Run OS Discovery Toolset scripts using Docker Container
Push server OS info to Intersight in order to evaluate the server's HCL using Docker Container
Linux or MacOS host with Docker installed
Intersight api key and SecretKey.txt.
SSH-Keys for the root user. Use ssh-keygen to generate the keys. Sample keys provided in this repo for quick test.
Add the key to target hosts for password less authentication.
Command: ssh-copy-id -i ~/path/to/key/ root@target-ip
The user should have password less sudo access. As we are using a root user for testing, you may not need it.
If needed, modify sudoers file using "visudo" and add/modify wheels group with nopassword
Clone this github repo
Create hosts file in the local directory.
- File with target linux host IP's.
- Enter one IP per line
- Filename: hosts
Copy following files in the local directory:
- id_rsa
- SecretKey.txt
Build docker image
Command: docker build -t ostool .
Run the docker container
Command: docker run -it --rm -v /path/to/local/dir:/ostool ostool
Sample Output
% docker run -it --rm -v /Users/testuser/docker/ostool/test:/ostool ostool
[ODT: START-TIMESTAMP: 2021-03-12 20:53:29.066436]
[INFO]: Using logging mode...
[INFO]: Using log file: /ostool/intersight_os_discovery_2021-03-12T20:53:29.071662.log
[INFO]: Found 1 hosts in /ostool/hosts
[INFO]: Processing host:
[]: Extracting Server Serial Number...
[]: Host Serial Number: xxxxxxxxx
[]: Host Model: UCSC-C240-M5L
[]: Extracting Server MO Identity from Intersight...
[]: Server MO Identity: xxxxxxyyyyyyyxxxxxxxxyyyyyy
[]: Extracting OS Inventory...
[]: Extracting driver Inventory...
[]: Changes detected in OS Inventory, pushing to intersight...
[]: Patching Server MO with OS Inventory...
[]: OS Inventory push to Intersight completed!
[INFO]: ODT push to Intersight completed!
[ODT: END-TIMESTAMP: 2021-03-12 21:05:11.664952]