Cisco Webex Health Survey bot

A bot service for health survey implemented by Cisco Webex and AWS.
Serverless Framework is used as a deployment tool.

Public Cloud Provider: AWS
Function Runtime: Python3.8



  • A survey card is sent to registered recipients once a day from a Webex bot (at 9:00 AM JST as defaults).
  • Administrators can check the response status by chatting with the bot.


All Python scripts in this application do not use any external libraries except standard libraries that are included in the Lambda Python 3.8 runtime. You don't need to include any additional modules into the Lambda package.


Prepare Webex Bot

  1. Create a bot according to the official documentation.
  2. Make a note of the access token of the created bot.

Prepare a linux instance for deployment

You need a linux instance to deploy.

  • Confirmed OS version
    • CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core)
  • Required library
    • curl
    • python
    • git

Node.js Install

To use Serverless Framework, you need to install Node.js on your linux instance for deployment.

# nvm(Node.js version management tool) Run the installation script
curl | bash
source ~/.bashrc

# Node.js + npm Install
nvm install --lts
nvm use --lts

# Confirm the version
node -v

Serverless Framework Install

npm install -g serverless

Registering credentials for AWS

  1. Create a AWS IAM user with the 'AdministratorAccess' policy referring to the AWS document bellow:
    Creating your first IAM admin user and group

  2. Get access keys for the IAM user.
    Managing access keys for IAM users

  3. Set up credentials in your instance to execute Serverless Framework CLI.

serverless config credentials --provider aws --key {IAM USER ACCESS KEY} --secret {IAM USER SECRET KEY}
# Confirm
cat ~/.aws/credentials

Clone repository

cd {Working Directory}
git clone {Repository URL}
cd health-survey-bot

Set up environment variables in Serverless Framework configuration

serverless.yml is a Serverless Framework configuration file. In the 'environment' section of this file, you need to set some environment variables which will be passed to the Lambda execution environment.

The parameters that need to be prepared are as follows

    • Set the access token for the Webex bot you created in the 'Prepare Webex Bot' section.
  • S3_BUCKETNAME (Required)
    • Set the S3 bucket name to save past answer results which is unique globally.
    • These variables are optional. You do not need to change them to run the application, but you can change them according to your environment.


  • No AWS credentials are required in the Lambda environment variables because the IAM role with required policies will be created and attached in the deploy step by Serverless Framework. You just need to set up credentials in your instance where you execute Serverless Framework CLI, check the 'Registering credentials for AWS' section above.
# Provider, Function Runtime
  name: aws
  runtime: python3.8

  # Set environment variables that are deployed in the Lambda runtime environment
    # An access token for Cisco Webex Bot that submits a health survey confirmation form.
    CISCO_WEBEX_ACCESS_TOKEN: <Webex Bot access token>
    # S3 bucket name to save past answer results

    # DynamoDB table name to save answer results (default is service name)
    DYNAMODB_TABLENAME:  ${self:service}-${self:provider.stage}
    # TimeZone
    TZ: 'UTC'
    # logging level

Modify survey questions

card_settings.json is a configuration file for the question form sent to the recipients. You can change the messages in the survey card by modifying this file.
Defaults are as follows: 

    "title": "COVID-19 Measures Health Survey",
    "description":"It is request from the COVID-19 Countermeasures Headquarters. Please answer the following questions to ensure your safety.",
    "questions": [
            "title": "Please let us know your current physical condition*",
            "choices": [
                     "title": "Good",
                    "value": "false"
                    "title": "Poor physical condition",
                    "value": "true"
            "title": "Please let us know about the physical condition of your roommate*",
            "choices": [
                    "title": "All good",
                    "value": "false"
                    "title": "Some people are poor condition",
                    "value": "true"

Set up recipients and administrators

organizations.json is an organization setting file.

  • For 'name' attribute, specify the organization name in string format. 
  • For 'users' lists, specify the emails for Webex accounts in list format who receive the survey card.
  • For 'admins' lists, specify the emails for Webex accounts who have the permission to view the response results of their organizations.

