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Extended TID ( Threat Intelligence Director )

What is Extended TID

ETID is a Public Security Feed Aggregator which downloads from the INTERNET ( or any other location ) Security Feeds, parses them, cleans them and finally expose them as a Web Service to FirePOWER Management Center Security Intelligence ( SI ) Feeds or to FMC Threat Intelligence Director ( TID ).

SI or TID are very easy and efficient ways to block access to thousands of malicious destinations. Just by creating a blocking list which contains all malicious destination to block.

But FMC SI or TID Feeds need that feed sources to respect a very clean text format. Another constraint is a maximum file size ( 500 KB ). And feed files must contain only one kind of observables : IP addresses, or Domains or URLs. We can't mix kind of observables into a source feed.

ETID collect all public feeds and does this formatting Job. That means that ETID becomes the Feed Source for FMC.

ETID currently exposes 3 kind of Feeds :

  • IP Addresses
  • Domains
  • URLs

These feeds are exposed to FMC by a embeded web server.

A characteristic of this version of ETID is that it uses SQLITE DBs for everythings we need to store ( feeds list, parsers parameters, outputs )
A reason for this is, in a next step, to make easy to embed the whole application into a FLASK or PHP web applications. And make easy to add new features based on the SQLi Database ( sorting, scoring, filtering, curation, etc...)


Installing these scripts is pretty straight forward . You can just copy / and paste them into you python environment but a good practice is to run them into a python virtual environment.

Install a Python virtual environment

For Linux/Mac 

python3 -m venv venv source bin activate

For Windows

We assume that you already have installed git-bash. If so open a git-bash console and :

ptyhon -m venv etid_venv source /etid_venv/Scripts/activate

git clone the scripts

git clone
cd Extended_TID_version_2/

install needed modules

ETID uses the following modules

  • requests
  • sqlalchemy
  • pandas
  • sqlite
  • csv
  • ipaddress

you can install them with the following :

pip install -r requirements.txt

Extended TID Architecture

The picture here under presents the Extended TID internal Architecture

Running the scripts

0- Go to the ./files directory and edit feeds.txt ( Optionnal )

Don't change anything in this file except the value 1 or 0 at the end of each lines

  • 1 means : select this feed
  • 0 means : ignore this feed

All these feeds had been tested ( March 2020 ) and work.

In this version of ETID, parsers for every feeds in the feed list, had been embeded as predifined resources into the application. You are not supposed to modify them

By the way, if you want to create your own parser for a new feed, go to the how_to_update_parsers folder.

Remark : The last feed ( Toulouse black List ) is very big and takes more than 10 minutes to be parsed

1- Go to the ./scripts Directory and run the ( Optionnal )


The 1- script allows you to select or unselect the public feeds you want be downloaded from the INTERNET.
As you don't have directly access to the feed database, this script gives you this acces. Allowing you to select and unselect feeds.

You must do this every time you modify the feeds.txt file

2- Check the feeds SQLite Database with the ( Optionnal )


The script just displays the content of the feeds SQLite DB.
The administrator can check thank to it which feeds are selected or not before starting the download step

3- Download the Public Feeds. Run the script


This script is the core of the application. This is this script which updates the feeds to be exposed. It downloads all feeds contained into the feeds database, extract all observables from these feeds, and store them into SQLite Tables.

Remark : If you don't want to change the default feed list, you don't need to go thru the 3 first steps. You can directly run this script.

Depending on the number of feeds into the feed list and depending on their sizes, this downloading operation will take several minutes to complete.

The result of this operation is the storage of the clean feeds into 3 SQLI Tables. One for each kind of observables. Observables are de duplicated into the tables.

This script is the core of the application. This is this script which updates the feeds to be exposed.

You will have to run it regularly ( once a day for example ). And the best to do so is to create a batch and add this batch to the CRON JOB list.

4- Expose the feeds.

This is the last step. You must do it in order to update the feeds exposed to FMC.

You can you 2 scripts for this :

#python :  Which generate into the ./clean_feeds directory 3 singles files. One for Each Kind of Feeds
#python :  Which generate into the ./clean_feeds directory several files with a max size equal to 490KB max. Need for FMC

The chosen script must be runt just after the in order to make feed updates available for FMC.

5- And Of course don't forget to start the web server

Run the script located at the root of the ETID directory.


The server listen on port 8888

Feeds are exposed at : http:// { ETID IP Address }:8888 /clean_feeds/{feed name }

6- Automate Feeds updates

A good practice would be to update de the feeds periodically. Once a day would be a good frequency.

To do so create a bash named : into the Extended_TID_version_2 directory

./ { path_to_etid }/Extended_TID_version_2/python
./ { path_to_etid }/Extended_TID_version_2/python

Make it executable

chmod 777 ./{ path_to_etid }/Extended_TID_version_2/

And then add a daily CRON job

$ crontab -e

Add the following instruction

@daily /{ path_to_etid }/Extended_TID_version_2/

Save and close

That's it !

Use Case

Extended TID automates creation into FirePOWER Management Center, of thousand security blocking rules.

Preventing internal users to be infected by blocking their connections to malicious public destinations.

ETID automatically aggregates 3rd party and public security feeds, clean them, de duplicate entries and format feeds into a FMC compliant format.

Resulting security feeds are exposed to FMC which consumes them thanks to the Threat Intelligence Director or the Security Intelligence features. FMC TID automatically translates ETID feeds into security blocking rules.

Thousands of security rules can be ingested in minutes into FMC this way, without any manual configuration.

Updates can be scheduled several times a day if needed. Which provides with to customers a very high and updated security level without any efforts


demo etid

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