This solution is for CISCO IOS,IOS-XR and IOS-XE Platfrom to get network backup using Ansible.Uses Ansible to fetch Running Config from the network
and store them localy.
Use Case ::
Cisco IOS,IOS-XR and IOS-XE Network configuration backup.
System Requirenments::
1) Python 3
In linux systems python is default enabled ,if not then install python first .
2) Ansible
Ansible Installation Process::
On Fedora:
$ sudo dnf install ansible
On RHEL and CentOS:
$ sudo yum install ansible
On Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
$ sudo apt install ansible
Using PIP:
$ pip install --user ansible
On Alpine:
$ apk add ansible
Tool Installation::
Follow the below steps::
1) Clone the repo on Ansible Server machine .
In case of Linux ::
git clone
2) Go to the directory :
cd Cisco-Device-Backup-Ansible/ansible/
Configurations Steps::
3) Add the device ip and change the group vars
>>Edit the inv.ini file
#######################################IOS XR#############################################
[xrdevices] >>repalce with your device IP or add new one
########################################IOS ##############################################
>>Edit the group vars
cd group_vars
edit the each vars files.
ansible_network_os: "ios"
ansible_user: "user" >>>>>set your user
ansible_password: "password" >>>>>set your pass
4) Finally run the play book:
ansible-playbook backup_playbook.yml
Known Issues::
1)Devices must be reachable from the Ansible Server Machine.
Getting help
If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc., please create an issue against this repository.