Meraki PII is a Python package used to interact with the Meraki Dashboard API for Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
The official documentation for PII related API calls can be found here.
Dependencies and Requirements
Tested on Python 3.7 and Requests 2.21.0
Preferred method of installation is in a Python virtual environment.
- Clone the project
git clone
- create venv in same directory:
python3 -m venv MerakiPII/
- activate venv and download dependencies
cd MerakiPII/
source bin/activate
- satisfy dependencies
Review PII related functions in the MerakiPII/ package or review the individual example Python files for basic use.
All example python files point to a file named config.ini for Meraki Dashboard API Keys, Meraki Org, and other required parameters. See example-config.ini.
Further PII and GDPR related documentation
Meraki Data Privacy and Protection Features
EU Cloud Configuration Guide
shiyuechengineer wrote the error functions and non-PII functions. I made use of the same in order to merge this project into the official meraki-dashboard Python module which does not currently contain PII API calls.
This project is licensed to you under the terms of the Cisco Sample
Code License.