
MAP MazeMap Demo

This Node-RED flow illustrates the potential of combining NTT Managed Automation Platform (MAP) and Cisco MazeMap for geolocation usecases.

Description of the demo:

  • GPS data has been taken from the Microsoft Geolife Dataset and is hardcoded in the flow
  • NTT MAP (Node-RED) is used to serve the the web landing page with the MazeMap as well as the GPS coordinates of 3 arbitrary tracked objects
  • Frontend (jquery) polls location data from Node-RED and updates the position of the markers in the MazeMap



Use Case Description

Want to represent near-real-time gps locations in outdoor and indoor MazeMaps? This demo will show you how easy it is to build a feasible prototype. Now go on and substitute "X" with whatever you want(satellites, ships, people, dogs)We put the technology, the advantage is yours!

Installation and usage

  • Install NodeRed
  • Import MAP-MazeMap-demo-flow.json
  • Click deploy
  • Browse http://{{your-node-RED-path}}/demo
  • Near-Real-Time location data corresponding to the aboved mentioned dataset will be simulated on the demo

Getting help

For any question please contact

NTT Managed Automation Platform (MAP) is:

A tool we use internally

MAP was developed for our Technical and Managed Services teams to automate their work, meanwhile used worldwide internally.

A tool we use for our clients

We improve our processes to better manage client requests and to have better results by using MAP internally.

A tool our clients use

We offer the same tool to our clients to automate their work for them, to co-create with them or just use what was already developed.

It's not just a tool, it’s a journey

Automation is a journey, our internal methodology "Automation by Design" covers the whole automation lifecycle from finding automations, via the company and processes improvements, working agile to the MAP tool.


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    +1Github contributor
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  • License

    Apache License 2.0

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