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Use Python to lookup BGP Paths over the Internet

Recently ran into a scenario where AWS Cloud loss Internet Connectivity within two regions and started to look into a network-as-code options for running API calls to return BGP routes from a public accessible BGP router.

Going to create a few functions that can take a Public IP (From client or a Cloud) and identify the summary routes, the AS-PATH(s) available, and anything else I can use that can help a network engineer find this type of information fast without using a router/firewall show ip bgp commands

To run the script, you will need to have Python 3.6+ installed.
Dependencies are listed in requirements.txt. You can install them using:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

How to use the script

The file is a example script which is entering the arguments needed for the methods inside file to execute

Please provide IPv4 or IPv6 Public IP address to run search against: 2620:0:ccb::4

High Level Diagram with Example:


How can this help with day-to-day tasks

  • Run this script if you just added a new BGP peer to another ISP
  • Run this script if you are experience route loss through a ISP
  • View the entire API output examples in and create your own output

API Source:

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