October 12, 2020

Industrial Asset Vision 1.0.0

Supported features

  • Cloud SaaS application with support for multiple organizations (multi-tenancy).
  • Sensor and network devices onboarding through the mobile application.
  • Operational dashboard (OT/LoB) for Asset Tracking.
  • Operational dashboard (OT/LoB) for Asset Telemetry (temperature, humidity, door open/close, water leak detection, light and motion detection).
  • Export of ad hoc telemetry data.
  • GIS map support for visualizing asset and sensor location.
  • Asset management views.
  • Sensors and network devices' inventory and health views.
  • Alert generation and notification.
  • Troubleshooting sensors and network devices.
  • Report generation and download.
  • Streaming sensor data to the customer’s external application (MQTT).


  • The Message Inspector is currently beta functionality and not fully implemented. Cisco will enhance the Message Inspector in future releases and make it generally available.
  • The Contact Tracing feature is a beta functionality and is not ready for production use.
  • Some Cisco sensors may have QR codes that are too small to scan with the mobile application. We advise installers to either scan the full-size QR code on the packaging or enter the DevEUI manually in the mobile application.
  • Only public network devices are supported currently.
  • Customers need to ensure either of the following:
    • Each IXM gets a unique public IP when communicating with the IoT Operations Dashboard (non-NAT deployments scenario).
    • If two or more IXM are behind the same NAT, then the deployment sequence of IXMs should be staggered i.e. please maintain a gap of 10 minutes between two IXM starts.

Open caveats

Caveat ID Description
CSCvv62905 Sensor- AV200 - At low temperatures, the battery percentage level keeps fluctuating with each variation in temperature.
CSCvv65289 Sensor - AV207 - The occupancy sensor's QR code is too small to scan with IAV mobile app.
CSCvv65599 IPsec tunnel between IXM and Rainier is often unsuccessful when multiple IXMs are present.