The script helps to automate the initial CML2 lab building process by creating the topology with all its nodes and links. Optional the script can apply the day0 configuration to each node before the nodes get started. Another optional feature is to create an OOB network VRF with external connection in bridge mode, to access the lab nodes by IP from outside. The details regarding the OOB network are described later.
When the script is executed with the day0 or the OOB argument, then also a pyATS testbed will be created after all CML2 nodes are booted. There are several modifications for the day0 configuration and the pyATS testbed which the script does. These modifications are described later.
For all script execution option the debug argument can be enabled to print additional information to stout.
Setup a Python virtual environment
mkproject cml2_lab_builder
Clone down the repository and change to the directory.
git clone
cd cml2_lab_builder
Install all needed Python libaries.
pip install -r requirements.txt
To see all supported arguments of the script run python3 --help
for the following output:
usage: [-h] [--day0 DAY0] [--oob OOB] [--debug DEBUG]
Creates a CML2 lab from a hosts.yaml and a links.yaml. Optional creates a OOB network from a oob.yaml file and applies day 0
device configurations files.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--day0 DAY0 Optional: Enable day 0 configuration
--oob OOB Optional: Create an OOB VRF with external connection
--debug DEBUG Optional: Enable stdout debug print
The script needs a inventory/hosts.yaml
and a inventory/links.yaml
file to build the CML2 lab topology. If a day 0 configuration should be applied, then the configuration files for each node needs to be present in the config/
folder. The inventory/oob.yaml
file is optional and specifies the OOB network details when the script is executed with the OOB argument.
The repository has an example topology with its hosts.yaml
, links.yaml
, oob.yaml
and the three configuration files N9K-01
, N9K-02
and N9K-03
for the nodes.
# Output
├── Makefile
├── config
│ ├── N9K-01
│ ├── N9K-02
│ └── N9K-03
├── inventory
│ ├── hosts.yaml
│ ├── links.yaml
│ └── oob.yaml
└── requirements.txt
The Makefile
is used to run the black
auto-formatter, pylint
linting and the execution of bandit
All pylint
warnings that should be ignored are part of the script with a pylint
control message e.g # pylint: disable=xyz
# 'make' by itself runs the 'all' target .DEFAULT_GOAL := all .PHONY: all all: format lint .PHONY: format format: @echo "[Task] Starting format *********************************************" find . -name "*.py" | xargs black --diff find . -name "*.py" | xargs black .PHONY: lint lint: @echo "[Task] Starting yamllint *******************************************" find . -name "*.yaml" | xargs yamllint @echo "[Task] Starting pylint *********************************************" find . -name "*.py" | xargs pylint @echo "[Task] Starting bandit *********************************************" find . -name "*.py" | xargs bandit
When writing the hosts.yaml
and links.yaml
files, its important the the hostname are identical in each file. Otherwise the script will fail. The interfaces in the links.yaml
file are only needed if the also a day 0 configuration should be applied. The interface value needs to match the interface in the provided configuration file. If no day 0 configuration is needed, the interface value can be blank.
