

  • Webhooks enable push-model mechanism to send notifications in real-time.
  • In order to retrieve alarms in real-time from vManage using the REST APIs, we need to poll for the data frequently. However, by using webhooks, vManage can send an HTTP POST request to the external system in real-time once an alarm is received.
  • Webhooks are sometimes referred to as “Reverse APIs” and we must design an API to consume or process the data sent via webhook.


  • This feature is supported from vManage 18.3 release onward


To use this application you will need:

  • Python 3.7+
  • Cisco SD-WAN 18.3+

Install and Setup

Clone the code to local machine.

git clone
cd sdwan-webhooks

Setup Python Virtual Environment (requires Python 3.7+)

python3.7 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Setup local environment variables to provide Webex Teams Authorization and Room ID details.


For MAC OSX and Ubuntu Environment:

export bearer_token=<authorization bearer token>
export room_id=<webex teams room-id>
export gmail_username=<gmail username>
export gmail_password=<gmail password>
export sender_address=<email sender address>
export to_address=<email receiver address>

For Windows Environment:

set bearer_token=<authorization bearer token>
set room_id=<webex teams room-id>
set gmail_username=<gmail username>
set gmail_password=<gmail password>
set sender_address=<email sender address>
set to_address=<email receiver address>

vManage Configuration

Steps to enable webhook notifications for pushing alarms to external systems.


  • Select "Email Notifications" from "Monitor -> Alarms"



  • Enter name of the webhook as webhook_test
  • Select severity level for example, Critical and Medium
  • Select Alarm Name for example, Interface Admin State Change and Interface State Change



  • Click on Add Email list and provide dummy email-id , If you are using only webhooks.



  • Enable webhook checkbox.
  • Provide the webhook server URL, username and password for webhook.

(Note: If webhook server doesn't have authentication configured, please provide dummy username and password)

  • Provide the Webhook Server URL
  • Select All Devices or Custom option and click on Add to complete the webhook settings.



  • Enable email notifications in Administration settings of vManage.

(Note: Email notifications should be enabled in order to use Webhooks.)

  • For using only Webhooks, please provide dummy values, e.g., Select Security option None and enter SMTP Server as

  • Enter dummy values for From address and Reply to address as


This completes the configuration on vManage to enable webhooks

Notifications Dashboard

List of webhooks or email notifications configured can be seen in section Alarms > Email Notifications


Test Webhook

From vManage shell, run curl command and send dummy HTTP POST request to webhook server to make sure it is reachable.

Sample output

vmanage# vshell
vmanage:~$ curl -v -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://<webhook-server-ip>:5001/
*   Trying <webhook-server-ip>...
* Connected to <webhook-server-ip> (<webhook-server-ip>) port 5001 (#0)
> POST / HTTP/1.1
> Host: <webhook-server-ip>:5001
> User-Agent: curl/7.58.0
> Accept: */*
> Content-type: application/json
* HTTP 1.0, assume close after body
< Content-Type: application/json
< Content-Length: 44
< Server: Werkzeug/0.15.2 Python/3.7.3
< Date: Sun, 12 May 2019 13:22:25 GMT
"Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)"
* Closing connection 0

Setup Webhook server on ubuntu

Now let’s try to setup webhook server on ubuntu to accept notifications sent from vManage

  • In order to accept HTTP post requests sent from vManage, we need to enable HTTP web server and design API route.
  • Below code spins up flask web server listening on port 5001 for HTTP POST request
  • Defined alarms() function accepts the POST request at route http://server-ip:port/ and extracts the data from request, then it sends message
    to Webex Teams Room.
def alarms():
      data = json.loads(
      message =  '''Team, alarm event : **''' + data['eventname'] + '** ------ **' + data['message'] + '''** is recieved from vManage and here are the complete details <br><br>'''  + str(data)
      api = CiscoSparkAPI(access_token=bearer_token)
      res=api.messages.create(roomId=room_id, markdown=message)
   except Exception as exc:
      return jsonify(str(exc)), 500 

return jsonify("Message sent to Webex Teams"), 200

Logs from Webhook Server:

Spin up HTTP webhook server as background process

$python3 &
[1] 7889

  • Serving Flask app "webhook" (lazy loading)
  • Environment: production WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
  • Debug mode: on
  • Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
  • Restarting with stat
  • Debugger is active!
  • Debugger PIN: 216-076-679

Sample JSON output on webhook server on receiving notifications from vManage.

Interface Down Alarm:

{ "entry_time": 1557638802000, "severity": "Critical", "rule_name_display": "Interface_State_Change", "severity_number": 1, "component": "VPN", "values_short_display": [ { "if-name": "GigabitEthernet4", "host-name": "BR2-CSR1000v", "system-ip": "", "new-state": "down" } ], "devices": [ { "system-ip": "" } ], "eventname": "interface-state-change", "receive_time": 1557638802875, "statcycletime": 1557638802000, "values": [ { "if-name": "GigabitEthernet4", "vpn-id": "10", "host-name": "BR2-CSR1000v", "system-ip": "", "new-state": "down" } ], "rulename": "interface-state-change", "active": true, "message": "The interface oper-state changed to down", "type": "interface-state-change", "acknowledged": false, "uuid": "8459e3a0-5bea-4370-ab57-6f45f8022d66" }

Interface Up Alarm:

{ "entry_time": 1557638912000, "severity": "Medium", "rule_name_display": "Interface_State_Change", "severity_number": 3, "component": "VPN", "values_short_display": [ { "if-name": "GigabitEthernet4", "host-name": "BR2-CSR1000v", "system-ip": "", "new-state": "up" } ], "devices": [ { "system-ip": "" } ], "eventname": "interface-state-change", "receive_time": 1557638912888, "statcycletime": 1557638912000, "values": [ { "if-name": "GigabitEthernet4", "vpn-id": "10", "host-name": "BR2-CSR1000v", "system-ip": "", "new-state": "up" } ], "cleared_events": [ "8459e3a0-5bea-4370-ab57-6f45f8022d66" ], "rulename": "interface-state-change", "active": false, "message": "The interface oper-state changed to up", "type": "interface-state-change", "acknowledged": false, "uuid": "7a514a95-7c24-4348-b7e9-8d6775a3bc36" }

Alarms on vManage

  • Above webhook logs corresponds to these alarms that were received by vManage.


Alert on Webex Teams Space

  • The script sends the message to provided Webex Teams Space/Room. Here is sample output.


Email alert sent by script



Online webhooks can be setup using

SD-WAN Docs :

Use Case

Webhooks enable push-model mechanism to send notifications in real-time. To retrieve alarms in real-time from vManage with the REST APIs, we need to poll for the data frequently. However, by using webhooks, vManage can send an HTTP POST request to the external system in real-time once an alarm is received. Webhooks are sometimes referred to as “Reverse APIs,” and we must design an API to consume or process the data sent via webhook. You can edit the variables in the environment to point to your own vManage instance.


  • This feature is supported from vManage 18.3 release onward


  • To use this application you will need:
  • Python 3.7+
  • Cisco SD-WAN 18.3+
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