This documentation and the Cisco Observability Platform functionalities it describes are subject to change. Data saved on the platform may disappear and APIs may change without notice.

Spans and Traces

A trace represents a request or a transaction made by a user or an application. It is a collection of operations that represents a unique transaction handled by an application and its constituent services. In a multi-service architecture, as the request traverses through multiple services to serve a user need, a trace records all the paths taken by the request. It provides a holistic view of a transaction or a request.

A trace consists of multiple spans, which can run in parallel or in a linear sequence. A span represents a single operation within a trace. It indicates the operation performed by an individual service or a component in the process of fulfilling the user request. In other words, a span represents each unit of work within a trace. A trace represents the complete process of a request, from the beginning to the end of a request lifecycle.

Span is of two types- root span and child span. A trace contains a single root span and multiple child spans. The root span measures the end-to-end latency of an entire request. For example, the root span calculates the total time required to complete a request, from its initiation to completion. Child spans represent function calls, calls to other microservices, a call to an authentication API, and so on. It provides granular visibility into each part of the request. Spans can delegate processes to other spans. In case a span fails to execute the assigned process, it may lead to the failure of the trace itself. A tracing system tracks all the traces and its spans. It assigns a unique ID to a trace and segregates the traces into spans. The traces and spans together provide the status of the processes involved in an operation. Analyzing all the spans in a trace, you get insights into how the request is performed across its lifecycle.

A span provides the following information:

Key Description
entityId The unique identifier of the entity that produced this span.
traceId The unique identifier of the associated trace. It is used to group all spans of a specific trace.
spanId The unique identifier of the span.
parentId (optional) The unique identifier of the parent span.
name The work represented by the span. For example, an RPC method name, a function name, or the name of a subtask or stage within a larger computation.
spanKind The type of a span. It can be one of the following types:
Internal: Indicates that the span represents an internal operation within an application, as opposed to an operation happening at the boundaries.
Server: Indicates that the span covers server-side handling of remote procedure call or other remote network request.
Producer: Indicates that the span describes a producer sending a message to a broker. Unlike client and server, there is often no direct critical path latency relationship between producer and consumer spans. A producer span ends when the message is accepted by the broker while the logical processing of the message might take a much longer time.
Consumer: Indicates that the span describes a consumer receiving a message from a broker. Like a Producer kind, there is often no direct critical path latency relationship between producer and consumer spans.
derivedEntityIds (optional) A set of unique identifiers of the entities that are derived from the span.
startedAt The start time stamp of the span.
endedAt The end time stamp of the span.
attributes A list of one or more key-value pairs. For example Client IP, HTTP Method, and Status Code.
events A set of one or more events. Each event consists of timestamp, names , and attributes.
links Links to one or more related spans.
statusCode One of the following: OK or Error
errorMessage The message related to an error encountered.
tags (optional) A list of tags.
source The source of the span.

Example of a trace and its spans (including root span and child spans):

        "traceId": "e04c1be394978541f3140f96e0bab8da",
        "parentId": "f8c16aec7bfa529f",
        "id": "d9aea47590756ece",
        "kind": "CLIENT",
        "name": "http get",
        "timestamp": 1598909716012348,
        "duration": 14784,
        "localEndpoint": {
            "serviceName": "service2",
            "ipv4": "192.xx.xx.xx"
        "tags": {
            "http.method": "GET",
            "http.status_code": "200",
            "http.url": "<your local host url>",
            "": "localhost",
            "net.peer.port": "xxxx"
        "traceId": "e04c1be394978541f3140f96e0bab8da",
        "parentId": "b6c7da87a2731274",
        "id": "f8c16aec7bfa529f",
        "name": "transactions.demo",
        "timestamp": 1598909715997576,
        "duration": 30365,
        "localEndpoint": {
            "serviceName": "service2",
            "ipv4": "192.xx.xx.xx"
        "traceId": "e04c1be394978541f3140f96e0bab8da",
        "parentId": "2bcc1e23bd7b56d4",
        "id": "b6c7da87a2731274",
        "kind": "SERVER",
        "name": "get /txn/demo/{count}",
        "timestamp": 1598909715995002,
        "duration": 53508,
        "localEndpoint": {
            "serviceName": "service2",
            "ipv4": "192.xx.xx.xx"
        "annotations": [
                "timestamp": 1598909716047596,
                "value": "exception"
        "tags": {
            "http.client_ip": "127.xx.xx.xx",
            "http.flavor": "HTTP/1.1",
            "http.method": "GET",
            "http.response_content_length": "17",
            "http.status_code": "200",
            "http.url": "<your local host url",
            "http.user_agent": "Apache-HttpClient/4.3.4 (java 1.5)",
            "net.peer.ip": "127.xx.xx.xx",
            "net.peer.port": "56325",
            "servlet.path": ""
        "traceId": "e04c1be394978541f3140f96e0bab8da",
        "parentId": "f082d70f03f091fd",
        "id": "b8e3559c6b1282bc",
        "kind": "CLIENT",
        "name": "http get",
        "timestamp": 1598909715926428,
        "duration": 124102,
        "localEndpoint": {
            "serviceName": "service2",
            "ipv4": ""
        "tags": {
            "http.method": "GET",
            "http.status_code": "200",
            "http.url": "<your local host url",
            "": "localhost",
            "net.peer.port": "xxxx"
        "traceId": "e04c1be394978541f3140f96e0bab8da",
        "parentId": "8d8f25b0ff8c3c5f",
        "id": "f082d70f03f091fd",
        "name": "transactions.demo",
        "timestamp": 1598909715892270,
        "duration": 159186,
        "localEndpoint": {
            "serviceName": "service2",
            "ipv4": ""
        "traceId": "e04c1be394978541f3140f96e0bab8da",
        "parentId": "059586ca6e169128",
        "id": "05d31ee89db9e2a8",
        "name": "transactions.demo",
        "timestamp": 1598909716018497,
        "duration": 84,
        "localEndpoint": {
            "serviceName": "service1",
            "ipv4": ""
        "traceId": "e04c1be394978541f3140f96e0bab8da",
        "parentId": "119a8f24f8f3cd08",
        "id": "1667f6cf4bb9807f",
        "name": "transactions.demo",
        "timestamp": 1598909715969072,
        "duration": 78839,
        "localEndpoint": {
            "serviceName": "service1",
            "ipv4": ""
        "traceId": "e04c1be394978541f3140f96e0bab8da",
        "parentId": "b8e3559c6b1282bc",
        "id": "119a8f24f8f3cd08",
        "kind": "SERVER",
        "name": "get /txn/demo/{count}",
        "timestamp": 1598909715951019,
        "duration": 99577,
        "localEndpoint": {
            "serviceName": "service1",
            "ipv4": ""
        "annotations": [
                "timestamp": 1598909716050322,
                "value": "exception"
        "tags": {
            "http.client_ip": "127.x.x.x",
            "http.flavor": "HTTP/1.1",
            "http.method": "GET",
            "http.response_content_length": "17",
            "http.status_code": "200",
            "http.url": "<your local host url>",
            "http.user_agent": "Apache-HttpClient/4.3.4 (java 1.5)",
            "net.peer.ip": "127.x.x.x",
            "net.peer.port": "xxxx",
            "servlet.path": ""