Cisco Umbrella for Government API Introduction


Welcome to the Cisco Umbrella for Government API.

The Umbrella for Government API follows REST principles and uses JSON for both requests and responses unless specified. You can make API requests with any standard REST client. The Umbrella for Government API supports the OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow and requires an access token with every operation. The API provides pagination on collections of resources, and enforces rate limits on various endpoints.

The Umbrella for Government API enables you to programmatically manage and protect your networks, user devices, and network devices in your organization. Through the API, you can create policies to add and enforce DNS-layer and internet security for the traffic on your networks. Also, manage connections to internet destinations and services, and manage connections on network tunnels with the Umbrella Network Tunnel Groups and Regions API.

After you add deployments to Umbrella and configure security for these networks and devices, you can observe and inspect your cloud-based applications and network traffic. Umbrella provides detailed reports about the connections on networks to destinations. The Umbrella for Government API includes the API Usage Report API, which shows the information about your organization's API requests.

With the API, you can administer your organization's user accounts and user roles, and create and manage your Umbrella API credentials. Use the Key Admin API to manage the lifecycle of your Umbrella API keys.

Explore the Umbrella for Government API

Create deployments and manage policies for users, networks, and devices that connect to internet destinations and services. Observe and inspect your cloud-based applications, network elements, and traffic. Create rich reports and dashboard integrations. Manage your API keys, and prevent security attacks.

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