
Sample terraform code with Cisco Cloud Network Controller

This project shows how Cloud Network Controller (CNC) works on Azure, how it normalizes and translates a cloud-like policy model into public cloud native constructs, and how Terraform can be leveraged to automate CNC operations.

High Level Diagram


Use Case: Single Region/Tenant/VRF

Using standard terraform modules, the code builds a single VNet on uksouth region and enable peering with the infra VNet where CNC is deployed with cloud routers, it then creates two EPGs (Web & DB) which translates to 2 ASGs/NSGs (subnet-based), and enable Web access from Internet using contracts.


CNC running on a dedicated Azure subscription or resource group. All credentials and sensitive data are defined in a .tfvars file.


Name Version
aci >=2.9.0


  1. Install and set up your terraform environment
  2. Clone/copy the .tf files onto your terraform environment
  3. Create a terraform.tfvars file with your CNC credentials and Azure subscription used for the user tenant/VNet
  4. Optionally, the file deploys two VM instances (web-vm and db-vm) for testing purposes.


terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
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