December 17, 2021

Feature Description Details
Enhanced device status during initial onboarding and configuration Device status enhancements to show Configuring and Config Failure states. Monitor Network Device Status
Default eCVD template loads automatically for new accounts creation When onboarding and creating an organization, official validated form-based eCVDs templates are automatically available to attach to a group of devices. Configure network devices
Telnet protocol support in Secure Equipment Access (SEA) Added new Access Method for SEA allowing Telnet sessions and reverse Telnet capability if user sets device configurations. Add access method
Enhanced Search and Filter capabilities Search, filter, and bookmark searches with the enhanced Search bar functions in UI. Search and filter devices

Open Caveats

CDETs Description Workaround
CSCwa47166 Device configuring requests stuck in bootstrapping sometimes won't show in "Configuring" filter. While searching, use "All" to find devices.
CSCwa46166 Inventory: Scrollbar may disappear in some sequences. Refresh page.
CSCwa39633 Inventory > pick a device > Device Configuration tab > Push Configuration still shows Failed status after fixing issue. But Event Log shows updated correct status. Refer to Event Log tab for status. No functional impact.
CSCwa18007 User Roles: Both Request to delete and Delete options are available. In custom role creation, use the Request to delete option. Ignore Delete option, if both are visible. None.
CSCwa46017 Inventory: When adding new device with Chrome browser minimized, fonts are blurry. Enlarge browser to full-size screen.
CSCwa49091 If organization name has a backslash character, Operations Dashboard statistics do not appear. Do not use backslash character when creating a new organization. You cannot edit an organization name; create a new one.
CSCwa40528 IR8x9 > eCVD Advanced device-level configuration > VPN section > section.vpn_primaryheadend remains "true" even when disabled in device-level configuration and when previously set/unset at group-level configuration. At device-level configuration, check and uncheck the section, and save.

Supported firmware

Edge Device Minimal Firmware Version (IOS Version) Recommended Firmware Version (IOS Version)
IR807, IR809, and IR829 Single LTE 15.8(3)M2a 15.9(3)M3
IR829 AP 15.3(3)JK 15.3(3)JK5
IR829 Dual LTE 15.9(3)M2a 15.9(3)M3
IR1101 17.4.1 (for Application management, SEA 17.4.1) 17.06.02

Note: Factory resetting an network device restores the network device to its original firmware version. See Updating firmware to upgrade the network device to the latest version.

Latest supported eCVD template versions

The following configuration template updates are available and supported for this release.

  • Default configuring template for all platforms: v2.6 (same as earlier releases)
  • Default eCVD Basic Templates:
    • IR829 : 1.92
    • IR829 AP : 1.82
    • IR1101: 1.94
  • Default eCVD Advanced Templates:
    • IR829: 1.96
    • IR829 AP: 1.81
    • IR1101: 1.93

Network device interfaces support for onboarding

The following interfaces are supported when onboarding network devices to IoT OD using the default-configuration template. Only these supported interfaces provide monitoring data in the Dashboard page, and in the device details Monitoring tab (Inventory > device > Monitoring). Currently, dual active/active LTE is not supported on any platform below in our default template.

Platform Ethernet WAN Cellular
IR807 FastEthernet0 Cellular0
IR809 GigabitEthernet0 Cellular0
IR829-LTE (single modem GigabitEthernet0, LAN (over SVI): GigabitEthernet 1 ,2, 3, 4 Cellular0
IR829-2LTE (dual modem) GigabitEthernet0, LAN (over SVI): GigabitEthernet 1 Cellular0/0 Cellular1/0
IR1101 GigabitEthernet0/0/0 Cellular0/1/0
IR1800 GigabitEthernet0/0/0 Cellular0/4/0

November 10, 2021

Feature Description
The eCVD basic template loads in Form View as the default for new accounts. Configuration will be available in Form View by default at group and device level. To update CLI at the group, disable Form View.

Resolved Caveats

CDETs Description
CSCvz51323 Dashboard Map resets zoom level every 1 minute.
CSCvz45732 IR1101 firmware download retry issues resolved.
CSCvz93486 Latitude and longitude details are missing after editing a single-device configuration and saving but return after next periodic metric auto-refresh.

