Secure Workload (Tetration) Ansible Module

An ansible role for administrating Secure Workload (formerly known as Tetration). Find a guided walkthrough of the Ansible modules here.


  • Python 3.7 or later
  • Ansible 2.9 and later
  • Python requests package must be installed on the server.
  • API Key with the following permissions
    • app_policy_management
    • sensor_management
    • user_data_upload
    • user_role_scope_management

Role Variables

The following variables need to be explicitly imported in to the role OR can be set as environmental variables.


The api key and secret can be obtained from the Settings -> API Keys menu in Tetration.

The server endpoint is just the base URL of your Tetration, e.g. "".



This role uses the Python requests package to communicate via https with Tetration.

Example Playbook

    - name: Add User to Tetration 
      hosts: localhost
      connection: local
        - role: ansible-module 
    - name: read variables from the environment to be explicit
        ansible_host: "{{ lookup('env', 'TETRATION_SERVER_ENDPOINT') }}"
        api_key: "{{ lookup('env', 'TETRATION_API_KEY') }}"
        api_secret: "{{ lookup('env', 'TETRATION_API_SECRET') }}"
      no_log: True 

    - name: put the variables in the required format
          api_key: "{{ api_key }}"
          api_secret: "{{ api_secret }}"
          server_endpoint: "{{ ansible_host }}"
      no_log: True

    - name: Create or verify a test user exists in the system
        provider: "{{ provider_info }}"
        first_name: "Test"
        last_name: "User"
        app_scope_name: "RootScope"
          - Execute
          - Enforce
        state: present 
      delegate_to: localhost
      register: output


Python Testing is done via Pytest.

  • Create a Virtual Environment
  • Install Dependencies from requirements.txt
  • Run the command pytest --cov=. --cov-report term-missing --cov-fail-under=80 tests/

Ansible Testing is done via Molecule

  • Create a Virtual Environment
  • Install Dependencies from requirements.txt
  • Run the command molecule test -s tetration_user to run the users scenario (check the molecule directory for all scenarios)
  • Run the command molecule test --all to run all the scenarios

The scenarios are in the molecule folder. Each scenario is named after the module its tests are written for. Molecule is designed to do stuff to a VM/Container and then test the state of the container. Since this is not the case, instead we use the converge.yml file to exercise the role.

Environmental variables are set in the molecule.yml file. If you have an .env.yml file set in the project root, when molecule runs, it will set the contents of that file as environmental variables. This way you can test both local and remote.

Installing From GitHub

This is the process to install this role directly from GitHub into ansible

  • Install Ansible (ideally in a python virtual environment). The commands for linux are below
    • python3 -m venv venv
    • source venv/bin/activate
    • pip install --upgrade pip
    • pip install 'ansible==2.9.13'
    • pip install requests
  • If the Repo is Private, create a Personal Access Token or be prepared to enter your username and password into Ansible Galaxy
  • Clone the repo using ansible-galaxy
    • ansible-galaxy install git+https://<your github userid>:<your github token>
  • Set environmental variables required for the sample plays to run
  • Use the modules in plays
    • See the examples folder for an example of using the module when installed from Galaxy

Storing Environmental Variables in a File

An option to setting an environmental variable is to use dotenv to load them at run time. You can create a .env file that can be excluded from source control. This section covers how to install and use it.

  • An option to using environmental variables is you can install python dotenv
    • pip install "python-dotenv[cli]"
  • Then you can put the environmental variables into a file called .env at the root of the repo that looks like


TETRATION_API_KEY="my api key"
TETRATION_API_SECRET="my apy password"
  • Run the sample plays as follows
    • dotenv run ansible-playbook sample_play.yml

Running the Module locally

If you want to work on the module in a local environment, you'll need to create an ansible.cfg file with the following contents:



Tetration modules

library = ./ module_utils = ./module_utils doc_fragment_plugins = ./plugins/doc_fragments

Helps read debug outputs better

stdout_callback = debug



Author Information


This module is provided as-is with community support only.

Use Case

Cisco Secure Workload (formerly Tetration) Ansible Module

Ansible’s simple automation framework paired with Cisco’s architectures and programmable platforms provide the optimal combination for open network automation. Cisco DevNet provides Ansible modules, use-case focused content, and Learning Labs to successfully deploy automation and implement DevOps into your network operations.

Ansible is a Deployment, Orchestration, and Configuration Management tool that is well known for its ease of use. It is open source, simple to work with and powerful enough to help automate complex solutions. It’s goal is to provide productivity gains to a wide variety of automation challenges.

One of the largest benefits of Ansible versus other configuration control software is that Ansible has no agent. This allows Ansible to be extremely lightweight compared to its competitors. Ansible works by having access to the end devices (usually through SSH or API calls) and executing a series of instructions on those devices through a range of methods, but commonly through the python programming language.

The Secure Workload Ansible module allows you to:

  • Control Cisco Secure Workload (Tetration) with Ansible using the tetration_user module to add, remove and validate Tetration users.
  • Add, remove and modify Scopes in Tetration using the tetration_scope_query, tetration_scope, and the tetration_scope_commit_query_changes.
  • Add, remove and modify Tetration roles using the tetration_role module.
  • Remove agents or decommission workloads using the tetration_software_agent and tetration_software_agent_query.
  • Use the tetration_software_agent and tetration_software_agent_query modules to validate that an agent successfully installed and verify that workload has been registered to the Tetration manager.
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