Crosswork 4.0

Integrated Health Monitoring and Provisioning of NSO services using Crosswork Change Automation and Health Insights

The use case makes health monitoring of the NSO service a seemless part of the lifecycle of a NSO service. It involves:

  • Provisioning of NSO Service
  • Automatically identifies the objects for the provisioned NSO service, derives the relevant set of KPIs and configures the KPIs on the endpoints of the NSO service.


  1. Install the following NSO packages in the ncs-run directory on the nso server

    NSO Service Package Description
    l3vpn.tar.gz A l3vpn NSO Service.
    enable-kpi-profiles.tar.gz NSO service which detects the network objects where the kpis have to be applied and automatically configures and provisions the kpis on the endpoints of the NSO service.
    aux-info.tar.gz Stores meta-data of the NSO l3vpn service for alert correlation.
  2. Edit NSO_SERVICE_PATH in file located in the enable-kpi-profiles packages directory to show the path where all the NSO packages are located in the ncs running directory.

  3. Import the following playbook into Crosswork.

    Playbook Description
    l3vpn_and_kpi_profile_playbook.tgz Playbook containing l3vpn play and enable-kpi-profiles play
  4. Run the playbook l3vpn_and_kpi_profile playbook. Import the parameters file l3vpn_and_kpi_profile_parameters.json file while running the playbook and modify the parameters as required.

  5. Executing the l3vpn_and_kpi_profile playbook results in:

    • Deploying the l3vpn service
    • Creation of a KPI profile with the KPI's relevant for the l3vpn service in Crosswork Health Insights.
    • Configuration of the KPIs on the endpoints of the l3vpn service which results in monitoring of the KPIs in Crosswork Health Insights




Import Playbook

Import Playbook

From the Crosswork UI, select Network Automation --> Playbook List, and click on import playbook

Run Playbook

  • From the Crosswork UI, select Network Automation --> Run Playbook --> My Playbooks, and select the playbook l3vpn_and_kpi
  • In the Parameters step of the Run Playbook workflow, choose Upload parameters and choose the file l3vpn_and_kpi_playbook_parameter.json. Modify the values if required before executing the playbook


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    BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

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