Supported firmware

Edge Device Minimal Firmware Version (IOS Version) Recommended Firmware Version (IOS Version)
IR807, IR809, and IR829 Single LTE 15.8(3)M2a 15.9(3)M3
IR829 AP 15.3(3)JK 15.3(3)JK5
IR829 Dual LTE 15.9(3)M2a 15.9(3)M3
IR1101 17.4.1 (for Application management, SEA 17.4.1) 17.06.01a

Note: Factory resetting an network device restores the network device to its original firmware version. See Updating firmware to upgrade the network device to the latest version.

Latest supported eCVD template versions

The following configuration template updates are available and supported for this release.

  • Default bootstrap template for all platforms: v2.6 (same as earlier releases)
  • Default eCVD Basic Templates:
    • IR829 : 1.92
    • IR829 AP : 1.82
    • IR1101: 1.94
  • Default eCVD Advanced Templates:
    • IR829: 1.96
    • IR829 AP: 1.81
    • IR1101: 1.93

Network device Interfaces support for on-boarding

The following interfaces are supported when on-boarding network devices to IoT OD using the default-configuration template. Only these supported interfaces provide monitoring data in the Dashboard page, and in the device details Monitoring tab (Inventory > device > Monitoring).

Platform Ethernet WAN Cellular
IR807 FastEthernet0 Cellular0
IR809 GigabitEthernet0 Cellular0
IR829-LTE (single modem GigabitEthernet0, LAN (over SVI): GigabitEthernet 1 ,2, 3, 4 Cellular0
IR829-2LTE (dual modem) GigabitEthernet0, LAN (over SVI): GigabitEthernet 1 Cellular0/0 Cellular1/0
IR1101 GigabitEthernet0/0/0 Cellular0/1/0
IR1800 GigabitEthernet0/0/0 Cellular0/4/0

September 28, 2021

New and updated features

Feature Description Details
Create an organization using your existing Smart Account This improved process allows you to quickly set up the IoT OD cloud for a new organization using the "Create an Account" option in the log-in screen. Set up IoT Dashboard
Event log enhancements * Device-specific events used to be shown in Audit only in earlier releases.
* Device-specific events are now shown in Operation > Events in addition to the Audit Trail.
* The device events include configuration push, firmware update, and reboot events.
View Events and Alerts
Device Configuration Tab In the EDM > Inventory > Device view, a new Device Configuration tab has replaced the Running Configuration tab.
Use this page to push the configuration to a device, view the current running-configuration, and view the Access Point configuration (where applicable). You can also download the running configuration and AP configuration.
Edit the config for a specific device
Application Management You can now install applications on device groups, and easily refresh and view installation details. The Resource Profile is also matched to the specific device type.

Upgrade or downgrade applications by changing the app version on a network device. New Filter and Device Refresh options are also available.
Install application on devices

Open Caveats

CDETs Description Symptoms Impact Workaround
CSCvz68114 Group level configuration takes precedence over device-level configuration.
To set device-level config, each parameter at the group level needs to be set to "per device." If not set, and if user tries to modify at device level, it will not take effect.
Some section-level parameters such as NTP, NAT, or toggling VPN enable/disable or WiFi enable/disable may appear to not take effect.
Currently no error is thrown that group-level setting is taking precedence.
Platforms: all
Currently no error is thrown that group-level setting is taking precedence.
In upcoming Dec2021 release, we will enhance to ensure any group-level only setting is not even editable at device level.
The enable/disable toggles for features will be removed.
Current functionality has no impact.
For those validating negative workflows, this will be enhanced in upcoming release.
CSCvz65925 IR829 shows access point (AP) Registration failure after configuration push or onboarding. AP shows Registration failure in Events during onboarding or on active config push.
For example, the NVRAM in the AP may be full.
Platform: IR829 AP
For example, the NVRAM in the AP may be full. Once we del:nvram:.cer and onboard again would work
A future release will address such cases.
CSCvz46467 In some rare cases, when we move between different configuration templates, we may notice the bootstrapping error "Invalid configuration commands 'crypto keyring local flexkey'". Bootstrapping error "Invalid configuration commands 'crypto keyring local flexkey'". Platform: all In this rare occurrence, device may be stuck in Bootstrapping, recovery would be to manually delete the NVRAM and manually delete show run | i crypto commands via CLI. Then re-onboard.
Investigation and plan to enhance cleanup in progress for upcoming releases.
CSCvz51323 Dashboard Map resets zoom level every 1 minute. N/A Platform: N/A This fix planned for October end production release.
CSCvz45732 Constant firmware download retry attempts. Firmware download for IR1101 will not work for a while.
After an hour or so, download works again.
Temporary IR1101 firmware download failures. If a temporary IR1101 firmware download disruption occurs (for example, when there are some infrastructure maintenance updates), try again in an hour. This issue will be resolved in a future release. Contact Cisco support for assistance, if necessary.
CSCvz93486 Latitude and longitude details are missing after editing a single-device configuration and saving but return after next periodic metric auto-refresh. When creating a device and adding initial information such as longitude and latitude, click away, now longitude/latitude information is missing. Temporarily: Saved device-level configuration information is missing. After saving device-configuration, at next periodic metric auto-refresh, longitude and latitude information returns. A fix is planned for the next release.

