Add VPN Exclusions


Clone Repo and Go to Project Folder

git clone

cd merakiVPNExclusions

Create venv virtual enviorment

python -m venv .venv

Install Python Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Activate venv

PowerShell / Windows


macOS / Linux

source .venv/bin/activate

Set API Key

PowerShell / Windows


macOS / Linux



Arguments are case sensitive

python -orgID <MerakiOrgID> [-networkName <MerakiNetworkName> | -networkTag <MerakiNetworkTag> | -templateName <MerakiTemplateName>] -exclusionsList <exclusionlistFilename.csv>
  • Provide your Meraki Org ID with -orgID
  • Select which network, network Tag or template you want to be configured with the following Args
    • -networkName
    • -networkTag
    • -templateName
  • Provide what VPN exclusions you want configured using the a CSV file see the provided example file exclusionListExample.csv -exclusionsList

Reminders / Gottchas

  • This script does not append put fully replaces any exisiting VPN Exclusions
  • Only IPv4 IPs are allowed
  • Major Applications is not currently supported by this script
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