

Uses Realtime Information Service (RIS) to capture registration status of Cisco IP Phones on CUCM

Install with pip or clone repo

pip install ciscoris

import ris, logcollection or other classes

from ciscoris import ris

specify your CUCM details

cucm = os.getenv('cucm', '')
version = os.getenv('version', '11.5')
risuser = os.getenv('risuser', 'risadmin')
rispass = os.getenv('rispass', 'p@ssw0rd')

instanciate your RIS object

ris = ris(username=risuser,password=rispass,cucm=cucm,cucm_version=version)

input an array of phones

phones = ['SEPF8A5C59E0F1C', 'SEP1CDEA78380DE', 'SEP01CD4EF58980']

input an array of "process nodes" or nodes which run Callmanager service

subs = ['sub1', 'sub2', 'sub3']

you can use the related ciscoaxl library grab process nodes via API.

def getSubs():
    nodes = axl.listProcessNodes()
    if nodes['success']:
        return nodes['response']

subs = getSubs()

group phones into 1000 and check registrations per group

limit = lambda phones, n=1000: [phones[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(phones), n)]

groups = limit(phones)
for group in groups:
    registered = ris.checkRegistration(group, subs)
    user = registered['LoginUserId']
    regtime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(registered['TimeStamp']))
    for item in registered['IPAddress']:
        ip = item[1][0]['IP']

    for item in registered['LinesStatus']:
        primeline = item[1][0]['DirectoryNumber']
    name = registered['Name']

    print('name: '+name)
    print('user: '+user)
    print('primary dn: '+primeline)
    print('ip address: '+ip)
    print('registration time: '+regtime)
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