
This project implements access to the v1 Meraki API
See the contribution guide for more information regarding contributing to this project
To use the Meraki API nuget package:
Visual Studio
- Open your project in Visual Studio
- Right-click on the project and click "Manage Nuget packages"
- Find the package "Meraki.Api" - install the latest version
Example code (C# 11)
using Meraki.Api;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace My.Project
public static class Program
public static async Task Main()
using var merakiClient = new MerakiClient(new MerakiClientOptions
ApiKey = "0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567",
// UserAgent = "YourProductName/YourProductVersion YourCompanyName"
// UserAgent = "YourProductName YourCompanyName"
UserAgent = "DeviceLister/1.0 MyCompanyInc"
var organizations = await merakiClient
var firstOrganization = organizations[0];
var devices = await merakiClient
foreach (var device in devices)
Console.WriteLine($" - {device.Serial}: {device.Name}");
API Documentation
The Meraki API documentation can be found here:
You can test this using a Meraki Sandbox here:
After signing in, look in the lower left hand side of the page for your API key.