Resolved Caveats

CDETs Description
CSCvy93359 IR1101 FW downgrade had occasional failures.
CSCvz22163 (IAM) Twice over login attempts shown in quick succession with new login format. No functional impact.
CSCvz30504 (IAM) On Firefox browser, UI looses format sometimes, but actual login functionality succeeds.

Supported firmware

Edge Device Minimal Firmware Version (IOS Version) Recommended Firmware Version (IOS Version)
IR807, IR809, and IR829 Single LTE 15.8(3)M2a 15.9(3)M3
IR829 AP 15.3(3)JK 15.3(3)JK5
IR829 Dual LTE 15.9(3)M2a 15.9(3)M3
IR1101 17.01.01 (for Application management, SEA 17.4.1) 17.06.01a

Note: Factory resetting an network device restores the network device to its original firmware version. See Updating firmware to upgrade the network device to the latest version.

Latest supported eCVD template versions

The following configuration template updates are available and supported for this release.

  • Default bootstrap template for all platforms: v2.6 (same as earlier releases)
  • Default eCVD Basic Templates:
    • IR829 : 1.92
    • IR829 AP : 1.82
    • IR1101: 1.94
  • Default eCVD Advanced Templates:
    • IR829: 1.96
    • IR829 AP: 1.81
    • IR1101: 1.93

Network device Interfaces support for on-boarding

The following interfaces are supported when on-boarding network devices to IoT OD using the default-configuration template. Only these supported interfaces provide monitoring data in the Dashboard page, and in the device details Monitoring tab (Inventory > device > Monitoring).

Platform Ethernet WAN Cellular
IR807 FastEthernet0 Cellular0
IR809 GigabitEthernet0 Cellular0
IR829-LTE (single modem GigabitEthernet0, LAN (over SVI): GigabitEthernet 1 ,2, 3, 4 Cellular0
IR829-2LTE (dual modem) GigabitEthernet0, LAN (over SVI): GigabitEthernet 1 Cellular0/0 Cellular1/0
IR1101 GigabitEthernet0/0/0 Cellular0/1/0
IR1800 GigabitEthernet0/0/0 Cellular0/4/0

August 10, 2021

New features

Feature Details More Information
Secure Equipment Access (SEA) You can now open a remote session for equipment directly from the Edge Device Manager (EDM) map-based dashboard.

External Equipment Management now lets users manage devices that are connected to another device. For example, a camera management server can be used to configure and manage the cameras attached to that server.
IT Admin users: Add devices that can be accessed

Add connected clients

Open a remote session on a device
Identity and Access Management (IAM) The Login page for IoT-OD has changed UI, in appearance only. No change in functionality. Log in to Cisco IoT Operations Dashboard

Open caveats

CDETs Description Symptoms Conditions Impact Workaround
CSCvz22163 (IAM) Twice over login attempts shown in quick succession with new login format. No functional impact. When we click on login page, it shows login failure and quickly self-resets When login page remains idle for a while No functional impact to login None
CSCvz30504 (IAM) On firefox browser, UI loses format sometimes, but actual login functionality succeeds. UI Login page loses format At random times, with the firefox browser No functional impact to login None

See Known issues for issues and workarounds in this release.

