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Cisco DNA Center Healthcheck Device Netconf

Cisco DNA Center Healthcheck over Netconf-Yang from Console

This script verifies connectivity between Cisco DNA Center and the Network Device.

If Discovery fails on Netconf-yang (on Cisco DNA Center UI) for Network Device, then this script could verify that netconf-yang (port 830) is reachable from the maglev console (Cisco DNA Center).
If it's not reachable, then there will be error logs with details from the ncclient module in python (timeout, credentials, port, etc.)

This script is used as an advanced troubleshooting tool, for the experienced Cisco DNA Center administrator.



YANG model used in this script

<native xmlns="">


  • Cisco DNA Center Console access (ssh maglev@ -p 2222)
  • Internet Connectivity on Cisco DNA Center (Cloud Enabled)
    • Cisco DNA Center downloads this container image from Public Docker Registry (


Login to Cisco DNA Center

  • ssh maglev@<dnac-ip-address> -p 2222

Run script

  • docker run -it --rm robertcsapo/cisco-dnac-healthcheck-netconf && docker rmi robertcsapo/cisco-dnac-healthcheck-netconf

Enter Cisco Device hostname (then hit ENTER)

  • host: device.example.tld
  • username: demo
  • password: Netconf2020


Run script with host flag

  • docker run -it --rm robertcsapo/cisco-dnac-healthcheck-netconf -host device.example.tld -username demo -password Netconf2020 && docker rmi robertcsapo/cisco-dnac-healthcheck-netconf


If you need to manually build the script on the host.

git clone


  • cd cisco-dnac-healthcheck-netconf
  • docker build -t robertcsapo/cisco-dnac-healthcheck-netconf .

Technologies & Frameworks Used

Cisco Products & Services:

  • Cisco DNA Center
  • Cisco IOS-XE

Tools & Frameworks:

  • Python 3
  • ncclient

Authors & Maintainers


This project is licensed to you under the terms of the Cisco Sample
Code License

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