The Sastre-Ansible collection exposes Sastre commands to Ansible Playbooks as a set of tasks and lookup plugins. Allowing users to build-up on Sastre functionality to create larger automation workflows.
This collection has been tested against following Ansible Core release: ==2.16.3.
Name | Description |
cisco.sastre.attach_edge | Attach templates to WAN Edges |
cisco.sastre.attach_vsmart | Attach templates to Vsmarts |
cisco.sastre.backup | Save SD-WAN vManage configuration items to local backup |
cisco.sastre.device_bootstrap | Performs device bootstrap |
cisco.sastre.certificate_restore | Restore WAN edge certificate validity status to from a backup |
cisco.sastre.certificate_set | Set WAN edge certificate validity status |
cisco.sastre.delete | Delete configuration items on SD-WAN vManage |
cisco.sastre.detach_edge | Detach templates from WAN Edges |
cisco.sastre.detach_vsmart | Detach templates from vSmarts |
cisco.sastre.encrypt | Encrypts password |
cisco.sastre.inventory | Returns list of SD-WAN devices from vManage |
cisco.sastre.list_certificate | List configuration items or device certificate information from vManage or a local backup. Display as table or export as csv file |
cisco.sastre.list_configuration | List configuration items or device certificate information from vManage or a local backup. Display as table or export as csv file |
cisco.sastre.list_transform | List configuration items or device certificate information from vManage or a local backup. Display as table or export as csv file |
cisco.sastre.migrate | Migrate configuration items from a vManage release to another |
cisco.sastre.report_create | Generate a report file containing the output from all list and show-template commands |
cisco.sastre.report_diff | Generate a report file containing the output from all list and show-template commands |
cisco.sastre.restore | Restore configuration items from a local backup to SD-WAN vManage |
cisco.sastre.settings_enterprise_ca | Setting enterprise root certificate |
cisco.sastre.show_devices | Show Device List |
cisco.sastre.show_realtime | Realtime commands. Slower, but up-to-date data. vManage collect data from devices in realtime |
cisco.sastre.show_state | State commands. Faster and up-to-date synced state data |
cisco.sastre.show_statistics | Statistics commands. Faster, but data is 30 min or more old.Allows historical data queries |
cisco.sastre.show_alarms | Display vManage alarms |
cisco.sastre.show_events | Display vManage events |
cisco.sastre.show_template_references | Show template references about device templates on vManage or from a local backup. Display as table or export as csv/json file |
cisco.sastre.show_template_values | Show template values about device templates on vManage or from a local backup. Display as table or export as csv/json file |
cisco.sastre.transform_copy | Transform copy configuration items |
cisco.sastre.transform_build_recipe | Transform retrieve encrypted passwords |
cisco.sastre.transform_recipe | Transform using custom recipe |
cisco.sastre.transform_rename | Transform rename configuration items |
Name | Description |
cisco.sastre.devices | Fetches list of SD-WAN devices from vManage |
cisco.sastre.realtime | Realtime commands. Slower, but up-to-date data. vManage collect data from devices in realtime |
cisco.sastre.state | State commands. Faster and up-to-date synced state data |
cisco.sastre.statistics | Statistics commands. Faster, but data is 30 min or more old.Allows historical data queries |
Go to the top-level directory of this repo and run the collection build command:
% ls requirements.txt
Jenkinsfile cisco LICENSE
% ansible-galaxy collection build cisco/sastre
Created collection for cisco.sastre at cisco-sastre-1.0.18.tar.gz
You can install the Sastre-Ansible collection with the Ansible Galaxy CLI:
% ansible-galaxy collection install -f cisco-sastre-1.0.18.tar.gz
Starting galaxy collection install process
Process install dependency map
Starting collection install process
Installing 'cisco.sastre:1.0.18' to '/Users/mareis/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/cisco/sastre'
cisco.sastre:1.0.18 was installed successfully
In addition to Ansible itself, Sastre need to be installed in the Python environment being used by Ansible.
Please refer to the corresponding README files for Sastre install instructions.
You can call modules by their Fully Qualified Collection Namespace (FQCN), such as cisco.sastre.backup
The following example task saves vManage configuration to local backup:
--- - name: "Backup vManage configuration" cisco.sastre.backup: address: "" port: 8443 user: admin password: admin tenant: customer timeout: 300 verbose: INFO workdir: /home/user/backups no_rollover: false save_running: true regex: ".*" tags: "all"
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