Supported firmware

Edge Device Minimal Firmware Version (IOS Version) Recommended Firmware Version (IOS Version)
IR807, IR809, and IR829 Single LTE 15.8(3)M2a 15.9(3)M2a
IR829 AP 15.3.3JI1 15.3(3)JK5
IR829 Dual LTE 15.9(3)M2a 15.9(3)M3
IR1101 17.01.01 17.06.01

Note: Factory resetting an network device restores the network device to it's original firmware version. See Updating firmware to upgrade the network device to the latest version.

Important: If using eCVD template 1.7 or 1.8 for IR829 AP, update the following parameters in Configuration Group > Edit Config > AP Configuration:

             wgbSsid to wgbSSID

             wgbPsk to wgbPSK

Impact: If we register devices with wgbSsid/wgbPsk as the parameters in the AP configuration, instead of the revised wgbSSID/wgbPSK, AP may encounter registration failure during initial onboarding as it is currently case sensitive.

For an already onboarded device, there is no functional impact. Modifying the configuration will have no impact on existing device functionality.

Application Management release information

Known Limitations/Issues

  • An application can be installed on IR1101 device only it has a network interface defined in the package configuration (package.yaml).
  • Sorting of some fields in App Management device/instance tables does not work (CSCvy98685).
  • On IR829 Releases, IOx may at times fail bring-up due to one of the device IOx components (Secure storage) in IR829. One timing related scenario CSCvw60852 fixed in 159-3.M4. Pending scenario CSCvz30108. Is a known limitation on the device end, not on the IoT-Operations Dashboard.
    • Symptoms: Application Management may state — Application management services are not running/found. SEA Application may be offline. This especially happens if IOx configurations are pushed to device after device bring-up. If application fails to come up , please share following with IoT-OD team for investigation:
    • Downloaded tech support logs with IoT-OD team for investigation.
    • Troubleshooting > show commands:
      • show platform hypervisor
      • show version
      • show platform guest-os
      • show iox host list detail
    • Workaround: Router reload (with IOx configs present)

Resolved Limitations/Issues

  • More than 10 applications can now be uploaded per tenant.

July 13, 2021

New features

Feature Details More Information
Application Management You can now install and run Cisco IOx applications in edge devices using the IoT Dashboard. For example, the Edge Intelligence EI Agent app.

This feature is part of a free trail promotion which will run until December 31, 2021, for customers purchasing standard IoT Operations Dashboard subscription licenses. This will provide free access to these features until December 31, 2022, subject to Section 2.3 of the EULA. Please read and understand Section 2.3 of the EULA before using this feature.

Contact TAC support to enable this feature.
Application Management
Secure Equipment Access (SEA) Initial release. Use SEA to remotely access and interact with both the gateways and connected devices. This can be used to directly troubleshoot, or monitor the IoT devices in your deployment.

This feature is part of a free trail promotion which will run until December 31, 2021, for customers purchasing standard IoT Operations Dashboard subscription licenses. This will provide free access to these features until December 31, 2022, subject to Section 2.3 of the EULA. Please read and understand Section 2.3 of the EULA before using this feature.

Contact TAC support to enable this feature.
SEA Overview

Application Manager release information

Supported hardware devices

  • IR1101
  • IR829
  • IR809

Supported firmware

Devices Version
IR1101 17.04 or later
IR809 15.8(3)M2a or later
IR829 15.8(3)M2a or later

Known Limitations

  1. Only 10 applications can be uploaded per tenant at a given time (each of these 10 apps can have multiple versions). Remove the unwanted/unused apps to make space for new apps. This limit will be enhanced in a future release.
  2. An application can be installed on IR1101 device only it has a network interface defined in the package configuration (package.yaml).

