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This code is a set of Logstash pipelines to import Cisco Umbrella logs from S3, filter and do some enrichment, then export them to Elastisearch. There is one pipeline for each type of log (dnslogs, proxylogs, and iplogs) and they export to different indexes.

Check Elastic Common Schema.

Umbrella setup

First of all, you need to enable Umbrella logs in your policies. Please, check the docs in Cisco Umbrella User Guide:

You're going to need AWS S3 credentials to access your S3 bucket or the credentials provided by Cisco if it is a Cisco-managed bucket.

Logstash setup

Copy the content of this project to your Logstash dir and configure the pipelines.yml (usually located in config dir) with the pipelines. Set a variable LOGSTASH_PATH to point to your Logstash dir. Configure workers (pipeline.workers) as necessary.

- dnslogs
  path.config: "${LOGSTASH_PATH}/pipeline/dnslogs-pipeline.conf"
- proxylogs
  path.config: "${LOGSTASH_PATH}/pipeline/proxylogs-pipeline.conf"
- iplogs
  path.config: "${LOGSTASH_PATH}/pipeline/iplogs-pipeline.conf"

The output is configured to export to an Elasticsearch cluster. Set the variable ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS with your server, like https://host1:9300. Don't forget to set the username ELASTICSEARCH_USER and the password ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD.

The timezone used in custom_timestamp.rb is setted for America/Sao_Paulo. Use your timezone to create correct time-related attributes.

Download an updated GeoLite2 and save MaxMind DB files (.mmdb) in $LOGSTASH_PATH/maxmind/. You need both ASN and City MMDB.

Also, download an updated regexes.yaml and save it in $LOGSTASH_PATH/ua-parser/.


These are the variables that you have to set, getting from Secrets or system environment (not recommended):

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: The AWS access key to access the S3 bucket where the logs are.
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The AWS secret key to access the S3 bucket where the logs are.
  • AWS_S3_BUCKET: The AWS S3 bucket. If it's a Cisco managed bucket, use the content before the /.
  • AWS_S3_REGION: The AWS S3 region.
  • AWS_S3_PREFIX: An AWS S3 "folder" prefix. If it's Cisco-managed bucket, use the content after the / in the Data Path. If the logs are stored directly in the bucket, leave it blank.
  • AWS_S3_SUFIX: An sufix to filter logs by date, if you want to collect a specific year, month, day...
  • CUSTOMER_NAME: Just to mark the events, in case you collect more than one customer.
  • UMBRELLA_ACCOUNT_NUMBER: Just to mark the events, in case you collect more than one customer.
  • LOGSTASH_PATH: The dir where you saved the scripts dir, MaxMind GeoIP2 db and ua-parser files.
  • ELASTICSEARCH_TEMPLATES_PATH: The dir where you save the templates dir for Elasticsearch.
  • ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS: The Elasticsearch host or hosts to export DNS logs, comma-separated hosts. Please, use HTTPS for security!
  • ELASTICSEARCH_USER: The username to authenticate to a secure Elasticsearch.
  • ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD: The password to authenticate to a secure Elasticsearch.
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    GNU General Public License v3.0

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