisco EEM Command Reference. Minimal IOS version version to run "regexp" command is 12.4(22)T or 12.2(33)SRE. According to Cisco EEM version histroy, that command was introduced in EEM vesrion 3.0.



However, to run this script smoothly, we recommend you should run with the latest EEM version. Currently, it is EEM 4.0.

Currently, a variety of network devices including Cisco ISR-G2/4K, Catalyst 3650,3850,9300,4500 switch, Nexus 3K/7K/9K data center siwtch with IOS or NXOS version can support EEM 4.0. For example, Cisco Catalyst 9300 Switch with version Release Gibraltar-16.12.4 can support EEM 4.0.

For details of version and device compatiblity for EEM 4.0, please visit Cisco Feature Netvigator


To install the script. Login to router or switch at "enable" mode and then "configure terminal" mode

Enter Configure Terminal mode

configure terminal

Input the script

 event manager applet PM_Health_Check-To-FTP
 description PreventiveMaint_Health_Check-To-FTP
 event timer cron name Daily cron-entry "05 02 * * *"
 action 0.01  info type routername
 action 1.01 cli command "enable"
 action 1.02 cli command "show clock"
 action 1.03 regexp "(2[0-3]|[01][0-9]):([0-6][0-9]):([0-6][0-9])" "$_cli_result" time hour minute second
 action 1.04 puts "$time"
 action 1.05 puts "$hour"
 action 1.06 puts "$minute"
 action 1.07 puts "$second"
 action 1.11 cli command "show clock"
 action 1.12 regexp "(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec) ([1-9]|0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]) (20[1-9][0-9])" "$_cli_result" time2 month day year
 action 1.13 puts "$time2"
 action 1.14 puts "$month"
 action 1.15 puts "$day"
 action 1.16 puts "$year"
 action 2.01 cli command "configure terminal"
 action 2.02 cli command "file prompt quiet"
 action 2.03 cli command "do copy run flash:$_info_routername-$year$month$day-$hour$minute$second.txt"
 action 2.04 cli command "do show inventory | append flash:$_info_routername-$year$month$day-$hour$minute$second.txt"
 action 2.05 cli command "do show version | append flash:$_info_routername-$year$month$day-$hour$minute$second.txt"
 action 2.06 cli command "do show process mem sorted | append flash:$_info_routername-$year$month$day-$hour$minute$second.txt"
 action 2.07 cli command "do show interface status | append flash:$_info_routername-$year$month$day-$hour$minute$second.txt"
 action 2.08 cli command "do show interface | append flash:$_info_routername-$year$month$day-$hour$minute$second.txt"
 action 2.09 cli command "do show clock | append flash:$_info_routername-$year$month$day-$hour$minute$second.txt"
 action 2.10 cli command "do copy flash:$_info_routername-$year$month$day-$hour$minute$second.txt ftp://{FTP_User}:{FTP_Password}@{FTP_Server}/$_info_routername-$year$month$day-$hour$minute$second.txt"
 action 3.01 cli command "file prompt alert"
 action 3.02 puts "$_info_routername-$year$month$day-$hour$minute$second.txt"
 action 4.01 syslog priority informational msg "Configuration change detected. Write to TFTP succesfully executed"

Elaboration of Scripts

Schedule / Time Interval

To adjust the schedule and interval to run the script, we need to adjust the interval of following command

event timer cron name Daily cron-entry "05 02 * * *"

The syntax of "event timer cron" is very similar to Linux cron schedule. The syntax is in following


Backup File Name including device hostname

To include router / switch hostname in backup file name, we need following command

action 0.01 info type routername

routername is one of the default variable in EEM where info type command will instruct the EEM engine to call default variable

For details, refer to EEM Built-in "Action" Variables by Joe Clarke.

Backup File Name including Timestamp

Actually, there is EEM built-in variable for timestamp information when the EEM runs. The variable name is $_event_pub_sec

However, this variable will return timestamp in EPOCH format. To be more precise, we have to leverage the "show clock" with regular expression engine to parse timestamp information into second, minute, hour, day of month, month, year information.

Sample show clock output

01:58:40.092 HKT Sun Dec 20 2020

Regexp action command to parse show clock ouput. This action command can store whole matched string of the regular expression checking into a variable. Meanwhile, it can also store string-submatch output to a maximum of three submatch variables.


FTP the output file to server

To send out the backup file to FTP server, use following code.

action 2.10 cli command "do copy flash:$_info_routername-$year$month$day-$hour$minute$second.txt ftp://{FTP_User}:{FTP_Password}@{FTP_Server}/

Please adjust the variable {FTP_User}, {FTP_Password}, {FTP_Server} based on your environment.

Typical Network Diagram


Virtual Environment for Testing

In case there is not physical router, switch for testing of this EEM script. It is fine to use virtualized environment like Cisco Modeling Labs (CML) or EVE-NG to test.


For more information, please refer to following document:
Understanding Cisco EEM by examples Part 1
[Refence Link]

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