Troubleshooting Tips

  1. In the application details view many details will be marked as “Unavailable” if the application developer has not provided that information, or if the app was installed using a different system such as Cisco GMM.
  2. If a device that was successfully onboarded to EDM is still not shown as "Discovered" in the installation workflow, check the following:
    • The group to which the device is assigned should use the right configuration templates which enables IOx and setup the necessary networking.
    • The device should be up and running and the event log for the device in EDM should indicate that IOx module is added to the device during bootstrapping.
    • IOx should be up and running on the device (Use appropriate device specific IOS commands to check this. E.g.: "show iox host list detail" for IR8x9 devices).
    • Try the "Device Refresh" action from the installation workflow and check the results after few seconds.
  3. If application installation fails, check the error message in the instance page. If the reason for failure is a configuration or resource availability issue, try the following:
    • Install the application again using the correct configuration values for the application.
    • Uninstall the application, then reinstall it using the correct configuration values.

June 15, 2021

New features

Feature Details More Information
Configuration update enhancements Configuration changes can be made if a device is offline. Changes are applied when the device comes back online. Edit the config for a device

Create or edit device groups
Single Sign On enhancements SSO now allows authorization, in addition to the previously supported authentication, if supported by your identify provider. Enable Single Sign-On
IOT Dashboard enhancements The Dashboard now displays the status of the network devices and alerts in your organization. Click a number to view more information for the devices and alerts with that status. View device info on a map

Monitor Device Status

View Events and Alerts

Add connected clients
Monitor Meraki camera alerts and video Meraki cameras can be added to your IoT Dashboard where they can generate alerts based on threshold settings such as vehicle count, people count, and motion detection events.
You can view video from the camera and generate email notifications when the camera threshold alerts occur.
Add and monitor Meraki cameras

View Events and Alerts

View device info on a map

Manage Notifications

Add connected clients

See Known issues for issues and workarounds in this release.

May 6, 2021

New features

Feature Details More Information
Include event log for events like reboot and push The following system logs are now available:
* Audit log for EDM API
* Reboot event
* Firmware update event
View Events and Alerts

Resolved issues

CDETs Description
CSCvy12249 Device type filter not working for groups and templates
CSCvx99274 Partial configuration needed to support new IXM platform image not applied to CSR on prod clusters
CSCvx87956 Double API call for device list page
CSCvx84498 Clicking on groups takes you to template tab
CSCvx79520 Only first page of audit results are visible
CSCvx78343 Unable to add device gateway - failures with JDBC errors
CSCvx74072 "Alert rule" can only be created on first 20 groups
CSCvx74059 Device registration fails with the error that value for wgbSsid is null
CSCvx73497 Periodic interval configured as 60 minutes although group properties show it as 30 minutes
CSCvx73144 Browser flooded with "Failure Error: Bad Request - Access is denied" when adding API key to organization
CSCvx71032 User profile phone number format with two and three-digit codes
CSCvx58167 IR829 AP registering twice with different SKUs causing application failure
CSCvx21443 Manual GPS coordinates overwritten to 0.0 when metrics updates
CSCvx09971 IOT Dashboard - no data seen in two dashlets
CSCvx38101 Unfriendly error message when Configuration push fails
CSCvw02290 Audit page datetime & profile page last logged in format not matching UX Unification recommendation

March 16, 2021

New features

Feature Details More Information
Edit existing alert rules You can now edit existing alert rules. Receive device alert notifications

February 25, 2021

Resolved issues

CDETs Description
CSCvw99672 Device registration is successful only after multiple file upload errors.

February 2, 2021

New features

Feature Details More Information
Email notifications Users can now subscribe to email notifications for security and device firmware updates published by Cisco. Users can also subscribe to notifications when a delete device request is made. Manage notifications
Request device deletion Custom user roles can be created that allow users to request that a device be deleted. When such as request is made, an email notification is sent to the Tenant Admins who subscribe to that topic. The admin can then delete the device, if approved. This prevents operators from directly deleting devices. Delete a Device
Notifications for major device events Alert rules can be created to notify users via email or SMS when critical events occur. For example, when a device or interface goes down. Manage notifications
Location history for GPS enabled devices A history of GPS co-ordinates can be viewed on a map for GPS-enabled devices. Location history is available for one hour time intervals in this release. Track device location