Quick call page for Webex Devices

Simple app for Webex one tap to call (DEMO)

Webex one tap to call

Web page and Macros for Webex Devices provide you interface to create a page with one click Dial.

The solution allows you to create a helpful Directory with an extensive photo/name of the contact and call it with one click.


Open web interface of your Webex device

Using Webex device GUI, you need to make the following changes. First, go to Setup -> Configurations In the left menu, choose HttpClient settings and change AllowInsecureHTTPS from False to True.

OR Open terminal

ssh user@

and run this

xConfiguration HttpClient Mode: On

Create Macros, copy and paste JS code from macros.js file
After deplou the app, edit this line

You can store your app in the same network that your Webex device or deploy it externally on Heroku

Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/oborys/Quick-call-page-for-Webex-Devices.git

cd Quick-call-page-for-Webex-Devices

Paste related photos in static/images
The name should be 1.png, 2.png etc

Edit file templates/script.html if you want to add or remove the Directory photo

When the user clicks on a related photo page, call the clickEvent function and send as a parameter id (0,1,2...)

Then app send id in python function and write related SIP from the SIPLIST variable (file: app.py)

By default there you can find an SIP address that allows you to test the app.

For make visible in Webex Device Screen we need to add icon and link to external app (that we deploy in next steps). Instructions here


Deploy internal

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt 

Run Flask

flask run

Open app

Or Deploy external
In related folder

cd Quick-call-page-for-Webex-Devices

Delete local .git repo

rm -rf .git

Create Heroku App

heroku git:clone -a [Heroku_App_name]

Copy and paste a file from Quick-call-page-for-Webex-Devices to [Heroku_App_name] folder

cp -R * Heroku_App_name
cd webexicondial
curl https://cli-assets.heroku.com/install.sh | sh
heroku login
git add .
git commit -m "Add files"
git push heroku master

Open your Heroku app.

Create Web App in your Webex device GUI

add related URL in URL Field and upload it to the Webex device

Related Sandbox

Webex Developer Sandbox

CE programmability for Webex Devices [Deprecated]


  • Discover the admin interface from your laptops Web browser

  • Open an ssh session to the Room Kit and enter t-shell commands: xconfig, xstatus and xcommand

  • Invoke the device's xAPI via HTTP requests and Node.js scripts thanks to the jsxapi wrapper

Useful link

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    +1Github contributor
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    MIT License

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