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Webex Teamspace as the UI for ChatGPT. This program simply illustrates how to integrate Webex teamspace with ChatGPT and Nexus Dashboard Insights API. Whenever the user type in a message into the teamspace, it will trigger a Webex Webhook to execute. The Webhook will retrieve the message from the room and interprete it. Several operations are defined as below:
- "HELP" - print out the functions supported by the webhook
- "ChatGPT" - followed by a question; the webhook will call the ChatGPT on behalf of the user via the OpenAI ChatGPT API and send the result back to the teamspace.
- "Anomaly" or "Advisory" - use Nexus Dashboard Insights API to retrieve any anomlies or advisories from the designated Nexus Dashboard Insights.
- "Anomaly+ChatGPT" or "Advisory+ChatGPT" - on top of action 3, the webhook will call ChatGPT for the reason and resoluton of the anomalies or advisories.
Below is the logic flow diagram:
- Modify the webhook.py with the corresponding roomID, the IP address of your Nexus Dashboard Insights, the bearer tokens for Webex and OpenAI API and the credentials.
- Deploy your webhook in an environment so that it can be assessed by a URL.
- Register the webhook URL to webex teamspace.
Call ChatGPT from Webex Team Space, simply type "ChatGPT " followed by the question to be asked:

On the webex team space UI, type "Advisory" to tell the webhook to retrieve advisories from the designated Nexus Dashboard Insights:

To feed the Nexus Dashboard Insights' Advisories into chatGPT, simply type "Advisory+ChatGPT":

Known Issues
The question to be submitted to ChatGPT cannot include attachments.