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Optimize your service provider network
Optimization Engine API Cisco Crosswork Optimization Engine provides real-time network optimization capabilities that allow operators to effectively maximize network utility as well as increase service velocity. Explore more Network Controller API Cisco Crosswork Network Controller allows customers to provision and maintain intent-based network services in a multivendor network environment with a common GUI and API. Learn More Health Insights & Change Automation API Cisco Crosswork Change Automation and Health Insights provide a programmable remediation system that supports closed-loop operations based on configurable KPIs and feedback-driven workflows. Read More
Get started with these developer resources
Crosswork SDK This collection hosts a variety of tools for Cisco Crosswork, such as the CNC Service Extensibility SDK and Notification Client, aimed at enhancing your development process. Crosswork Postman Collection Explore this set of POSTMAN collections to interact with Cisco Crosswork Network Change Automation ("NCA") and Health Insights ("HI") APIs. See on Crosswork OpenAPI Documents Discover this repository of publicly accessible Cisco Crosswork API OpenAPI documentation, allowing for a thorough understanding of API functionalities and seamless integration. fastMode=true&type=Code&products=Crosswork&sortBy=importance&additionalTags=owner:CiscoDevNet 3 Discover Crosswork sample code Download community shared and DevNet curated GitHub sample code through DevNet Code Exchange. utm_campaign=oc-codeexchange&utm_medium=pubhubwidget&utm_source=crosswork See more in Code Exchange Sorry, we couldn’t find any code repos you were looking for.
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Try out the Crosswork API in the DevNet Sandbox The DevNet Sandboxes provide developers with zero-cost, easy access to infrastructure and platforms to develop and run code against anytime. Use this testing environment to follow along with the Learning Labs. VIEW ALL SANDBOXES _blank /images/crosswork-sandbox.jpg Cisco Crosswork sandbox _blank Cisco Crosswork sandbox This lab will help with understanding the Applications of Health Insights and Change Automation. You'll find a "production" Crosswork suite deployed to manage the multi-platform network within the sandbox lab. This network is made up of:
  • Cisco Crosswork cluster
  • Cisco Crosswork Data Gateway (CDG)
  • Cisco Network Service Orchestrator (NSO)
  • Cisco IOS XE/XR routers
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