

Postman is a collaboration platform for API development. You can use Postman to design, build, and test APIs in conjunction with your teammates, and to support developer adoption.

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In order to setup postman for ACI you can follow the links below:-

Postman collection for Cisco ACI

How to use it?

Import the collection and environment to your postman client. A sample environment (ACI Lab.postman_environment.json) is included for you reference where you can define the url for APIC and the username and password.

Following high level tasks are included in the collections:-

  1. Basic APIC Configuration
  2. APIC Network Configuration
  3. APIC VMM Configuration
  4. Access Interface Policies
  5. Daily Operations Commands ( Read Only Commands to help you with operations, using GET)
  6. Runner Tasks ( Multiple Interface Static Path Binding)

A sample CSV file has been uploaded for the runner tasks.

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