Meraki Data analysis through confidence interval

In this code we analyze data from Meraki API. We are going to use Bollinger Bands analysis for Meraki data an provide a confidence inteval to detect data that goes beyond 2 standard deviation


Install docker and docker-compose previously.

Clone the repo

git clone

Go to your project folder

cd ikusi-devnet


Run docker compose

docker-compose up -d

Now you have the project up and running, enter the URL



  • In order to fetch data from Meraki API, we need to set this env variables in the docker-compose file
    • BASE_URL - Required, Meraki API URL.
    • API_KEY - Required, Apikey to access the API.
    • ORG_ID - Optional, if you want the data from a specific organization of the Meraki data, set this var.


Columns A, B, C and D is the dataset from Meraki API

Columns E, F, G, H, I and J represents the dataset processed with Bollinger Bands analysis


Hardware and Software requirements

You can run this project by just installing docker and docker-compose on your machine or server.
Recommendend hardware is 4 GB of ram and a dual core processor.

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