Secret Santa Webex

Webex bot for Secret Santa

Secret Santa is a Christmas tradition of anonymously exchanging gifts with a group of people. The Secret Santa Webex bot can help to make everything easy and convenient.

  • collect/count the user's that want to participate in Secret Santa
  • Randomly mixes all participants and identifies and notifies who gives gifts to whom


How works with adaptive cards

Creating a webhooks

For reading data from users after Adaptive Card interaction and sending messages we create two webhooks:

def createWebhook(bearer, webhookUrl):
    hook = True
    botWebhooks = send_webex_get("")["items"]
    for webhook in botWebhooks:
        if webhook["targetUrl"] == webhookUrl:
            hook = False
    if hook:
        dataWebhook = {
        "name": "Messages collab bot Webhook",
        "resource": "messages",
        "event": "created",
        "targetUrl": webhookUrl
        dataWebhookCard = {
            "name": "Card Report collab bot Webhook",
            "targetUrl": webhookUrl,
            "resource": "attachmentActions",
            "event": "created"
        send_webex_post("", dataWebhook)
        send_webex_post("", dataWebhookCard)
    print("Webhook status: done")

Creating and sending an Adaptive card

For send adaptive card you need to use POST method

Sample of Python function

def postCard(personEmail):
    # open and read data from the file as part of the body for request
    with open("cardText.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        data ='USER_EMAIL', personEmail)
    # Add encoding, if you use non-Latin characters
    data = data.encode("utf-8")
    request ='', data=data, headers=headers).json()

Sample of body (click me)

{ "toPersonEmail": "USER_EMAIL", "markdown": "Santa", "attachments": [ { "contentType": "application/", "content": { "$schema": "", "type": "AdaptiveCard", "version": "1.0", "body": [ { "type": "Image", "altText": "", "url": "" }, { "type": "TextBlock", "text": "Hi! \n Secret Santa is a Christmas tradition of anonymously exchanging gifts with a group of people. And to make everything easy and convenient this year, I, the Secret Santa bot, will help make it happen! If you want to take part, please write to me how you will receive the gift: \n - Through the post office (then specify the branch number, recipient's name, and phone number, e.t.c.) \n - or just write in the 'office' (then your gift will be waiting at the reception) \n \n And some more rules: \n 1) By 12.12 (10:00) all participants will receive an address to send a gift. \n 2) It is desirable to choose something in the budget up to $10. \n 3) Sending gifts must be done by 16-20.12. \n \n Happy New Year everyone!", "wrap": true }, { "type": "Input.Text", "id": "address", "placeholder": "through the office reception, or postal address" } ], "actions": [ { "type": "Action.Submit", "title": "Send the address and take part" } ] } } ] }

How get data after users interacting with Adaptive card

You can read users interaction like wich button pushed or data entered.

After user interact with element like button with next parameters

                        "type": "ActionSet",
                        "actions": [
                        "type": "Action.Submit",
                        "title": "Send data",
                        "data": {
                            "button": "send_inform"
                    "horizontalAlignment": "Left",
                    "spacing": "None"

After pushing buton with type Action.Submit on your webhook server you recive POST request like below :

   "name":"Card Report collab bot Webhook",
   "targetUrl": ""

For reading data, you need to filtered webhook as in the sample below, and get JSON data by webhook ID:

if webhook['resource'] == 'attachmentActions':
            result = send_webex_get('{}'.format(webhook['data']['id']))

In response, you can find key "inputs" where you can parse all inputs from the user

"id": '"Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL0FUVEFDSE1FTlRfQUNUSU9OLzUyN2YxODYwLTVjYzAtMTFlYy05N2RmLTBiNTg4NjUzYjFkYg", "type": "submit", 
"messageId": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL01FU1NBR0UvMTkwYWQ3ZTAtNWNjMC0xMWVjLWFlODItMDEwYzFjOTdlMDZm", 
"inputs": {"address": "INPUT ADDRESS"}, 
"personId": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1BFT1BMRS85NjVlMTM0MS1jMDQwLTQ4MTYtOTVlMi1hMDljYmFlNTFhYzc", 
"roomId": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JPT00vN2U3MjU3NTAtNTk5My0xMWVjLTljMzMtNDlkOTM5NWE5ZTg4", 
"created": "2021-12-14T09:29:22.918Z"

And here is the sample of response if you sent this card

Below you can see some example
You can test to send your using this project (paste your Adaptive Card Payload in this file cardText.txt) or using this Postman collection

Useful links:

After sending you can get details using this request

And parse date from user


1. Clone and open project

git clone
cd Secret-Santa-Webex

2. Open files cred, app/ and Dockerfile

3. Create a Webex bot and Webhook

Create Webex Bot:

Copy Bot's Access Token

Paste it into the file cred variable WEBEX_TEAMS_TOKEN and past bot email in WEBEX_BOT_EMAIL variable

For sent information to your server/localhost, create Webhook

Paste WEBEX_WEBHOOK_URL in the file cred it can look like http://ip-address:56733 or http://localhost:56733

For testing on localhost, you can use ngrok
After installing ngrok open new terminal window and run the command
For fix Webhook delivery issues with ngrok

ngrok http 56733

Do not close this terminal window, since the app needs it to redirect webhooks to your localhost.

Сopy and paste url in file app/ variable webhookUrl

Open file app/ and in this variable adminEmailList add email list of users/admins who can use the command /inform that can send information to participants

After completing all the above points, we can build a container

Run docker container on port 56733


Check app availability on your server http://ip-address:56733 or http://localhost:56733

For checking docker container you can use next CLI command

docker ps

Running the next command you can see information about container logs, also monitor all output information from the Python app. And command like print, logging.debug,, logging.warning.

docker logs [CONTAINER ID]

If you edit code files or requirements.txt, run next commands to apply changes

sudo docker stop sport_report_collab.docker && sudo docker start sport_report_collab.docker

Remove the docker container. In case if you got some critical errors, or edit your Dockerfile or uwsgi.ini

docker rm -f [CONTAINER ID]

Interaction with bot

Find a bot to interact with

Enter the email of bot that you create

Interaction with bot

How it's works

The main part of the code is stored in app/

Users can send message to the bot, bot reply with adaptive card:

After users responce we store all replys in allParticipantAddress.txt
this sentence stored in file:

Available commands

In response to the message /list, the bot sends a list of Secret Santa participants.

The bot shuffled participants and created a Cyclic permutation that each of the participants had someone to give a gift to and a gift from another participant. Bot sends a notification to each participant with information for whom and how to give a gift. All Chain are stored in allParticipantChain.txt

this command is available only for users wich emails is in variable adminEmailList (line 44, this file)

Other Useful links

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    MIT License

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