
A Webex Teams bot that polls for new messages, then uploads any attachments to Dropbox.

If send_link_to_space is True, a link is created and sent to a specified space along with the submitter's name.


  1. Create Webex Teams bot at https://developer.webex.com/my-apps/new/bot
  2. Copy API token to token in main.py
  3. Create a Dropbox app at https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps/create
  4. Generate a token and copy to dbx_token in main.py
  5. Run find_roomId() and choose the id of the target space for submissions as roomId (optional)
  6. Run pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. Run python main.py

Author Notes

This bot was built as a way for people to submit entries in a contest to be judged in a private space.
The same could go for submitting homework assignments to a teacher, while keeping work private between students.

Dropbox integration was only added as a workaround for the 100mb limitation in Teams API, however using Dropbox as a mirror repository for Teams files could be a great use case.

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    +1Github contributor
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  • License

    BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

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