Occupancy sensor demo app

You can use this app to visualise occupancy sensor data from CISCO DNA Spaces Firehose stream.

Example screen

What do you need?

  • DNA Spaces account with access to the Firehose API (Api Key).
  • Infrastructure to run Docker image for Firehose connection proxy.

Build and run

Build UI:

npm install
npm run build

Build docker image:

docker build -t demoapp-space-occupancy -f deploy\Dockerfile .

Run docker container:

docker run -p 5050:80  \
    --env LIVE_STREAM_URL=http://partners.dnaspaces.io \
    --env VUE_APP_LIVE_STREAM_URL_FOR_WEB=/api/partners/v1/firehose/events \ 
    --env WEB_ASSETS_CDN="/" \ 


Firehose API Proxy

You need a proxy backend to DNA-S Firehose API to perform authentication and allow UI app to connect from web browser bypassing CORS policy.

Following environment variables are needed:

  • LIVE_STREAM_URL - DNA-S Firehose http API url,

You can use the same container to serve UI application at the same time, in that case you should specify following:

  • VUE_APP_LIVE_STREAM_URL_FOR_WEB - configure UI application to use following URL to connect the Firehose API stream, you can use value /api/partners/v1/firehose/events to connect to the same nginx container as the one serving the app
  • WEB_ASSETS_CDN - optional address for web assets CDN

Command to build image

docker build -t demoapp-space-occupancy -f deploy\Dockerfile .

Command to run container

docker run -p 5050:80  \
    --env LIVE_STREAM_URL=http://partners.dnaspaces.io \
    --env VUE_APP_LIVE_STREAM_URL_FOR_WEB=/api/partners/v1/firehose/events \ 

UI Application

Application is reading local file to get its configuration. File src/components/LocationStore.js contains static info for the map and rooms.

Most important elements:

  • LocationStore.floors[0].imageXyGeojson - floor map image boundary, units are meters
  • LocationStore.zones - these are elements for the side menu, xyGeojson is used to zoom-on, on click
  • LocationStore.floors[0].rooms[] - these are rooms with sensors, each desk should be also represented as room in open space
  • LocationStore.floors[0].rooms[].name - name displayed in tooltip on hover
  • LocationStore.floors[0].rooms[].roomSensors[].trackingId - MAC address of a sensor
  • LocationStore.floors[0].rooms[].xyGeojson - room area geoJSON, unit are meters, empty properties object must be provided, since it will be populated with working data.

Map image is loaded from path /map_images/lab_occupancy_v3.png, you can change it here: src/components/OccupancyMap.vue:10. You can use WEB_ASSETS_CDN environment variable to get map image from different source.

Commands to build the UI app

npm install
npm run build

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve
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