Supported edge devices and firmware

The following table lists the supported network devices and firmware versions for EI.

Network Device IOx Version IOS Version Included
IR809 15.9.3M2a
IR829 15.9.3M2a
IR1101 17.03.02a (recommended)
IC3000 2.3 N/A
IR1800 17.06.01a
IE3400 17.9.2

Open IOS/IOx caveats

The following are issues related to the IOS/IOx version running on supported EI network devices.

Caveat ID Device Version Description
CSCvw76947 IR829 - 15.9.3M2a After upgrade to 15.9.3M2a, GOS to serial port in IOS is not working
CSCvw08412 IR1101 - 17.03.01 Issue with serial port access
CSCvv99255 IR829 - 15.9.3M2a "Internal error, Secure storage has already created a key: secure storage error" on EI app start
CSCvw46666 IR829 -15.9.3M2 App state moved from RUNNING to DEPLOYED state on accessing bulky logs in Lifecycle Manager
CSCvv89784 IC3K - 1.3.1 IR1101 - 17.04.01 Unable to download the rotated .gz logs
CSCvw75121 IR1101 - 17.04.01 Tech support logs do not have the application specific logs

See the EI release notes for caveats related to Edge Intelligence.