Automation: Update the L3 firewall rules of an MX network (using Office 365 endpoints)

Business challenge

  • Make a solution that automatically updates Office 365 endpoints as Meraki L3 firewall rules
  • The solution that periodically can pull the actual IP list of SaaS providers into your Cisco Meraki network



You can deploy app using Python
or Docker

Clone and open project

git clone
cd Meraki_Network_Objects_automation

Open files cred and paste your variable Meraki API Key as APIkey, instructions here

As a SourceSaaSLink predefined this source

And Organization ID as organizationId,
You can get your organization ID using this API operation, click Configuration paste and save your Meraki API Key in the related field. In response, you can find the organization you wish to configure and copy the ID.
Alternative method: Log in to the Meraki Dashboard (in the same browser)
Click on this URL:

Deploy using Python

Run for testing and development without docker
Create the venv in webex_roullete folder

For Windows:


Install pip

Pip (Python Package Installer), the official documentation for pip.

Usually Python3 comes with pip preinstalled. If you get an error "pip command not found", use the following command to install pip:

Download, make sure you're saving the file to Desktop

In your Command Prompt, navigate to Desktop.

cd Desktop



Now pip should work system-wide.


In your Command Prompt, enter:

pip install virtualenv

Launch virtualenv

In your Command Prompt navigate to your project:

cd Meraki_Network_Objects_automation

Within your project:

virtualenv env

Activate your virtualenv:

on Windows, virtualenv creates a batch file


to activate virtualenv on Windows, activate script is in the Scripts folder :




Another way to install pip

Save the "" file to your desktop form

In your Command Prompt navigate to Desktop:

cd Desktop



install pip:

easy_install pip

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the app

set FLASK_APP=hello
flask run

python3 -m venv venv

Activate your venv

source venv/bin/activate

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the app

flask run

Deploy using Docker

docker-compose up

Ensure the app is running in the browser

Bring down the containers:

docker-compose stop

Rebuild containers

Get a list of running containers.

docker ps -a

Choose CONTAINER ID with name.


then stop docker containers

docker stop [CONTAINER ID]

and delete it

docker rm [CONTAINER ID]

Make changes in code and then run.

docker-compose up

Stop all running containers:

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)

Delete all running containers:

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

Delete all untagged Docker images

docker rmi $(docker images | grep '^' | awk '{print $3}')

Network Objects/Groups can be applied to:

  • Individual and Template Networks: Layer 3 Inbound, Layer 3

  • Outbound, and Failover Cellular Firewall Rules.

Organization-wide Site to Site VPN Outbound Firewall Rules

You can automate object creation. The solution will be delivered in next release

Security & SD-WAN > Firewall > Add new

For scheduling Python code to be executed with some period, we use APScheduler

Some wildcard DNS records from Microsoft list problems with add domain names like or or *

Sample of Body response in case of an error

    "errors": [
        "At least one of your firewall rules is invalid: \"network[firewall_rules][1][dst_cidr] Destination address must be an IP address or a subnet in CIDR form (e.g. ''), a comma-separated list of addresses or subnets, a domain name (e.g. or, or 'any'\"."

Useful links

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