Node definitions in the inventory/hosts.yaml
--- # For CML2 only the data dictionary with cml_label, cml_platform # and cml_position under the hostname is required. # # The following is an inventory example to extend a nornir host # file with the information needed by the cml2_lab_build script. # # NXOS-SW-1: # hostname: # username: cisco # password: cisco # connection_options: # netmiko: # platform: cisco_nxos_ssh # napalm: # platform: nxos_ssh # netconf: # extras: # allow_agent: False # hostkey_verify: False # look_for_keys: False # data: # cml_label: SW-1 # cml_platform: iosvl2 # cml_position: [0, -100] N9K-01: data: cml_label: N9K-01 cml_platform: nxosv9000 cml_position: [-300, 0] N9K-02: data: cml_label: N9K-02 cml_platform: nxosv9000 cml_position: [0, -150] N9K-03: data: cml_label: N9K-03 cml_platform: nxosv9000 cml_position: [0, 150]
Link definitions in the links.yaml
--- # host_a and host_b are the CML2 nodes where a link will be created. # interface_a and interface_b needs to match exactly with the provided # config file, as the script will take these interfaces configurations # and configure the dynamically assigned interfaces by CML2. # If no configuration is provided, the values of these keys can be blank. # # For example: # - host_a: Hostname-A # interface_a: GigabitEthernet1/0/1 # host_b: Hostname-B # interface_b: GigabitEthernet1/0/1 # or # - host_a: Hostname-A # interface_a: # host_b: Hostname-B # interface_b: link_list: - host_a: N9K-01 interface_a: Ethernet1/53 host_b: N9K-02 interface_b: Ethernet1/51 - host_a: N9K-01 interface_a: Ethernet1/54 host_b: N9K-02 interface_b: Ethernet1/52 - host_a: N9K-01 interface_a: Ethernet1/51 host_b: N9K-03 interface_b: Ethernet1/53
OOB network definition in the oob.yaml
--- # OOB network configuration file. # The oob_vlan_number needs to be an integer. The oob_vlan_subnet needs # to be the subnet with the mask as /xx and the oob_vlan_gateway needs # to be an ip-address within this range. # # For example: # oob_vlan_number: 100 # oob_vlan_subnet: # oob_vlan_gateway: oob_vlan_number: 100 oob_vlan_subnet: oob_vlan_gateway:
When day0 configuration files should be applied, the filename needs to match the nodes hostname. No modifications should be needed to the configurations files, as the script will know which interfaces are needed for the lab based on the details from the links.yaml
file. The script will delete all not needed physical port configurations. Further a additional user named cmladmin
will be created to simplify the pyATS testbed creation.
The day0 interface configuration modifications were tested mostly with the following node definitions:
When the script is executed with the OOB argument enabled, an OOB network within a additional VRF will be created and the first interface of each node will be part of the OOB network. An external connector with an unmanaged switch in front will be created and the first interface of each node will be connected to this unmanaged switch. With the details from the oob.yaml
file the OOB VLAN, subnet and default-gateway are specified to configure each node with the needed configuration. The script starts the ip-address assignment with the first ip-address of the subnet and therefor assumes that all ip-addresses exept the default-gateway are free.
The OOB network is implemented for the following node definitions:
If the lab topology contains node definitions which are not supported for the OOB network, then no link from these nodes to the OOB network will be created. At the end of the script a show interface brief
with pyATS is printed to the stout to verify that all OOB interfaces are up. Also a ip-address assignment summary will be printed to stout in the recap section at the end.
CML2 provides the possibility to generate a pyATS testbed. As this testbed will be generated without any credentials, the script will modify the testbed.
The terminal_server
credentials will set to %ENV{VIRL2_USER}
to import the same CML2 login credentials from the environment variables as the script already uses:
terminal_server: connections: cli: ip: protocol: ssh credentials: default: password: '%ENV{VIRL2_PASS}' username: '%ENV{VIRL2_USER}' os: linux type: linux
As it a virtual lab the credentials of each node
will be set hardcoded to the new created cmladmin
N9K-01: connections: a: command: open /ee9b21/n0/0 protocol: telnet proxy: terminal_server defaults: class: unicon.Unicon credentials: default: password: cisco4ever! username: cmladmin os: nxos platform: n9k type: switch
The final pyATS testbed will be saved to the inventory/
tree inventory
├── hosts.yaml
├── links.yaml
└── pyats_testbed_ee9b21.yaml
To run the script successfully, the three environment variables VIRL2_URL
which define the CML2 login credentials that the script will load.
export VIRL2_URL=x.x.x.x export VIRL2_USER=admin export VIRL2_PASS=xxxxxx
All script execution options below can additionally be executed with the --debug enable
argument to print more information to stdout.
Simply run the script with python3
to create a CML2 lab topology from the hosts.yaml
and the links.yaml
Run the script with the argument --day0 enable
to create a CML2 lab from the hosts.yaml
, the links.yaml
, and configuration files in the config/
Run the script with the argument --oob enable
to create a CML2 lab from the hosts.yaml
, the links.yaml
and the oob.yaml
Run the script with the argument --day0 enable
and --oob enable
to create a CML2 lab from the hosts.yaml
, the links.yaml
, the oob.yaml
and configuration files in the config/
The script was developed with static code analysis, black auto-formatting and functional testing.
Cisco Modeling Labs (CML)Programming Languages
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