You can add the above sets of attributes in dictionary format as many as you need.
In order to run this application, you need to add one or more existing Webex accounts to the 'users' and 'admins' list.

        "name": "OrgA",
        "admins": [
        "users": [
        "name": "OrgB",
        "admins": [
        "users": [


Deploy to AWS

All required AWS resource will be created with Serverless Framework CLI.

Deploy to default stage (dev)

sls deploy

Staging allows you to create multiple environments.
If the stage is omitted, it will be same as follows.

sls deploy --stage=dev

Register Webhooks with Cisco Webex (only after initial deployment)

You only need to register for a Cisco Webex webhook after the initial deployment.

sls invoke -f create_webhook

Remove all AWS resources

sls remove

Default specifications

This is the default specification for each resource which will be created after you execute the 'sls deploy' command.
Each setting can be changed in the 'serverless.yml'configuration file.
"{stage}" changes depending on the value of the --stage option at the time of deployment.
Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, Amazon Dynamo DB, and Amazon S3 may be billed based on usage.
Please refer the AWS page for details: AWS Free Tier

AWS Lambda

  • health-survey-{stage}-sender

    • Lambda function for submitting question forms
    • Trigger
      • Amazon Cloud Watch Events cron format. This must be specified in UTC timezone. Run every everyday at 9am (JST) as default.
      • Optionally, you need to change the Cron time according to the TimeZone.
        # serverless.yml
        # Set in -9 hours considering JST TZ +0900
        - schedule: cron(0 0 ? * * *)
    • Handler
      • lambda_handler
    • Execution timeout
      • 300 sec
  • health-survey-{stage}-reciever

    • Lambda function for receiving replies from recipients
    • Trigger
      • POST API Gateway "{stage}-health-survey" /survey endpoint
    • Handler
      • lambda_handler
    • Execution timeout
      • 30 sec
  • health-survey-{stage}-status

    • Lambda function for non-execution confirmation
    • Trigger
      • POST API Gateway "{stage}-health-survey" /check endpoint
      • Amazon Cloud Watch Events cronformat. This must be specified in UTC timezone. Run everyday at 12am (JST) as default.
      • Optionally, you need to change the Cron time according to the TimeZone.
        # serverless.yml
        - schedule: cron(0 3 ? * * *)
    • Handler
      • lambda_handler
    • Execution timeout
      • 30 sec
  • health-survey-{stage}-create_webhook

    • Lambda function for webhook registration
    • Trigger
      • None(Manual)
    • Handler
      • lambda_handler
    • Execution timeout
      • 300 sec

Amazon API Gateway

  • {stage}-health-survey
    • /survey
      • Webhook endpoint when performing Attachment action on Webex
      • Method
        • POST
      • APIKEY
        • Unnecessary
    • /check
        • Webhook endpoint when creating a Message for Webex
      • Method
        • POST
      • APKEY
        • Unnecessary

Amazon DynamoDB

  • health-survey-{stage}
    • Table for storing day answers sent by recipients
    • Primary partition key
      • PersonEmail (string)
        Webex User Email Address
    • Attribute
      • UserId (string)
        Webex User ID
      • MessageId (string)
        Webex Answer form message ID
      • AttachmentId (string)
        Webex Answer form Attachment (card) ID
      • RoomId (string)
        Webex Answer form destination room ID
      • CreatedTime (string)
        Answer posting time
      • Answers (map)
        Answer form data
    • The data in the table will be exported in text format to the S3 bucket described later on the same day when the new form is submitted, and all the data will be deleted.

Amazon S3

  • {Your bucket name which is specified with the environment variable}
    • Bucket for storing past day's answers sent by recipients
    • Storage file name format
      • YYYY-mm-dd.json

Cisco Webex Webhooks

  • Health Survey Webhook: Attachment action created
    • Webhook will be sent to the API when a user fills out a form
  • Health Survey Webhook: Message created
    • Webhook will be sent to the API when a user sends a one-to-one room message to a bot
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  • Contributors

    +3Github contributors
  • Categories

  • Products

  • Programming Languages

  • License

    MIT License

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