
Hyperflex Edge Profile Creation in Intersight using Terraform

  • This module creates a Hyperflex Edge profile and its related policies in intersight.
  • It doesn't associate the servers with the profile. That needs to be done manually and need to start the deployment manually.


  • Terraform v0.13.5
  • git


  • Create an account in
  • Login to Intersight, go to settings and generate API key. Download the SecretKey.txt file and copy the API key.
  • Download and install Terraform
  • Clone the repository
git clone
cd hx-edge
  • Copy the SecretKye.txt file in the hx-edge directory.

  • Add the API Key to the api_key variable and the rest of the environment variables in the <env>.tfvars template files. Filename can be re-named as <new-filename>.tfvars.

  • Initialize Terraform.
    Note: This step automatically downloads intersight provider plugin.

terraform init
  • Create Terraform exacution plan
terraform plan
  • Apply the configuration
terraform apply

When asked to enter a value, enter "yes".

  • Destroy the Terraform managed infrastructure
terraform destroy

To get more details on Intersight, terraform provider for intersight, how to create an intersight account, how to Generate API keys, refer:

Terraform Workspaces

  • Use terraform workspaces to reuse the same config file for different environments.

  • Create a new workspace :

  terraform workspace new WORKSPACE_NAME      # creates and moves to the new workspace 
  • To list workspaces
  terraform workspace list          # "*" indicates the current selected workspace
  • To switch workspace
terraform workspace select WORKSPACE_NAME     # Move to a different namespace
  • Create a separate <env_name>.tfvars file for each environment
  • Use below commands in the respective workspace to create the policies.
terraform plan -var-file=<env_name>.tfvars   
terraform apply -var-file=<env_name>.tfvars
  • Use the provided sample env.tfvars template for all the environment variables configuration.

Additional intersight modules:


-When we create HX Cluster profile and try to delete the HX Cluster profile using terraform, we get the following error:
Error: error occurred while deleting HyperflexSoftwareVersionPolicy object: 404 Not Found Response from endpoint:
{"code":"NotFound","message":"Cannot execute the request. The request object 'xxxxxx' does not exist.",

To avoid this, please do the following:

terraform state list                                                                        <- Get the resource name
terraform state rm intersight_hyperflex_software_version_policy.hx_software_version_policy  <- Remove the resource from state file
terraform destroy                                                  <- Destroy resources
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