This Java SDK is a Java library for consuming Cisco Webex's RESTful APIs. Please visit us at for more information about Cisco Webex for Developers.
Why spark-java-sdk? : A rebranding took place in 2018, some time after this SDK was created, that renamed Cisco Spark to Cisco Webex.
Clone the repository
git clone
Run maven through CLI or your favourite IDE
mvn install
To start, call the Spark builder with your developer token (can be retrieved from
String accessToken = "<<secret>>"; Spark spark = Spark.builder() .baseUrl(URI.create("")) .accessToken(accessToken) .build();
Work with Webex Teams rooms
// List my rooms spark.rooms() .iterate() .forEachRemaining(room -> { System.out.println(room.getTitle() + ", created " + room.getCreated() + ": " + room.getId()); }); // Create a new room Room room = new Room(); room.setTitle("Hello World"); room = spark.rooms().post(room); // Add a coworker to the room Membership membership = new Membership(); membership.setRoomId(room.getId()); membership.setPersonEmail(""); spark.memberships().post(membership); // List the members of the room spark.memberships() .queryParam("roomId", room.getId()) .iterate() .forEachRemaining(member -> { System.out.println(member.getPersonEmail()); }); // Post a text message to the room Message message = new Message(); message.setRoomId(room.getId()); message.setText("Hello World!"); spark.messages().post(message); // Share a file with the room message = new Message(); message.setRoomId(room.getId()); message.setFiles(URI.create("")); spark.messages().post(message); // Share an adaptive card with the room message = new Message(); message.setRoomId(room.getId()); message.setText("Mandatory fallback text"); JsonArray attachmentsArry = Json.createArrayBuilder() // Create an array to contain all the adaptive card JSONs .add(Json.createObjectBuilder() // Add the required key "contentType" which points to the fact that this attachment is of type adatpive card .add("contentType", "application/") // The content key will contain the actual card JSON generated from the adaptive cards designer .add("content", Json.createObjectBuilder() .add("$schema", "") .add("type", "AdaptiveCard") .add("version", "1.0") .add("body", Json.createArrayBuilder() // Create the initital body object of the card .add(Json.createObjectBuilder() // Create an object/element inside the body .add("type", "TextBlock") // This is an example of TextBlock element .add("text", "Here is a ninja cat") .build() // Build the object ) .add(Json.createObjectBuilder() .add("type", "Image") // This is an example of Image element .add("url", "") .build() // Build the image element ) .build() // Build the body object ) .build() // Build the card JSON )) .build(); // Build the entire attachments array message.setAttachments(attachmentsArry); // Set the attachments field on the message payload which has to be an array of JSON spark.messages().post(message); // Get person details Person person=new Person(); person=spark.people().path("/<<<**Insert PersonId**>>>").get();
Connect to Webex Teams via webhooks
// Create a new webhook Webhook webhook = new Webhook(); webhook.setName("My Webhook"); webhook.setResource("messages"); webhook.setEvent("created"); webhook.setFilter("mentionedPeople=me"); webhook.setSecret("SOMESECRET"); webhook.setTargetUrl(URI.create("")); webhook=spark.webhooks().post(webhook); // List webhooks spark.webhooks().iterate().forEachRemaining(hook -> { System.out.println(hook.getId() + ": " + hook.getName() + " (" + hook.getTargetUrl() + ")" + " Secret - " + hook.getSecret()); }); // Delete a webhook webhook=spark.webhooks().path("/<<<**Insert WebhookId**>>>").delete();
Find all your relevant information through our APIs
// List people in the organization spark.people().iterate().forEachRemaining(ppl -> { System.out.println(ppl.getId() + ": " + ppl.getDisplayName()+" : Creation: "+ppl.getCreated()); }); // Get organizations spark.organizations().iterate().forEachRemaining(org -> { System.out.println(org.getId() + ": " + org.getDisplayName()+" : Creation: "+org.getCreated()); }); // Get licenses spark.licenses().iterate().forEachRemaining(license -> { System.out.println("GET Licenses " +license.getId() + ": DisplayName:- " + license.getDisplayName()+" : totalUnits: "+Integer.toString(license.getTotalUnits())+" : consumedUnits: "+Integer.toString(license.getConsumedUnits())); }); // Get roles spark.roles().iterate().forEachRemaining(role -> { System.out.println("GET Roles " +role.getId() + ": Name:- " + role.getName()); });
Work directly with your teams
// Create a new team Team team = new Team(); team.setName("Brand New Team"); team = spark.teams().post(team); // Add a coworker to the team TeamMembership teamMembership = new TeamMembership(); teamMembership.setTeamId(team.getId()); teamMembership.setPersonEmail(""); spark.teamMemberships().post(teamMembership); // List the members of the team spark.teamMemberships() .queryParam("teamId", team.getId()) .iterate() .forEachRemaining(member -> { System.out.println(member.getPersonEmail()); });
© 2018 Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. See LICENSE for details.
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