Terraform Provider Cisco EVPN

Tech Preview (Early field trial)

terraform-provider-ciscoevpn is a Terraform Provider for Cisco Catalyst 9000 Switches.

Requirements for Development

Using the provider

Use terraform init to download the plugin from Terrafrom Registry.

Configure the provider to connect towards your Cisco Catalyst 9000 Switches

terraform {
  required_providers {
    ciscoevpn = {
      source = "robertcsapo/ciscoevpn"
      version = "1.0.1"

provider "ciscoevpn" {
  username = var.username
  password = var.password
  insecure = var.insecure
  timeout  = var.timeout
  debug = false
  roles {
    spines {
      iosxe = var.iosxe_spines
    borders {
      iosxe = var.iosxe_borders
    leafs {
      iosxe = var.iosxe_leafs

Examples can be found in examples/.

Use Case

Cisco Catalyst 9000 EVPN with Terrafrom ===================================== _(Deploy EVPN VXLAN on Catalyst 9000 running IOS-XE 17.8+)_ This Terraform Provider [ciscoevpn](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/robertcsapo/ciscoevpn/) allows you to deploy and manage your EVPN Fabric using Infrastructure as a Code (IAC). ### More details about EVPN VXLAN - [BGP EVPN VXLAN Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.9.x](https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/switches/lan/catalyst9300/software/release/17-9/configuration_guide/vxlan/b_179_bgp_evpn_vxlan_9300_cg/bgp_evpn_vxlan_overview.html) - [Why Transition to BGP EVPN VXLAN in Enterprise Campus?](https://blogs.cisco.com/networking/why-transition-to-bgp-evpn-vxlan-in-enterprise-campus) - [Next-Generation Enterprise Campus Network Virtualization with BGP EVPN VXLAN](https://blogs.cisco.com/networking/next-generation-enterprise-campus-network-virtualization-with-bgp-evpn-vxlan) - [VXLAN EVPN — De-Facto Standard, Open and Interoperable](https://blogs.cisco.com/datacenter/vxlan-evpn-de-facto-standard-open-and-interoperable) - [Cisco Catalyst 9000 EVPN Terraform Example on GitHub](https://github.com/netascode/terraform-iosxe-evpn-example)
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