Cisco Secure Access API Response Codes, Errors, Troubleshooting

Errors and Troubleshooting

The Secure Access API endpoints raise exceptions when something failed, such as missing or invalid parameters or formatted errors in the request path. We recommend writing code that gracefully handles all possible API exceptions.

Response Codes

The Secure Access API uses HTTP response codes to indicate success or failure. In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success. Codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that resulted from a syntax, name, or format errors. Codes in the 5xx range indicate server errors.

Status Code Status Message Description
200 OK Success. Everything worked as expected.
201 Created New resource created.
202 Accepted Success. Action is queued.
204 No Content Success. Response with no message body.
400 Bad Request Likely missing a required parameter or malformed JSON. Review the syntax of your query. Check for any spaces preceding, trailing, or in the domain name of the domain you are trying to query.
401 Unauthorized The authorization header is missing or the key and secret pair is invalid. Ensure that your API token is valid.
403 Forbidden The client is unauthorized to access the content.
404 Not Found The requested resource doesn't exist. Check the syntax of your query or ensure the IP and domain are valid.
409 Conflict The client requests to create the resource, but the resource exists in the collection.
429 Exceeded Limit Too many requests made within a specific time period. You may have exceeded the rate limits for your organization or package.
413 Content Too Large The request payload is larger than the limits defined by the server.
500 Internal Server Error Something wrong with the server.
503 Service Unavailable Server is unable to complete request.

If the response code is not specific enough to determine the cause of the issue, the server includes error messages in the response in JSON format.


Secure Access Bearer tokens expire in one hour. You can update the expiration date of your API keys.

API Key Creation

  • You must have Full Admin privileges to create an API key.
  • Check that your Secure Access package includes a license for the Secure Access API and its endpoints.

API Authentication

Provide your Secure Access API credentials to the Secure Access Token Authorization API to request a Secure Access API access token. An error response may indicate one of the following problems:

  • Your API key may have expired. Update your API key and select a new expiration date.
  • Your API key ID is incorrect or your API key secret is not valid.
  • The format of the API request is not correct.
  • Your request does not include the required request headers, or path and query parameters. For more information, see Secure Access Authentication.

API Authorization

Provide your Secure Access API access token with every Secure Access API operation. An error response may indicate one of the following problems:

  • Your Secure Access API access token has expired. Generate a new Secure Access API access token.
  • Your access token does not include the scopes and permissions (Read Only or Read/Write) for the specific API endpoint.
  • The format of your API request is not correct.
  • Your request does not include the required request headers, or path and query parameters.