Cisco RADKit Device Provisioning and VLAN Configuration Tool


The "Cisco RADKit Device Provisioning and VLAN Configuration Tool" automates device provisioning tasks and VLAN configuration for Cisco Catalyst switches using Cisco RADKit, streamlining network management processes.

Use Case Description

This tool simplifies the process of automating device provisioning and VLAN configuration for Cisco Catalyst switches, enhancing network management efficiency. By leveraging Ansible playbooks, it offers a seamless solution to modify VLAN configurations for Catalyst Switches monitored in the Meraki Dashboard. With the integrated RADKit service, it's possible to execute the Ansible Playbooks without the need to be on the same network as the devices.

Modify VLAN's with Cloud Monitoring for Catalyst

The tool consists of three components:

Python Click Application

This component retrieves devices from the Meraki Dashboard or Cisco Catalyst Center and transfers them to the RADKit service, along with retrieving the current VLAN configuration.

Ansible Playbooks

These playbooks facilitate the configuration of devices through the RADKit service.

GitLab CI/CD Integration

Integrate with GitLab CI/CD to automate the execution of Ansible playbooks for creating VLANs and changing L2 interface configurations.


To install and configure the project:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone radkit-tool
  2. Navigate to the repository directory:

    cd radkit-tool
  3. Create a virtual environment:

    python3 -m venv .venv
  4. Activate the virtual environment:

    source .venv/bin/activate
  5. Install dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Configure environment variables by editing the file:

    nano /

    Adjust the environment variables as needed. Example:

    export RADKIT_ANSIBLE_CLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD_BASE64=$(echo -n 'my-password' | base64)
    export RADKIT_ANSIBLE_IDENTITY="my-username"
    export RADKIT_ANSIBLE_SERVICE_SERIAL="my-service-id"

    Optionally, you can set the environment variable MERAKI_API_KEY to provide your Meraki Dashboard API key.

    export MERAKI_API_KEY="my-meraki-apy-key"

    NOTE: If MERAKI_API_KEY is not set or is empty, you will be prompted to enter the API key when initializing the Meraki Dashboard API.

  7. Source the file to apply the environment variables:

    source /
  8. Install RADKit Service based on the following guide: RADKit Installation Guide

  9. Installation of the Ansible collection is done with ansible-galaxy using the provided .tar.gz file where X.Y.Z is the Ansible collection version (e.g., 0.5.0):

    ansible-galaxy collection install ansible-cisco-radkit-X.Y.Z.tar.gz --force
  10. (Optional) Build the Docker image for the GitLab CI/CD runner:

    • Navigate to the Docker folder:

      cd gitlab-cicd/docker
    • Download the necessary files from RADKit Downloads:

      • Cisco RADkit Collection File: Download the ansible-cisco-radkit-X.Y.Z.tar.gz file.
      • Cisco RADkit Python Package Archive: Download the cisco_radkit_X.Y.Z_pip_linux_x86.tgz file.
    • Copy the downloaded files into the docker directory.

    • Build the Docker image using the following command:

      docker build -t radkit-runner .

Once the image is built successfully, you can use it as the base image for your GitLab CI/CD runner.


Python Click application

The Python Click application is located in the python subfolder:

To use the Python Click application:

cd python


a: Get devices from Meraki Dashboard and write to JSON file

This option retrieves devices from the Meraki Dashboard and saves the information in a JSON file. This file can be used to upload the devices to the RADKit service. You will be prompted to enter the Meraki API key and select your Meraki organization and network.

b: Get devices from Catalyst Center and write to JSON file

This option fetches devices from the Catalyst Center and stores the data in a JSON file. This file can be used to upload the devices to the RADKit service. You will be prompted to enter your Catalyst Center credentials.

c: Upload devices to RADKit service from JSON file

Use this option to upload devices to the RADKit service from a JSON file. The JSON file can be created from the Meraki Dashboard or Catalyst Center. You will be prompted to enter your RADKit superadmin password.

d: Upload devices to RADKit service from CSV file

With this option, you can upload devices to the RADKit service from a CSV file (e.g., devices_example.csv). You will be prompted to enter your RADKit superadmin password.

e: Get VLAN list per device from Meraki Dashboard and write to YAML file(s)

This option retrieves the VLAN list per device from the Meraki Dashboard and saves it in a YAML file per device. These YAML file(s) can be used as device variables to change L2 interface configurations with the Ansible Playbook l2_interface_config-playbook.yml.

Ansible Playbooks

The Ansible Playbooks are located in the ansible subfolder.

RADKit Inventory Plugin

The cisco.radkit.radkit inventory plugin allows you to create a dynamic inventory from a remote RADKit service.

ansible-inventory -i radkit_devices.yml --list --yaml

RADKit Connection Plugin

The connection Plugin allow you to utilize existing Ansible modules, but connect through RADKIT instead of directly via SSH. With connection the plugin, credentials to devices are stored on the remote RADKit service.

Show Version Playbook

This Playbook is using the RADKit Plugins and does a "show version".

ansible-playbook -i radkit_devices.yml show_version-playbook.yml --limit radkit_device_type_IOS_XE

L2 Interface Configuration Playbook

This Playbook is using the RADKit Plugins and configures the L2 interfaces of a Catalyst Switch based on the device variable YAML file which can be created by the python click application.

ansible-playbook -i radkit_devices.yml l2_interface_config-playbook.yml

VLAN Configuration Playbook

This Playbook is using the RADKit Plugins and configures VLAN(s) on Catalyst Switches based on vars/vlans.yaml.

ansible-playbook -i radkit_devices.yml vlan_config-playbook.yml

GitLab CI/CD Pipeline Explanation

The GitLab CI/CD configuration defines two stages:

  1. deploy_l2_interface_config: This stage is responsible for deploying L2 interface configurations using Ansible playbooks.

    • Script: It runs the Ansible playbook l2_interface_config-playbook.yml.
    • Rules:
      • It executes if the pipeline is triggered by a web (manual) action on the default branch and the pipeline variable $PIPELINE_NAME is "l2".
      • It also executes if the pipeline is triggered by a push to the default branch, but only if there are changes in specific files related to L2 interface configurations.
  2. deploy_vlan_config: This stage is responsible for deploying VLAN configurations using Ansible playbooks.

    • Script: It runs the Ansible playbook vlan_config-playbook.yml.
    • Rules:
      • It executes if the pipeline is triggered by a web (manual) action on the default branch and the pipeline variable $PIPELINE_NAME is "vlan".
      • It also executes if the pipeline is triggered by a push to the default branch, but only if there are changes in specific files related to VLAN configurations.

Runner Configuration

The GitLab CI/CD runner for this pipeline is a Docker runner which includes Ansible, sshpass, and the necessary Cisco RADkit components for executing the Ansible playbooks.

Known issues

Currently, there are no known issues. Please report any bugs or problems using the GitHub Issues section.

Getting help

If you encounter any issues or need assistance, please create an issue in the GitHub repository for support.

Getting involved

Contributions to this project are welcome! Please refer to the CONTRIBUTING guidelines for instructions on how to contribute.


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